Dry Ends What to Do?


New Member
Hi Everybody,

I actually have 2 problems and any help/guidance is greatly welcomed.

1) I've noticed that my the ends of my hair are very dry. The hair nearest my scalp and middle of the strand feel moisturized, but once I get towards the end of the hair strands my hair feels dry. I've been using Elasta QP Mango Butter since March and I've recently started putting jojoba oil on my hair ends, but I have not noticed much difference. I have also noticed that some of my dry hair ends tend to clump together, not big clumps, but it's as if the hair srands form a unit together or something (I'm not sure if that's a genetic type thing or if others have experienced it as well).

2) My other grievance is that the more time from my last relaxer, the more my hair tangles after washing. My hair usually needs to be relaxed about every 6 weeks. I find that my conditioners and leave-ins are less able to detangle my hair as the time increases. I currently use KeraCare conditioner, which I really like.

Does anyone have any suggestions, products or know of any old threads which might me help me with both of these problems?

do you clarify from time to time? maybe you have product buildup and that can lead to tangled hair. try to wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo once or twice to make sure it's very clean then follow with a detangling and moisturizing shampoo like cream of nature. afterwards deep condition with your keracare or any other treatment. when your hair is still damp detangle it with a wide tooth comb in sections. to each section you can apply some spray detangler or a serum. i use for spray leave in pantene and for serum l'oreal smooth intense serum. both products are very good to detangle.

for your dry ends i would advise a hot oil treatment once a week or if you have time whenever you wash. also try to wear your hair in protective styles as much as you can. maybe they are just damaged and need to be cut off. how long is your hair right now and how do you usually wear it??

good luck,

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UmSumayyah said:
hmmmm. maybe ends sealing would help. Do a search.

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Is ends selaing the same as using an oil such as jojoba on your ends or is it something different?
I will definitely do a search.
Hey there, home girl!
Where in Guyana are you from? I was born here, but my family is Guyanese.

I can speak to your first question. As far as your hair ends being dry, that's one main issue with 4a/4b hair. Because the hair isn't straight but kinky, the oils from our scalp have a hard time traveling throughout our hair strands. That's probably why the hair closest to your scalp feel moisturized. At least this is what I've read! Because oils don't easily travel throughout our strands, the ends suffer and tend to be the dryest part of our hair.

I use Profectiv Healthy Ends for dry ends. Some people don't like it because it's too thick, but that's exactly why I like it. When I'm out of this stuff, like I am now
, I use Carrot Oil. I hope this helps!
I used a clarifying shampoo for the first time ever last week and the results were better than this week's wash without the clarifying shampoo. Can a clarifying shampoo be used more than once in a month?

I am looking for a good leave-in detangler, so far I have tried Elasta QP H2 leave in (I'm not too impressed with it) and the Joico detangler (it is okay).
I may try the Pantene leave-in or the Clairol Renewal 5X Leave in (there is currently a thread about it that has caught my attention).

Most nights I wrap my hair but once or twice a week I rollerset it. I usually wear me hair down which could be causing a problem. Currently my hair length is to the nape of my neck.

Thanks for your advice.
With the dry ends, I would suggest that you do basically spot hot oil treatments. Do a hot oil treatment on the ends overnight. Also, compare the results with just straight double conditioning. Condition your entire head, then condition your ends again. Do this for at least a week and see if you notice a difference.

That clumping you described is not genetic. Your ends are just tremendously dry. Girl, I have been there
Really watch that and try to check the problem now because the next stage is when the strands start entwining with each other and forming little knots. About three weeks ago, I combed out three of these little suckers
Double conditioning did the trick.

I don't know where you are, but I seem to find that I get this problem when the weather starts doing ups and downs on a weekly basis. It's like my hair doesn't know what is happening.

With the second scenario, have you ever considered finding a group of products for when your hair starts seriously growing out from your relaxer and you want to delay the touch up? It sounds like that is in order. Are you finding that the tangling is occurring at the roots area or throughout?

As an alternative to another clarifying shampoo, try a tad of lemon juice in your conditioner or with water separately. Frankly, unless you are using tons of products, which it doesn't sound like you are, you shouldn't be clarifying tons.

Here's my 2c on the cheap: Get 100% vit E oil (comes in a glass jar about 5 dollars for a teeny bottle)it's really thick so put a dimes size amount in your palm. Mix this with any grease (I use shea-butter and tea-tree oil) just a tiny bit to get the e-oil thinned out. Rub your palms together and if your hair is long put this on the ends, if it is shorter rub it throughout. USE A TINY BIT. This wonderful for the ends. I do it every 3-4 days. And really pour it on the night before a hair wash.
This to me sounds like you might be in need of clarifying(which has been wisely stated already
Also, you might want to cut back on the jojoba oilings you have been doing, because it has a fair amount of protein in it and too much protein will cause the terribly dry feeling(been there, so I feel you!)

I like using Flower water(Try lavender, roses, freesia and jasmine...oooh they smell so good and moisturize like a dream!!) in combination with pure aloe vera on my hair and ends.

I also think that you might like conditioner only washings...seriously helps with the dryness

Hope this is useful!!
I'd like to thank everyone who has posted a response to my problem....your suggestions are very helpful in helping me understand the problem and in finding solutions.

Thanks so much!!!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
LavenderDutchess said:
This to me sounds like you might be in need of clarifying(which has been wisely stated already
Also, you might want to cut back on the jojoba oilings you have been doing, because it has a fair amount of protein in it and too much protein will cause the terribly dry feeling(been there, so I feel you!)

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Jojoba oil has protein in it!?!?!???
Say it ain't so! I use jojoba on my hair everyday!
intensive and consistent hot oil treatments! you dont even need to buy another product for this, just use olive oil or vegetable oil from your kitchen, they work great!

Hi Ladies:

Ok, now this will sound so common-sense to everyone here, I'm sure, but I finally figured out why my ends were so dry.

Although, I've been using a little bit of olive oil in my hair right before I add conditioner, it wasn't enough.

First of all, Pandora was the one who stressed the use of olive oil to me, but I wasn't really paying attention to the fact that she would specify extra virgin olive oil. There really is a BIG difference.

Last night, I washed my hair and roller-set it(have been airdrying for a few months now, so I haven't done the roller-setting in awhile).

I washed my hair with Creme of Nature's extra moisturizing shampoo. I haven't used this in years. My hair turned out incredibly soft!

I then poured a good amount of EVOO (heated in the microwave for about a minute, then I let it rest to cool just a little) in my hair, then added ORS mayo conditioner, then put on a plastic cap and sat under the dryer for 45 minutes.

After I rinsed my hair, I added a little of Lady Hilda oil moisturizer (I believe this is only found in Massachusetts) to my wet hair and a little of Carol Gray's HHIAB to my roots as I put the rollers on.

My hair was so so soft and I know that it was the EVOO! My roots were also soft because I left milk in it for 45 minutes before washing and because of the HHIAB.

The biggest outcome is that my ends are FINALLY soft. They look and feel healthy. From now on, I will make it a point to do the hot oil treatments because it obviously does wonders for my ends.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
JenJen2721 said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
LavenderDutchess said:
This to me sounds like you might be in need of clarifying(which has been wisely stated already
Also, you might want to cut back on the jojoba oilings you have been doing, because it has a fair amount of protein in it and too much protein will cause the terribly dry feeling(been there, so I feel you!)

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Jojoba oil has protein in it!?!?!???
Say it ain't so! I use jojoba on my hair everyday!

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Isnt that terrible???
But you know what though?
If it aint broke...then dont fix it

If you are still getting good results, then dont change a thing!