Dry hair


New Member
Ive tried everything and my hair is soo dry. im wondering if its the semi permanent color i did? i thought it was permanent that dries out hair? o wet my hair every day? or is it too much protein or something. Does anyone have any suggestion? Err...please dont suggest more products ;)
how bout less products! kick it down to one or two things at a time and see what the results are...ive noticed that a lot of water based products leave my hair dry...i dont know why, though.
yeah im sticking to just salerm 21. no gels or whatever. and how do i know if a product is water based?
usually water is the first ingredient....or one of the first three....i mean, its good when my hair is wet, but once the water evaporates i guess its just dry!

ETA: also, keep in mind that salerm 21 has protein in it too...
lol. i think ALL my products have water listed as the first or second ingredient. ill do a thorough search and find out. how about i mix oils with the water based product?
Up your conditioning (especially deep) treatments and make sure your hair is staying moisturized, you may have to add moisture twice a day.

I may be wrong, but I think that semi-permanents can also be damaging. I think rinses are your best bet if you don't want to risk damage to your hair. But...I'm not expert.
thanks! yeah i guess i wont be colouring my hair again. its so dry, i have to CO wash twice a day. in like a few hours, it gets very dry. This started like 2 days ago. i have been using deep conditioners but i didnt use them for too long. I guess i could do an overnight pre wash oiling and then do like a 1 hour deep conditioner after?
Dolapo said:
thanks! yeah i guess i wont be colouring my hair again. its so dry, i have to CO wash twice a day. in like a few hours, it gets very dry. This started like 2 days ago. i have been using deep conditioners but i didnt use them for too long. I guess i could do an overnight pre wash oiling and then do like a 1 hour deep conditioner after?
Yeah you could do that, a pre-poo treatment with some nice hot oils and then a deep conditioning treatment. Just remember to color with caution and next time maybe try a rinse. Those give great results also.
i routinely go to bed with a deep conditioner in....i think you may need more than just salerm...

how is the sodium lactate workin for ya?
the sodium lactate is helping a little but not much. sha how often do you do an overnight deep treatment? i havent done one in like months! i guess thats part of the problem
im thinking of extensions (twists) but im scared of them taking out my hairline. my best friend wants to do them for 50 bucks (should be free!) but yeah she suggested not doing the front hair line. Maybe i should do that and pay her something next year :look: . when you have in extensions, what do you use to clean your scalp? sigh, i guess i should look for that 4a/4b roll call thread to check out your regimen. alrighty then
i use heavily diluted shampoo to clean my scalp....and i just rinse when the mood strikes me...

ETA: i also do ACV rinses frequently...it helps to quiet the itchies...:D
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Dolapo said:
thanks! yeah i guess i wont be colouring my hair again. its so dry, i have to CO wash twice a day. in like a few hours, it gets very dry. This started like 2 days ago. i have been using deep conditioners but i didnt use them for too long. I guess i could do an overnight pre wash oiling and then do like a 1 hour deep conditioner after?

As far as tips on what to try to do for your dryness if it's due to color, e-mail Afashionslave either on here, or NP. She helped me during a hair color "event" Make sure you are drinking enough water, if you are noticing your skin feeling rough, up that intake, it will show in your hair. In the hot summer months, I keep a mini spray bottle w/ homemade leave-in. When I have my hair out(which is normally a nono in the summer) I will constantly keep it moist. What I have noticed for myself as well is, when my hair is really feeling dry, the products aren't working as they should, I will gently clairfy w/ with lemon water, or acv water, then do deep conditions. I did deep conditions weekly after I got the blonde highlights and it ended up ok. I had to do them for like 6-8 weeks before my hair was feeling right. NO MORE dark and lovely for me! It's way to drying.I know I have suggested a lot, but they worked for me. Good luck to you!
Hi Dolapo - the answer is a vinegar rinse. Get the 5% vinegar with distilled water from any grocery story. I sometimes use it straight from the bottle and pour it over my hair. I stoop on the side of my bath tub (outside) and put my head down and pour the vinegar right on my hair. I rinse my hair out with the vinegar. Then I go under the tap and rinse again with cold water. Just be careful not to get the vinegar in your eyes. Also you may want to mix the vinegar with a little water if you're not sure of the strength.
This method has always worked for me when my hair is hard and brittle from protein, cones and everything else. It completely gets everything out. But make sure you add some oils to your hair when you're done because this will really clean out your hair.

