Dry Scalp


Hi guys,

I haven't been on here in a while and I've abandon all of my healthy hair practices. I notice that my scalp has been really dry and I have flakes. I don't usually have dandruff so I know my scalp must be really dry. Do anyone have any suggestions?
MN and Castor Oil, Tea Tree Oil helped my dry scalp
I don't have any MN on hand but I have castor oil and Tea tree oil. How did you use the oil?

Stargrazer613: I don't have any rosemary but I have Jojoba. Did you use it for a hot oil treatment?

Silverlotus: I was thinking about clarifying tonight but I was going to Keracare 1st lather but I will do a ACV rinse instead.
I don't have any MN on hand but I have castor oil and Tea tree oil. How did you use the oil?

Stargrazer613: I don't have any rosemary but I have Jojoba. Did you use it for a hot oil treatment?

Silverlotus: I was thinking about clarifying tonight but I was going to Keracare 1st lather but I will do a ACV rinse instead.

No, I just pour a tiny bit onto my fingertips and rub it on my scalp. I bought the rosemary oil from a website called mountainroseherbs.com...it's pretty good, it's infused in olive oil.

I also want to co-sign on ACV rinses those are great for the scalp, too. :yep:
I don't have any MN on hand but I have castor oil and Tea tree oil. How did you use the oil?

Stargrazer613: I don't have any rosemary but I have Jojoba. Did you use it for a hot oil treatment?

Silverlotus: I was thinking about clarifying tonight but I was going to Keracare 1st lather but I will do a ACV rinse instead.

I just put it on my scalp.