Dressing to go to church. . .

dreamgurl said:
One thing to keep in mind is that not everyone who attends Church services...whether it be every now and then or every Sunday, are Christians...

Some women are really sincere about their walk but are somewhat naive because of where they may be in their walk with Christ.
Some women may not (at first) have the proper attire to go to Church...but that should not stop them from coming...but as the Word of God continues to be brought forth...something should kick in and let them know what is decent and what is not...

Some women are glued to the part in scripture...where it states...come as you are...which they interpret...come as you please...without a thought of what might be pleasing to God...

Some women are aware of how they're dressing and their intentions are not pure and may have an angle or desire to draw attention to themselves...i.e. trying to catch a man...which then causes some people to focus their attention off of Christ and onto them...

There are going to be demons sitting right amongst us in the Church...the enemy sends them out as a way to start confusion and distraction in the House of the Lord...he loves to do that...he is the author of confusion remember...

A woman of virtue ministry is always helpful for all women...no matter where we may be in our walk...we are all a work in progress...some may need additional guidance...we all have the potential to fall...but as sisters moving toward one goal...keeping Christ number in one in our everyday lives...let us edify one another in love...inside and outside the House of the Lord...

I'm in agreement with what you've said. I was saying in a previous post that I didn't recognize all of the women who were dressed provocatively. They could have been visitors to the church. But I recognized too many of them who have been there for years. They are the ones I take issue with, and I strongly believe they should know better. Some of them were just too old not to know better, you know? :)
natalied said:
I totally agree.

Pebbles, as a sister in Christ, you should feel free to approach another sister about appropriate dress. Sometimes, people don't know and they need help. Of course, speak to them as the Lord moves you too:)

As wonderful as that would be, I think we can fairly say that you cannot really approach women about how they are dressed if you don't know them very well. Too many would take offense if they were directly approached, which is why a general admonition would probably work best. :)
pebbles said:
This past Sunday was really hot, and when I got to church the women of the church dressed as if they were going to the beach or a barbecue. It was a meat market. Really short mini-skirts, halter tops, cut-offs, etc. It was upsetting to watch. I was so tempted to go up to the pulpit to make an announcement about the proper way to dress for church. Some of those women forgot to put all their clothes on! :nono: But I'm not the first lady of the house. That's up to her, and I think she should have said something. I know in her place, I would be very vocal about the proper attire to wear to church, particularly during the summer months with the women losing their minds as they did last week. :mad:

I understand it's hot, but we are still in the house of the Lord. If Jesus walked into the church at that time, I can just imagine the number of women who would be trying to pull down their skirts and cover more of their breasts. It was outrageous! Then all the men in the church are staring and looking, and some people wonder why they're looking? Heck, I'm a woman, and I couldn't help but look! It was shocking! I wasn't looking for the same reason a man would look, but such manner of dress gets attention.

It would be great if the sisters could understand that you can't come to church in just any manner of dress. God gets no glory from that, and it's distracting and a bit annoying, to be frank. :ohwell:

Thank-you. Getting off my soap box now. :look:

Pebbles! Girrrrl... were you at a church in Ohio that Sunday?! :lol: I was visiting my cousin's church, and I kid you not, a lady got up at the end of service and made an announcement about the same thing!!! Only, her main focus was on the teenagers. Was that you?! :lol:

She called for a meeting on Thursday for the mothers and daughters to get together and talk about this.
Stormy said:
Pebbles! Girrrrl... were you at a church in Ohio that Sunday?! :lol: I was visiting my cousin's church, and I kid you not, a lady got up at the end of service and made an announcement about the same thing!!! Only, her main focus was on the teenagers. Was that you?! :lol:

She called for a meeting on Thursday for the mothers and daughters to get together and talk about this.