Hope this helps!!!
I agree with the deep conditioning recommendation. Use one that is moisturizing, place plastic over your hair and let it steam underneath a hood dryer or overnight. Do this once a week. Also, be sure not to use any products with drying ingredients like silicone, dimethicone, etc. For styling, apply your essential oils and/or shea butter, etc while your hair is still damp. Keep us posted on your results.
I have to cosign with deep conditioning also. I would like to recommend the Capilo Canela y Suela (Cinnamon and Sole) conditioner. That stuff is golden to my hair. That and the Sedal Anti-Sponge leave-in.
Dolapo said:
thanks! yeah i guess i wont be colouring my hair again. its so dry, i have to CO wash twice a day. in like a few hours, it gets very dry. This started like 2 days ago. i have been using deep conditioners but i didnt use them for too long. I guess i could do an overnight pre wash oiling and then do like a 1 hour deep conditioner after?

You may just want to do less stuff and use less products and give hair time to breathe. CO washing twice a day may be too much manipulation and actually contribute to the dryness you're expriencing. My suggestions are:

1. clarifying poo 1x - this should *deep clean* your hair and provide a clean slate to start over. Don't worry about pre-poos and all that, just get your hair clean
2. moisturizing poo 1x - start bringing moisture back after deep cleaning
3. soft protein condish, cover with plastic cap and add heat for at least 10 minutes - keraphix, GBP, anything like that (I'm sure you've got some kinda soft protein in your bathroom!). After 10 minutes, remove cap, DO NOT RINSE. Heat is essential at this point because will help the proteins penetrate deep into the cortex and *bond* there to help strengthen the hair from the inside.
4. deep moisturizing condish - apply liberally ON TOP of warm soft protein and completely saturate. Leave on long enough for hair to *cool down* and allow both treatments to work. humectress, humecto, anything like that (again, I'm sure ya got something already!) At this point, depending of how much time you have, leave on for as long as possible. I do a minimum 10 minutes up to an hour. I also dantangle at this point. After entire hair has cool down. RINSE THOROUGHLY. some people detangle at this point under water. Just do what works for you with regard to detangling.
5. leave-in - apply as usual onto to wet hair and try to keep it to only 1 product. Remember, you're trying to *troubleshoot* so don't use a lot mixtures and potions, etc. Just use one good leave-in. Like salerm, which I KNOW you have.
6. oil - apply oil of choice immediately after leave-in to seal in moisture, don't mix oil and leavein together, but do separate applications of leave-in first, followed by the oil.
7. serum - this is optional, but 'cones use properly can be really good for the hair. If you use, mix few drops serum with few drops oil and apply immediately after your leave in.
8. dry - because you're experiencing dry hair, I would suggest NOT using heat this wash. Prepare your hair to dry (rollerset, scarf, wrap, whatever) and airdry or if your hood dryer has a cool setting use that instead.
9. don't wash hair for a few days after this treatment (a week if you can go that long) in order to allow the treatment to *work* over time. If you wash too soon, you won't see the benefits of this treatment, so wait a few days and try not to put too much stuff on your hair, just leave it alone for a few days, perhap only putting a little bit of oil on the ends and see what happens.

I found that this process ALWAYS brings my hair back no matter what I've done to it because it's reconstructing and moisturizing treatment in one. IMO, if you follow these steps, any decent products will do. The next wash after this should be a moisturzing ONLY wash, where you would:

1. moisturizing poo
2. moisturizing condish
3. leavein
4. oil
5. serum (optional)
6. dry hair without using heat if possible

If you alternate the above washing routine, your hair should thrive OVER TIME . . .

