Dropping out of LHCF Boot Camp 07


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I decided to drop out of the LHCF Boot Camp, Hide Your Hair until April Fool's, and the Brastap 2007 challenges.

I did a major chop because my ends were really thin. I was sooo close to BSL:( but now I think I'm between shoulder and collar bone length. I think I'm going to let protective styling go because that seems to be making my ends thin. I noticed that my hair had broken off bad and it looked like I had chopped layers in it:eek:

Also, I don't trim that much so I'm going to be starting this as well. I will have to post pics of my current length in my siggy so you can see what I have done. I feel so bad about this, but at the same time I look forward to having healthy ends again .:look:
Don't feel bad. You can use what you've learned to perfect what works for you. I think we should have fun with hair growing anyway.... I'm only in the Hid hair until April... but maybe you can join in on another challenge in the future?
I am in the boot camp as well . I dropped out of the HYHC and the Weave Extension challengse, I am not for hiding my hair. This should be fun right? and to be to have to always put my hair up and not let it loose and free is not fun. If it is long yet i have to keep it in a bun everyday, then that isnt any type of hair that i want
You must do what you feel is best. I cut my ends with each new touch up. I lose some length but my hair looks healthier.
Yea if it ain't working for you, let it go. I know that I myself need a trim, my ends are begging for it. If I lose a lil length, what the hell. I will stick with the challenges just to see where I end up after all is done. I just hope for the best. Do what works for u.
Fran said:
Don't feel bad. You can use what you've learned to perfect what works for you. I think we should have fun with hair growing anyway.... I'm only in the Hid hair until April... but maybe you can join in on another challenge in the future?

Oh definitely! This is what motivated to join LHCF :)
It's starting not to feel like it's fun, so that is why I had to re-evaluate my hair goals. Plus my health is not up to par and found out that I'm anemic. I agree with you Ineedhair about trying to obtain length instead of overall health :)
kbody4 said:
Hi Ladies,

I decided to drop out of the LHCF Boot Camp, Hide Your Hair until April Fool's, and the Brastap 2007 challenges.

I did a major chop because my ends were really thin. I was sooo close to BSL:( but now I think I'm between shoulder and collar bone length. I think I'm going to let protective styling go because that seems to be making my ends thin. I noticed that my hair had broken off bad and it looked like I had chopped layers in it:eek:

Also, I don't trim that much so I'm going to be starting this as well. I will have to post pics of my current length in my siggy so you can see what I have done. I feel so bad about this, but at the same time I look forward to having healthy ends again .:look:

That's okay chica, because I dropped out too! Protective styling caused a lot of breakage for me too and gave my hair a choppy look, so Hide Your Hair was out. Plus, I really want a big trim after these plaits come out, so I couldn't do Bootcamp either! I'm just going to do what my hair tells me to and everything will turn out okay!:D
I am co- signing with all of you.:)
Enjoy your hair. Do what makes sense and follow its lead. I am sure you have learned that hair will continue to grow no matter what. You have also learned what will and will not work for your hair type. My protective style is to pull my hair up off of my shoulders in various styles or braid outs. My hair could not take the excess moisture for bunning in plastic.

Healthy hair is a great goal! It does not have to be long to be a gorgeous head of hair.;)
I agree with the above posters...if bunning is causing more harm than good than its not good for you. Maybe you need a hair break. Braids are always good for that. Whatever you do, im glad you fixed the problem now instead of in the future
I always say do whats best for your hair no matter what.....no "rules" can dictate what is best for everyone's hair...so I am glad that you decided to put your personal hair needs first above all the challenges.

But IM JUST SAYING THO'....you dropped out of 3 challenges but had to title your thread after Bootcamp...:lol: That's messed up....

