Dumb question?? If so I am sorry....


New Member
But I have to know. Why can't a black person put a white persons perm in their hair??? No I don't mean a curly kit. I mean the chemical service whites use to make their hair curly! They call it a perm and it comes out curly! How does them chemical in theirs compare to the ones in our Texturizer, Jerri curls and or relaxers! will it not take on our hair or will it take it out. Does anyone know. Yes I know you can get this look with a rollerset. But of course it isnt permanent. I mean getting the perm on natural, virgin hair just like whites do? I'm told that in beauty school they teach you that black and white hair is the same(not saying that is true or not) but if they are the same then why are you told to use two different chemicals? Why CAN't you use the same chemicals???
But I have to know. Why can't a black person put a white persons perm in their hair??? No I don't mean a curly kit. I mean the chemical service whites use to make their hair curly! They call it a perm and it comes out curly! How does them chemical in theirs compare to the ones in our Texturizer, Jerri curls and or relaxers! will it not take on our hair or will it take it out. Does anyone know. Yes I know you can get this look with a rollerset. But of course it isnt permanent. I mean getting the perm on natural, virgin hair just like whites do? I'm told that in beauty school they teach you that black and white hair is the same(not saying that is true or not) but if they are the same then why are you told to use two different chemicals? Why CAN't you use the same chemicals???

It's not a dumb question, the Perm you're referring to that whites get is similar to our jherri curl, they call it a perm, short for permanent wave , the difference is they skip the first step we do in the jherri , of straighting the hair first with chemicals, but the process is the same, we just call it something different. The perm that black people put in their hair to make it straight is short for permanent relaxer, and no the white perm won't take our hair out, but it won't take without the first step I mentioned before.
Thanks for the reply... I wonder why do we have to put activator and moisturizer in the hair which tends to give it a limp appearance. Their curls seems to have a more natural look to it...
I don't think one has to use activator, but the curls will look frizzy if they don't. A body wave (wave nouveau) is less greasy than a jheri curl and doesn't seem to/appear to use the same amount of activator that a jheri does.

I believe the chemical used for permanent curling process (whether black or white hair) is ammonium thioglycolate. (sp?)

For permanent straightening one of the following is used: calcium hydroxide, guanidine hydroxide, lithium hydroxide, or sodium hydroxide.
Thanks for the reply... I wonder why do we have to put activator and moisturizer in the hair which tends to give it a limp appearance. Their curls seems to have a more natural look to it...

Because our hair requires more moisture, the chemical processing further adds to this.