Loooong post . . . HTH
Hope this doesn't hurt you, but it might be your precious salerm21. Cyclomethicone can make your hair feel really good at first but then it builds up leaving hair dull and dry. Follow the others advice and phase stuff out one by one. You don't need a lot of products right now.

PS: Give me my mole back.
anky said:
Hope this doesn't hurt you, but it might be your precious salerm21. Cyclomethicone can make your hair feel really good at first but then it builds up leaving hair dull and dry. Follow the others advice and phase stuff out one by one. You don't need a lot of products right now.

PS: Give me my mole back.

ITA. That's why I think a clarifying 'poo should be used to remove buildup and start over.

Dolopo, to incorporate Anky's point re: 'cones, you may want to use a 'cone free leave-in instead of salerm (nexxus headdress, giovanni direct) followed by oil and skip the serum, just to see how your hair feels without the 'cones.

FYI, the following nexxus products are totally 'cone free and I used successfuly for years when I was avoiding 'cones: therappe, humectress, keraphix, headdress
everyone thanks for your advice! i did clarify yesterday with kenra clarifying. maybe that was a little too drying? I have ACV somewhere. maybe i should do ACV rinses instead of using clarifying poos. I dont think my hair likes protein but ill definitely try the keraphix and yes, i have headress. Im not sure if headress is actually a moisturisng leave in? i could use humectress instead. Ill stop usingthe salerm 21. And also, i dont know which oils to use cos i noticed that when i aplly oil on my hair, when it dries, it becomes hard. I dont know whats going on. So here's what i plan to do today
-since i already clarified, ill skip that.
-i did an overnight treatment with dabur vatika and cholesterol on dry hair
-rinse out and CO wash with V05 honey dew moisture milk
-apply keraphix and leave in for 10 min sunder cool dryer
-apply humectress over the keraphix and leave on for 1 hour
-use humectress as leave in
-use NTM serum

also, ive been using a lot of gels and cone loaded products lately. so maybe thats also the problem
thanks everyone for your suggestions and ill let you know how it turns out. And Anky, go look for your own mole :lachen:
Dolapo said:
everyone thanks for your advice! i did clarify yesterday with kenra clarifying. maybe that was a little too drying? I have ACV somewhere. maybe i should do ACV rinses instead of using clarifying poos. I dont think my hair likes protein but ill definitely try the keraphix and yes, i have headress. Im not sure if headress is actually a moisturisng leave in? i could use humectress instead. Ill stop usingthe salerm 21. And also, i dont know which oils to use cos i noticed that when i aplly oil on my hair, when it dries, it becomes hard. I dont know whats going on. So here's what i plan to do today
-since i already clarified, ill skip that.
-i did an overnight treatment with dabur vatika and cholesterol on dry hair
-rinse out and CO wash with V05 honey dew moisture milk
-apply keraphix and leave in for 10 min sunder cool dryer
-apply humectress over the keraphix and leave on for 1 hour
-use humectress as leave in
-use NTM serum

also, ive been using a lot of gels and cone loaded products lately. so maybe thats also the problem
thanks everyone for your suggestions and ill let you know how it turns out. And Anky, go look for your own mole :lachen:

Dolopo, too much oils can be drying (at least on MY hair) and you're using so much stuff girl and doing so much to your hair all the time that I'm dizzy!

You've already got vatika AND cholesterol on your hair (right there, MY hair would just die from the overload! but that's me) and IMO, a conditioning wash would NOT remove all that stuff but merely add to the buildup which may be the source of your dry hair. Again, do what you think is best, but really really try to CLEAN your hair and remove the buildup and CO's won't remove buildup, they add to it over time. If you clarified recently, I suspect you've simply added buildup on top again by using the vitaka and cholesterol so you may need to start again and lay off all the oils and heavy stuff -- it works for some people, but I know for me, too much oil makes my hair dry and hard. Hot oils and COs simply don't work for me. I know when I first started on the board, I was jumping around trying everything and I tried it all, wanting it all to work, but I discovered that I NEED to wash my hair with 'poo regularly or it gets too limp, thus COs were out even tho I like the concept, it's not for me. I found that hotoil pre-treatments overnight was a waste of time for me, not to mention all that oil everywhere while I slept and found that coconut milk right before 'poo was all I needed for silky hair, etc. Oils don't add moisture, water does and if your hair is dry, oil will not moisturize, but just sit on top until you clarify and add moisture.

