Drying hair before braiding?


New Member
I had read that air dried hair should not be over-manipulated. And since braiding requires manipulation of the hair, I do not air dry hair before braiding. However, I feel it's important to wash and deep condition hair just before getting braids. I plan on getting cornrows again today, and I have just washed and deep conditioned. I sat under a hard bonnet dryer to dry and now my hair is 85% dry. It's a little bushy, even though it's relaxed( about 3 months ago was last touch up). So do I have to use a blow dryer to straighten it all out before I go to the braider's? Or can I go with my hair looking like a puffball. Is it okay to have relaxed hair braided when it is not straightened out? I'd rather not use the blow dryer at all.
Melodee, if I were doing your hair, I'd not need you to have it straight. I'd even prefer it as it is, having had more experience braiding natural Type 4 hair than relaxed or caucasian hair. (That's when I was patient enough to do someone else's hair. The last time I did someone else's hair, I so wanted to beat the crap out of that person for putting me through the torture. :lol: 8 hours of standing up (we're talking tiny 1/2 centimeter thick microbraids) was not fun. Talk of PMSing at the wrong time.
At least when I do my own, I can quit when I get bored and don a hat or cap or headdress till the next time I feel like it. But usually with the distraction of 4 videos, I can sit through the 8 hours without noticing.

Some hair stylists insist on your hair being straight before they can braid it - coz that's what they are used to. Some don't mind either way. Maybe you should call yours and see what they say. If they insist that your hair be straight, I'd get it straight at home before going there (meaning blow dry it yourself) so that they don't have to press it or blow dry it for you with what might be "unfriendly" heat. Plus it could save you the extra money they might charge you for that extra step. If they don't mind your hair as it is, I'd go get my hair done without the blow-drying. Just make sure you're both on the same page when you talk (that they understand how it looks) before you go so you don't get any surprises. Maybe your question should be, "Are you able to braid type 4A/B hair natural without blowdrying it regardless of the texture of the hair extensions' piece?" If the answer is, "Of course!" Then you can bet your bottom dollar they can do the entire spectrum of our hair from 1A to 4B coz I'm sure they see more relaxed hair for braiding than they do natural. Seems most people think one needs to relax one's hair before one can braid it.

Good luck.
Thanks Nonie. You've been so helpful! I only wish you could cornrow my hair, sinse you are my hair sistah and all.
My braider will tell me in a min. your hair is tooo straight..but I cant come in there looking like a mess..too many guys be up in there.. I gotta look presentable at least..

Before I get braids I always deep condition my hair and after I take it out too.
The kinkier/curlier/wavier the better for me! I can get a much better grip and braid sooo much better than I can with straight hair. Before I started braiding hair I was told the more new growth the better too because the hair is stronger.
Melodee, I might make an exception for you if you lived down the road from me.
You'd have to be prepared to feel negative vibes as I start to tire and bore
but at least you can be assured I'd not screw up the braids even if I'd be hating by the time I was done.
Perhaps when I'm done you can make it up to me by presenting me with a box of chocolates...

Oh and don't forget to rent enough good suspense/thriller movies to carry us through... I consider those "coupons" that could be used as part of the payment.

[EDIT: Uhmmm...Melodee, I do singles. I wouldn't trust me to do extension cornrows. Now just plain old cornrows with no piece, I could do those but wouldn't dare charge you. Although when I heard what they charge to cornrow guys' hair, I thought "Sheesh! I'm in the wrong business!"
Coz I swear I could pull off some of what I see around and more.]
ahhh movies! Thanks for the tip nonie! I'll make sure I have some (or tell someone to bring them) the next time I agree to braid someone's hair.
is it really bad to braid air dried hair

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think so at all. I think it's really a matter of the hair stylist having difficulty working with hair that isn't blow-dried or pressed straight due to inexperience. Air-dried hair I'd say is happier than blow-dried hair as it has endured less "torture" (for want of a better word).
I have been wearing braids for about 8-9 years, having taken them out for any length of time only 3 times, and have not had a relaxer in my hair the entire time. I do my own braids, and hate how slick the hair is when it's straight, it just doesn't grab. Another thing that causes difficulty for me is, cutting or trimming right before- the ends just pop out from the braids.
Dry hair (not necessarily "DRIED" hair) is easier, since the wet hair clings and wraps around my fingers
My hair takes SOO much longer than 8 hours (17-20), because of the thick crop of hair my Italian mother bestowed upon me, and I do NOT like to do anything else in the process that takes up even MORE time!!