Dry hair growing well.....????

I relax my own hair and I do the steps that I found on here. It's not super strait it's still has texture to it. Yes I do deep conditioner after my relaxer. What's a rinse?

I agree that your hair is probably either over or underprocessed.

A rinse or cellophane is a color that stains the outerlayer of your hair and seals the cuticle.
Also, if you don't want to get rid of your daily washes, try sleeping with conditioner and hot oils the night before. Or apply warm conditioner/oil a few minutes before rinsing. Alternate your prepoos. That will give your hair a protective coating. But the best regimen for dry hair like you've described is to spread out the frequency of washes. For instance, DC once a week and do a mid-week co-wash. Or co-wash every 3 days or so.
You need MOISTURE. Oils and grease are not moisture. They're used to seal moisture in. But first you need to focus on moisture-based DCs, leave-in conditioners and daily moisturizers. Also incorporate steam treatments to see if you can lock some moisture into the hair.

Coconut oil does moisture though. It is very moisturizing and actually penetrates the hair unlike other oils.
Optimus_Prime is so right about this order of products.

Good point. I also prepoo prior to clarifying. Sounds counterproductive but if I don't, the clarifier will strip my hair dry. I've had a huge bottle of clarifying shampoo here for years...because when I do use it, I use very little of it. When the bottle runs out, I'm going to look for the creamiest clarifier out there.

Your hair is either underprocessed or doesn't behave well when airdried so regularly. I suspect wetting your hair every day may be the issue too, especially now that the weather is colder. Maybe switch to wetting it every other day or every 3 days. See if that makes a difference. . What type of climate do you live in?

You need MOISTURE. Oils and grease are not moisture. They're used to seal moisture in. But first you need to focus on moisture-based DCs, leave-in conditioners and daily moisturizers. Also incorporate steam treatments to see if you can lock some moisture into the hair.

If you must do the wash-n-go looks daily, lay off of the daily washes for a while, and replace it with a spritz bottle. In the bottle, mix water with creamy leave-ins or moisturizers and then apply oil on top to seal. Don't be too heavy-handed with oils. Focus more on the moisture-based products.

Ok will do what's a steam treatment?