Dyeing Synthetic Hair...


Well-Known Member
This may be a silly question... but has anyone ever managed to successfully dye/cellophane synthetic hair. I looked everywhere for a Janet Riya half wig, i ordered a 1b as my first choice and a 2 as my second choice, they emailed me to say they they were completely sold out and wouldn't have any in stock for a while . So i chose a 1B/33 and 4. So they sent a 4 and it's so much lighter than i imagined. I kind of want to do a cellophane on it:look:

Anyone ever tried to dye synthetic hair...or am i delusional?:look::lol:

Thanks! What kind of rinse did you use. I only have Sebastians Laminate/Cellophane here. Do you think that would work? And did you just follow the same instructions?
This was about 5 years ago, so I'm not sure what the brand was. It was probably Jazzing Colors or the rinse that comes in the gold bottle (can't think of the name). I have used a cellophane before though.

I didn't follow the instructions AT ALL, but that's because the weave was already in my hair. I have done a million rinses and I pretty much freestyled.
I searched online back when i was a lf wig wearer and i found that fabric dye works best. I used rit liquid fabric dye in dark brown. Just make sure and coat the lace with vaseline before you color if your peice has any.
Update! So, i used Sebastians Cellophane in dark brown but that didn't work at all :-( , I searched some more online and decided to go with fabric dye or acrylic ink. I bought the ink because it was cheaper and it worked!! My wig went from a 4 to between 1b and 2, which i'm satisfied with for now.

I followed this youtube tutorial but instead of FW brand acrylic ink i used Speedball India Ink in Super Black and 50% rubbing alcohol.


I searched online back when i was a lf wig wearer and i found that fabric dye works best. I used rit liquid fabric dye in dark brown. Just make sure and coat the lace with vaseline before you color if your peice has any.
MyInvisibleChyrsalis- What temperature water did you use? I think Rit's directions call for hot water, but I've seen a lot of synthetic wigs suggest using cold or cool water when washing. And did you test the color on a small section of the wig first?