Yeah :yep: that is what I was trying to say! From the previous post it seems like they said it was fake. I just listening to their conversation and it seem otherwise.

Right. I'm watching her now too. It's the Good Hair episode with Chris Rock and she said it's all her hair. She also said she is relaxed and not natural to settle that debate. Somebody in the audience asked her about it. If you watch her often enough you can tell when she's wearing her own hair and when she's not. It looks like real hair. Her weaves/wigs look like just that. Weave.

On another note - On a board full of self proclaimed hair experts I find it funny that people still can't tell real hair from fake hair and then have the audacity to get upset when somebody weave checks them. If you can't tell why do you expect a random person who isn't into hair care to be able to? I'm just saying. :look:
Right. I'm watching her now too. It's the Good Hair episode with Chris Rock and she said it's all her hair. She also said she is relaxed and not natural to settle that debate. Somebody in the audience asked her about it. If you watch her often enough you can tell when she's wearing her own hair and when she's not. It looks like real hair. Her weaves/wigs look like just that. Weave.

On another note - On a board full of self proclaimed hair experts I find it funny that people still can't tell real hair from fake hair and then have the audacity to get upset when somebody weave checks them. If you can't tell why do you expect a random person who isn't into hair care to be able to? I'm just saying. :look:

:yep: that is what I am watching now, oh well she set the record straight. It is nice, I am happy she is wearing her hair, she just said she is going to have to go back to weaves and wigs because this is too much for her.
i'm watching the same episode and came here to tell yall lol you guys beat me to it!

and vainღ♥♡jane, i cant air dry and then pull it back because my hair lays funny and just looks bad. but the diffuser with a little bit of gel did the trick and i was very happy with the results lol
Right. I'm watching her now too. It's the Good Hair episode with Chris Rock and she said it's all her hair. She also said she is relaxed and not natural to settle that debate. Somebody in the audience asked her about it. If you watch her often enough you can tell when she's wearing her own hair and when she's not. It looks like real hair. Her weaves/wigs look like just that. Weave.

On another note - On a board full of self proclaimed hair experts I find it funny that people still can't tell real hair from fake hair and then have the audacity to get upset when somebody weave checks them. If you can't tell why do you expect a random person who isn't into hair care to be able to? I'm just saying. :look:

on this, i will be the 1st to admit that if a lace front or weave is done right, i cant tell, AT ALL. but i dont think its the actual fact that people cant tell the difference between our hair and a weave, but the actual disrespect of personal space that comes with it.

when someone approaches me and asks if i have a weave and i say "no, this is my real hair" i dont want that to be followed by a hand on my scalp or tugging on my curls. in the worse case scenario (one which happens oh too often) is when some one doesnt even ask about your hair or get permission to touch you, they just do! ugh, now that erks the ooh weee outta me! lol

now that's just me, i cant speak for the rest of the chicas on the weave check epidemic, but i would just assume that's where the real problem lays, and not with the actual presumption that its weave.

but back on topic, that shows exactly how well i dont know weaves lol cause i really just figured that was a wig or something lol
on this, i will be the 1st to admit that if a lace front or weave is done right, i cant tell, AT ALL. but i dont think its the actual fact that people cant tell the difference between our hair and a weave, but the actual disrespect of personal space that comes with it.

when someone approaches me and asks if i have a weave and i say "no, this is my real hair" i dont want that to be followed by a hand on my scalp or tugging on my curls. in the worse case scenario (one which happens oh too often) is when some one doesnt even ask about your hair or get permission to touch you, they just do! ugh, now that erks the ooh weee outta me! lol

now that's just me, i cant speak for the rest of the chicas on the weave check epidemic, but i would just assume that's where the real problem lays, and not with the actual presumption that its weave.

but back on topic, that shows exactly how well i dont know weaves lol cause i really just figured that was a wig or something lol

Nah I understand totally. I wouldn't want somebody touching me either. But when it follows with the whole soapbox speech about "I want to prove that black women can grow long hair one head at a time, why do people think most bw with long hair wear weave (how about because that's true? :look:), I'm gonna do a white girl hair flip in the haters face, etc." type speech it makes you wonder doesn't it? Why are they so upset that somebody had the audacity to think their hair was weave but theyre the first ones to call a weave out? That doesn't make any sense but I've seen it happen in a plenty a thread here on this board.

Real talk most BW especially the ones on this site want to grow long hair because we know our people value long hair (espeically those who have never had long hair in their whole life and have been pining for it) and it will raise their stock. People don't want to admit it but it's the truth. There are some who just want healthy hair or want to get their hair back on track after a set back. Of course we all want healthy, pretty hair but some people don't have the same MO.
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