Its all good though...Happy Hair Growing :)
It's starting not to feel like it's fun, so that is why I had to re-evaluate my hair goals. Plus my health is not up to par and found out that I'm anemic. I agree with you Ineedhair about trying to obtain length instead of overall health

Yeah girl it has to be fun. When I first joined LHCF my hair was in bad shape so I was kind of obsessed with protective styles and hiding my hair. I think at the time I needed that. But even then, my hair wasn't long enough to do it. As I slowly nursed my hair to health, it grew longer. As it grew longer, I enjoyed it more. Now my hair is in pretty decent shape (except for that one spot in the middle). I dust my ends every now and then, but I love wearing my hair down and out. Its fun!!! And you know what? It still grows! I still retain length. I'm not doing the damaging things to it so there's not reason to put it up all the time. I'm having the most fun right now with my braid out style. :)
Now your ends are nice and healthy and even, so its always good to start out like that. Ain't nothing worse than long, see through hair! Are you taking ferrous sulfate pills for your anemia? I used to be anemic when I was a young teenager, and when I was pregnant a few years ago, I had to go back on iron pills. I have to make sure to eat enough foods with iron in them, and then I'm good to go. I'm a skinny mini like you too. :) Hugs girl!
Kbody4 - You have to do what is best for your hair. Healthy hair is what's most important. There's no point in having HBL hair, and it's frayed and frazzled. Have fun and work on the regimen that is going to get those strands healthy! :)

ETA: I feel you on the health issue, but just continue to take the iron until your levels are up. When ever I manage to get my iron up (other health issues) I feel better and have more energy.
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brownsugarflyygirl said:
I always say do whats best for your hair no matter what.....no "rules" can dictate what is best for everyone's hair...so I am glad that you decided to put your personal hair needs first above all the challenges.

But IM JUST SAYING THO'....you dropped out of 3 challenges but had to title your thread after Bootcamp...:lol: That's messed up....

Its all good though...Happy Hair Growing :)

I know :lol: But I just need to re-group that's all.
Carla From VA said:
Now your ends are nice and healthy and even, so its always good to start out like that. Ain't nothing worse than long, see through hair! Are you taking ferrous sulfate pills for your anemia? I used to be anemic when I was a young teenager, and when I was pregnant a few years ago, I had to go back on iron pills. I have to make sure to eat enough foods with iron in them, and then I'm good to go. I'm a skinny mini like you too. :) Hugs girl!

I just went on birth control and the placebo pills contain iron. Also I'm going to start eatting ground beef again. I love chicken and fish, but I'm lacking red meat in my diet.
Taij said:
Yeah girl it has to be fun. When I first joined LHCF my hair was in bad shape so I was kind of obsessed with protective styles and hiding my hair. I think at the time I needed that. But even then, my hair wasn't long enough to do it. As I slowly nursed my hair to health, it grew longer. As it grew longer, I enjoyed it more. Now my hair is in pretty decent shape (except for that one spot in the middle). I dust my ends every now and then, but I love wearing my hair down and out. Its fun!!! And you know what? It still grows! I still retain length. I'm not doing the damaging things to it so there's not reason to put it up all the time. I'm having the most fun right now with my braid out style. :)

Yeah I don't wear my hair out because I'm lazy :lol: I think I need to try growing my hair without protective styles.
Same here. Girl, I dropped out too and don't feel bad one bit. I had to let the protective styles go. I mean, I do still wear pony tails and buns, but only as a styling choice and not an everyday thing. I'm testing the water with roller sets and so far I like it.

I like the others have mentioned, prefer healthy looking hair vs. just long hair. I refuse to have long see through hair. :look: So, hold your head up high and feel good about your choice. You'll have healthy BSL or longer hair in no time. :)
kbody4 said:
Hi Ladies,

I decided to drop out of the LHCF Boot Camp, Hide Your Hair until April Fool's, and the Brastap 2007 challenges.

I did a major chop because my ends were really thin. I was sooo close to BSL:( but now I think I'm between shoulder and collar bone length. I think I'm going to let protective styling go because that seems to be making my ends thin. I noticed that my hair had broken off bad and it looked like I had chopped layers in it:eek:

Also, I don't trim that much so I'm going to be starting this as well. I will have to post pics of my current length in my siggy so you can see what I have done. I feel so bad about this, but at the same time I look forward to having healthy ends again .:look:

These challenges are not for everyone, some can wear protective styles and thrive and some cannot. You have to listen to your hair and re-vamp your regimen if something is not working. You'll figure it out and have bsl hair in no time. HHG:)
ITA with everyone else, do what's good for you. I dropped as well, but mainly because I have too much going on to be truly worried about whether my hair is bunned, or I haven't used some heat. But most definitely you should do you. There's no LHCF law that says you can't join a challenge later.