Dry Skin Brushing for Hair Growth


Well-Known Member
Hey girls, just wanted to share this hair growth tip with you. We already know that exercise boosts hair growth and regeneration of the cells. Why is that? Because,blood flow is awesome. So, with that said, I have a question: Have any of you ever incorporated dry skin brushing into your regimen? Basically you brush your dry skin with an all-natural fiber-bristle brush in the direction of your heart. This stimulates blood flow and cleanses the lymphatic system. It's also said to bring back elasticity to the skin. I do dry brushing prior to a scalp massage. Then I hop into a shower and do contrast showers (2 mins hot, 2 mins cold) to rev up the body. Works like a charm. Try it ;) I do it in the morning to wake me up for class, and post-exercise prior to my shower.


PS: Brushes can be purchased at Whole Foods or on E-bay. Google for more info. I have a Yerba Prima. It lasts forever. It was about $7.
I haven't done it lately but in the past I did dry skin brushing in the way you described after learning how good it is for the skin and circulation. Until you mentioned it, I haven't thought about skin brushing for our hair. This sounds like a great idea! :yep:
My family started doing this about a year and a half ago. My mother has been visiting a holistic doctor and this is part of the rituals that she has to do to feel better. I didn't think about it promoting hair growth...interesting!
pinayprincess said:
holistic practices are GREAT for the hair. wanna get a challenge started, ladies?

I'm in seeing as I'm supposed to be doing this anyway (I'm a real slacker)

One thing that my family does (holistic practice) after brushing (towards the heart-body and the face-circular motions) spray body with apple cider vinegar....................this ish burns like ALL HELL! but after continuing use it doesn't burn. The ACV gets rid of the toxins that come out through your pores.

I know the smell can get to some people. It use to bother me, so I make sure to light a scented candle before I do my routine. I usually bathe with some kind of natural cocoa butter or shea butter soap. As you can imagine this is no in and out job so I usually do it at night before bed (get rid of those toxins-another way to keep germs out of your bed, besides changing the sheets weekly) and it helps me to sleep (that and chamomile tea-lol)
wow, ACV body spray? cool! I'll try this week! :)
Okay, here are the parameters of the Dry Skin Brush Challenge:

Brush daily, prior to AM shower or post-workout, followed by a contrast shower.
Keep the brush in the medicine cabinet, or someplace in the bathroom away from water.
Update daily. :D

PS: I did mine already.
pinayprincess said:
holistic practices are GREAT for the hair. wanna get a challenge started, ladies?
I have a dry brush from back in the day of Anuskka, an anti cellulite program http://www.anushkaonline.com/ (which I see is still going strong) it's definately good for the skin! Funny you should mention it. I'm going to dig out the old brush :grin:
NewYorkgyrl said:
I'm in seeing as I'm supposed to be doing this anyway (I'm a real slacker)

One thing that my family does (holistic practice) after brushing (towards the heart-body and the face-circular motions) spray body with apple cider vinegar....................this ish burns like ALL HELL! but after continuing use it doesn't burn. The ACV gets rid of the toxins that come out through your pores.

I know the smell can get to some people. It use to bother me, so I make sure to light a scented candle before I do my routine. I usually bathe with some kind of natural cocoa butter or shea butter soap. As you can imagine this is no in and out job so I usually do it at night before bed (get rid of those toxins-another way to keep germs out of your bed, besides changing the sheets weekly) and it helps me to sleep (that and chamomile tea-lol)
Gosh, ya'll sure do know how to pamper yourselves...this is so what I need right now :cry2:
I'm a yoga freak and I do an inverted pose daily. In yoga, headstands and similar asanas are considered fountains of youth because it's good for your circulation if your blood flows backwards at least once a day. Just reiterating the fact that good circulation encourages good hair growth and overall health.
I used to do this years ago when I was heavy into herbal remedies. I havent done it in a while tho. I've heard that the t-tapp exercise program incorporates it also.
I just started doing this about a month ago and I love the invigorating feeling afterwards. I'm going to add the ACV spray, that should be the bomb!.
for the dry brushing, you need a 100% all-natural plant fiber brush. i got mine from whole foods. it should specify that it is a "skin brush"
pinayprincess said:
Hey girls, just wanted to share this hair growth tip with you. We already know that exercise boosts hair growth and regeneration of the cells. Why is that? Because,blood flow is awesome. So, with that said, I have a question: Have any of you ever incorporated dry skin brushing into your regimen? Basically you brush your dry skin with an all-natural fiber-bristle brush in the direction of your heart. This stimulates blood flow and cleanses the lymphatic system. It's also said to bring back elasticity to the skin. I do dry brushing prior to a scalp massage. Then I hop into a shower and do contrast showers (2 mins hot, 2 mins cold) to rev up the body. Works like a charm. Try it ;) I do it in the morning to wake me up for class, and post-exercise prior to my shower.


