Dry Scalp..how do i prevent it?


New Member
whenever i do my hair ,i rarely notice like large flakes of dandruff. i think ive only seen that maybe once or twice but i do noticed that when i comb my hair sometimes my scalp looks white and just dry like ashy skin lol and i know some ppl usually take their comb and scratch the scalp or put some oil on it to remove it but is there really a way to avoid it.. i mean i take precautions like no direct head and using a moisturizing conditioner and some oils on my scalp when my hair is wet before styling but when i part my hair and comb i still see it. for now im just like whatever cause i dont see it really affecting my hair in general but i hate seeing dry scalp...

any suggestions on what could be the problem or what i can do about it?
I have this...I had this problem. Scalp massages are a must. I do a pre shampoo with Sauve Counut conditioner, olive oil, and brown sugar. I only leave it on for about 10-15 mins no heat and massage real good being sure to hit the problem spots. I also had to be more regular about washing once a week no fail.

Palm Kernal Oil worked really good for my scalp to. I use it twice and then realized weeks later that I could go longer without washing. I am out of this oil waiting to get it in the mail.

For me, the problem you're describing was not dandruff or dry scalp...it was product build up from my moisturizing conditioner. I figured out how to fix the problem, wash more often OR clarify with shampoo (only on the scalp, not the hair cause clarifying dries my hair out). The other alternative which works just as well is to do a FINAL moisturizing or conditioning shampoo after your moisturizing conditioner. Use the shampoo on the scalp only to make sure you get all the product off the scalp. When I started doing this all my flaking and dry looking patches just dissappeared.

Oiling the scalp or greasing just added more buildup to NOT :wallbash: be washed off next time. I hope this answer helps.
...also, shtow recommended a blend of coconut oil (might be the wrong oil but should work) and TEA TREE oil. Mix together to create a homemade grease, if you will, and massage on scalp.

Prior to finding this recipe I used seabreeze (on my scalp ONLY) a couple times a month and that cleared what I thought was dandruff right up.

It was actually product build up.
Try co washing regulary with a good mositurizing conditioner like Nexxus Humectress or Joico Moisture Therapy. Follow up with a mositurizing treatment like QP DPR-11.

You should find out what's causing this - is it hedritary? If so, scalp massages are good, and I would imagine heavier products. I.E. no light mositurizers, too much clarifying etc. Try Botanicals hair oil ( I forget the name, it has grains in it and smells nice) really good for dry hair/scalp.
I had the same problem. Since coming to the board I've done the following:
  • Clarify (1x a month). I dilute Suave Daily Clarifying Poo & water.
  • Prepoo with Suave Humectant on dry hair for 30 mins (covered with plastic cap)
  • Shampoo 2x per week (lathering 1x) with a moisturizing poo which contains no sulfates or protein.
  • Deep Condition with every wash 30-45 mins under soft bonnet (I use Elasta QP DPR-11, Jojoba & Peppermint, cover my hair with a hot microfiber head wrap, place a plastic cap over it)
  • Add peppermint oil to all shampoos, conditioners and leave ins.
  • Moisturize with a leave in (after shampoo and also daily)
  • Seal with an oil mix after applying moisture (I use either coconut/jojoba/olive/peppermint/rosemary or vatika oil)
  • Scalp massages with the oils listed above
  • Scrutinize products, avoiding SD alcohol, Mineral Oil and Petroleum
I know it seems like alot but it works for me. My problem was severe so I had to come up with the most intense moisture regimen I could. So far, I haven't had any problems and my scalp is 100% better.
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