You may want to try using oil on WET hair -- that's what works for me -- a good bit of oil througout entire hair while wet after leave-in really moisturizes my hair tons more that putting it on dry hair in beteen washes -- I only do one or two drops daily to pretect my ends, that's it. Also, if you do keraphix, use HEAT, not cool, cause the heat is needed to help the proteins penetrate into the hairs cortex -- heat really makes a difference here, NOT cool.

I hope you figure this out soon and good luck . . .
thanks! thank god i read your post before starting all this stuff. CO washing actually works for me and too much shampooing would kill my hair. I used V05 clarifying conditioner after risning out the cholesterol. im under the dryer with the keraphix and humectress and ill use humectress as leave in. im not sure which oil to use to seal in moisture though. i clarified yesterday and if i pooed again today, my hair will repay me with unkindness. lol. now all this is really confusing
I would try staying away from the protein for a little while
Focus on deep conditioning(I warm mines up for a few seconds).

Try misting your hair with distilled water.

Too many products can cause buildup which ultimately dries out the hair.

Good luck!!
Dolapo said:
thanks! thank god i read your post before starting all this stuff. CO washing actually works for me and too much shampooing would kill my hair. I used V05 clarifying conditioner after risning out the cholesterol. im under the dryer with the keraphix and humectress and ill use humectress as leave in. im not sure which oil to use to seal in moisture though. i clarified yesterday and if i pooed again today, my hair will repay me with unkindness. lol. now all this is really confusing

Yeah, I know figuring out MY hair was an experience and all the hits and misses are necessary, IMO, to getting to the point where you know what will work and what will not -- can't get there without expermenting as you are doing. The clarifying condition is an excellent idea under the circumstances. For leave in, humectress is fine if you want a *heavier* product whereas headdress is great if you're going for *lighter* - both would be good options. With regard to oils, my favorites are jojoba, castor and nexxus botanic oil. For your situation, if you have castor, I suggest using that as it is a *heavy* oil that will be excellent to use on your wet hair to seal in your leave in. If you don't have castor, then use what you got, any good oil will do, really.

Good luck lady . . .
i didnt use headress cos its somewhat drying. and right now im having a problem with oils. ive used castor (clear and black), jojoba, coconut and shea butter. when i use it on my hair, at the end of the day, my hair clumps together and becomes hard like i use a gel! i didnt expect to get that from jojoba and coconut oils which seem to be lighter. im not exactly sure whats going on.

this time, i used dabur vatika and im hoping i dont get the same effect
Dolapo, I do a variation of what Neroli suggested and I do agree with the others that your routine could be simplified. Here is what I do:

**Occassionally, if my hair is really tangly or dry I will do a pre-poo treatment that consists of warmed EVOO and VO5 S&C. I sit with this on for approx. 30-60 min.**
1. Shampoo with Suave Clarify. It's not too hard or drying on my hair AND it's cheap.
2. Follow up with a moisturizing shampoo, EQP Creme Conditioning Shampoo to restore moisture and for detangling purposes.
3. Deep Condition for approx. 1 hour (Humectress, KeraCare Humecto, or NTM mask w/EVOO), or I will do a mix of conditioner and protein (Humectress and Keraphix with some EVOO). I don't always use heat, sometimes I will just cover with a plastic cap and chill. Rinse and detangle at same time.
4. Apply my products: Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner leave-in, KeraCare Essential Oils, ORS Carrot Oil on my ends if they have been extra dry, followed by a serum such as NTM or John Frieda Frizz-Ease. One last detangle, then style with no heat.

And that's all, just to keep it simple. I don't ever apply oils to dry hair, it just makes my hair hard and sticky, and I don't use a lot, only sparingly.