PS: Brushes can be purchased at Whole Foods or on E-bay. Google for more info. I have a Yerba Prima. It lasts forever. It was about $7.

I use to dry skin brush also but i've gotten away from it. I got the idea also from t-tapp and it really tightens up your skin. To increase blood flow, I do 15-30 minutes of exercise on my mini-trampoline which is also good for blood flow and lympathic drainage. I also lay on my slantboard for about 20 minutes everyday. Anything to keep the blood flowing and to get it to your head.
Hey gals!;)

Just popping in to share my luv of dry skin brushing.. I bought a new one only hours ago, as I need one for home and another for my gym bag..:lol:

-------------FYI--------Info from Amazon.com ! Happy Brushing;)

Should be used to create beautiful health skin and to clense the lymph system.

The best time to skin brush is right before your shower or bath. Most health experts recommend brushing when the skin is dry for best results. If you have poison ivy, skin rashes, infections or inflammatory problems such as psoriasis, do not brush that part of the skin. Begin with very gentle strokes and adapt the intensity of the brushing to match the sensitivity of your skin. There are different theories about the most effective method for brushing the skin. Here is a simple method that works. The basic principle is to brush from the outermost points of the body (hands and feet) towards the center. Start by brushing your feet and up your legs with smooth gentle strokes. Brush your hands and up your arms. Brush across your upper back and down the front and back of the torso. Cover the entire surface of the skin except for the more tender skin of the face and breasts. A slight flush due to increased blood circulation is normal, and shows that your skin brushing is working. Be careful not to brush so hard that your skin turns bright red. The total process takes only two or three minutes. When you are finished, step into your bath or shower. You will feel an invigorating, tingling sensation over your entire body.

Product Description
The Yerba Prima Tampico Skin Brush is a wonderful, revitalizing health and beauty aid. Removing the top layer of dead skin and stimulating the circulation of blood feeding the skin are essential for maintaining youthful, glowing and supple skin. Skin Brushing has been used throughout the world for centuries, and is making its way back into popularity. Dry skin brushing is one of the best ways to cleanse the skin without removing the protective mantle of acid and oils. It gently and effectively removes the top layer of dead skin cells with its build-up of dirt and acid, and deeply cleanses the pores. Skin brushing is one of the most powerful ways to cleanse the lymphatic system. Waste material is carried away from the cells by the blood and the lymph. Skin brushing stimulates the release of this material from the cells near the surface of the body. Eventually, most of the toxins along with their carrier cells, primarily lymphocytes, find their way to the colon for elimination. Skin brushing is also used by beauty salons as part of a program for removing cellulite. Skin brushing is most effective with an all-natural vegetable fiber brush, such as the Tampico Skin Brush. Make sure the brush isnt made of synthetic fiber since this can irritate the skin. A long handle is also helpful for reaching the back and entire body.

Gotta pass by Whole Foods on the way home...gonna slide my little green VW Bug in the drive and buy one!!
OT: Vixxen, your hair looks nice in your avatar!

Anywho, I've been drybrushing for about 2 years. Its leaves my skin oh so oh so oh soooooooooooooooo soft. I get my brushes from the local health food stores.