LOL!! It's an epidemic! :lachen: I'm glad somebody is saying something about it! Learning to dress properly begins at home. I think it's time mothers sat their girls down and discussed how a young lady is supposed to present herself, both in church and out. :wave:
pebbles said:
LOL!! It's an epidemic! :lachen: I'm glad somebody is saying something about it! Learning to dress properly begins at home. I think it's time mothers sat their girls down and discussed how a young lady is supposed to present herself, both in church and out. :wave:
Yes it does. It isn't even an epidemic in the Church. It is all over. And can I just say just b/c you are skinny it does not mean you are fit enough to wear clothing exposing everything. Skinny does not equal attractive. Tone that mess up if you are going to expose it. I was at the mall two weeks ago and was just like :eek: at what people were wearing. Then I saw a little girl, ok she was 13, wearing one of those ruffle skirts. YOu know the one with the band and one ruffle. Well not only was she to young to wear it. She was with her mom, who had to have allowed it, I would never had made it out of the house, and it was way to short and she was way to big. I saw just about everything, I even saw that the top of her inner thighs were rubbing together.
Poohbear said:
I totally agree with you pebbles and with what other ladies have said here... it's just not the appropriate attire to wear at the place where you worship, serve, and praise God with other fellow church members. :nono:

DITTO!! :up:
I am not familiar with the term "first lady" in the Church. I wanted to find it in Scripture. I know that the President's wife is called that. Anyone know the answer and the scripture? Is this from only specific denominations? Bonjour
pebbles said:
Any sort of sexy, seductive, suggestive form of dress is out of order in God's house.


Yall must not go to a holiness church.
If a woman comes in and her skirt is too short, a female usher would approach her and lay (without her consent) a covering over her legs.
Mahalialee4 said:
I am not familiar with the term "first lady" in the Church. I wanted to find it in Scripture. I know that the President's wife is called that. Anyone know the answer and the scripture? Is this from only specific denominations? Bonjour


To tell you the truth, I don't know exactly know where that came from, but I know at the church I attend the pastors' wife is called the first lady. Churches do it differently, some are called evangelist, prophetess, co-pastor, elder, etc. You won't find the term first lady in the bible, b/c its not a position of the church, but its just a term people use to distinguish certain roles in the church like for example, people who work with missions are called missionaries, but this is not a specificied office in the scripture.
Well, I'd seen this thread and had nothing to add as I had yet to experience such a thing. BUT!!! This past Sunday, my mother and I visited my Aunts church for friend and family day. Oh my word, the way some of those women were dressed was enough to make Satan blush. They had on halters and tiny shirts and skirts. There was this one that sat directly in front of me that was at least eight months pregnant. She had on a speghetti strap shirt that was very tight around her bulging belly and then had the nerve to have on pale yellow pants with THONGS!!! and the thong had the nerve to be white which just showed through that yellow. I was like:eek: . She and so many of the others were not visitors because they asked for all visitors to stand and this chile and a lot of the others did not stand up. But I did put all of that out of my mind and out of my sight once I got over the shock of it all and just focused on the program and enjoyed the day.
Interesting thread!!

I have been in somewhat of a debate with a few people in the church I currently attend. While I'm in agreement with not dressing as if you're going to a club, I personally like to wear the occassional pair of dress slacks to church. One of my friends in the church told me that God has to deal with my spirit about wearing pants to church. Now I"m not talking about tight booty pants. I'm talking business suit-like attire, which I believe is appropriate.

My bible teacher told us that we should wear longer skirts and not be very flamboyant with our dress and accessories. He even mentioned having toes exposed and designs on your nails as a subtle form of not being humble. I told him and the rest of the class that I would stop wearing pants when the church mothers stopped wearing those big, scary, glow in the dark hats, because those are more flamboyant than anything I own. I also said that if we have to come into the house of The Lord on such a humble tip, then why don't they say anything to the dozens of females who wear wigs and weaves in the church? Afterall, the bible says that a woman's hair is her glory, right? So why purposely add on to your glory, then walk up into the house of The Lord? And don't get me started on the glow in the dark polyester suits that some of the men wear. If you're going to draw a line, draw the line in full effect and not have double standards for a particular age group. No one has ever said anything to me about wearng slacks again.

Another thing I don't understand is - why do you have to cover up your legs if you have on anything other than an ankle lenght skirt on?? That to me is unneseccary. Where do you draw the line between covering up and rebuking the lustful demon out of the man who happens to be staring your legs down?