Dressing "Holy"


New Member
This has been an interesting issue for me. I am in an organization that will remain nameless, and there is a big rift among pastors about dress codes in the church. I came from another city, and my former pastor did not dwell on the outward appearance. When I moved, I joined a church that is so strict on how WOMEN should dress. At first, I tried to be obedient, and threw away all of my pants, stopped wearing make-up and jewelry, the whole nine yards. Unfortunately, I felt like I was not being true to myself, and I went back to how I dressed before (moderate makeup, tasteful small jewelry, professional pants suits,etc.) However, I feel guilty about it every time I go to church because this topic almost always comes across the pulpit. Then I get angry b/c this should not be an issue. Last time I checked, MAN looked at the outward appearance, and GOD looked at the heart. I hope I am not offending anyone with this thread. I guess I just need a little encouragement.
When my boyfriend went to church with melast week he wore jeans and a t-shirt. I sat right next to him in a suit. I introduced him around and he was welcomed with open arms. That's how church should be. I wear skirts because I like them. They are long because I don't want anyone staring at my fat kneecaps. If God would welcome all to worship with him and his word is supreme, I would wonder about a minister who thinks he can gainsay God's word with his own dictates. Just my two cents . . .
I come from a church that used to be like that, I mean really deep. I still wore my pants and jewelry because God did not convict me of those outward things. They are coming around and my pastor said leave the folks alone on what they have on Hallelujah!!!!!!! Let the lord direct you. Oh by the way I come from the feet stopping, hand clapping, tongue talking apostolic church. COOLJC!!!!!!!!!!
WOW the requested all that:confused: No pants, jewelry etc:eek: My church keeps reinerating the dress code even though we have a come as your are theme. Unfortunately there are a few women and teens that show cleavage, wear really short skirts, tanks and somethings you would see in a club each Sunday. :(
I grew up in churces like that, very strict protestants. I didn't even go to my first movie till I was in college cause they were trying to shield us from profanity and sex. I think I was viewed as a rebel cause I didn't flow with the no pants, no jelwry, no make up thing. I couldn't find the scriptural support for it and felt that their interpretations were wrong. For example the pastor would say that we shouldn't wear jewlry because the children of Isreal used gold to make an idol while they were in the desert. Well I say that the sin was in their hearts and they would've use wood, silver or iron bars if that's all they had.

As far as women not wearing pants, I don't see any scriptural support for that either. As long as you're dressed moderately you're okay. In all the movies that they've shot of Christ men wore long robes because that's what they did in those times. They looked like dresses but they were different from the dresses that women wore then. Today we have pants made for women that are different than what men wear so I don't see the issue.

In any case, as soon as I finished college I started searching for a church that I was comfortable with and God has lead me to a word church where the word of God is the primary focus and the word has been changing me, not condemning me.
Our Pastor's teach that wherever we are, to simply respect the order of the house for the time that we are there.

For as long as this earth remains, we are going to experience differences...everywhere, whether it's at church, work, family events, etc.

Angel, it's just like that in life. None of us will ever agree 100%. We'd be bored stiff if we did. Life needs 'LIFE' in it...:lol:.

You cannot change this church. And don't let it upset you that their views are so strict. I understand their 'intent', fully. They love God and part of the dress code is not be as the world. Look at the Quakers, they have a dress code, but they also don't use electricity, phones, radio or TV...AND NO Internet....:eek:

So now you have to decide whether you belong there or not. Being there may not be where you belong. So, now it's time to get before our Father in Heaven asking Him for direction in this.

What you don't want is to fall into the enemy's trap. He's using this issue with the 'dress code' to hinder your spiritual growth. You may not see it, but it's exactly what he's doing.

God's move is definitely in this church, your wouldn't be there if it wasn't. The devil knows it too, and as it says in Mark 4, "...when the word of God is sown,the enemy immediately comes to steal the word which was sown (into the hearts of men). The devil is a 'master' deceiver, a master of subtle nuiances, anything little thing that he can use, to steal God's word from our hearts.

This 'dress code' is just a minor distraction. Go deep...find out with God, what's really going on and then move from there.

You have a high calling on your life which God is annointing you for. Whatever the sacrifice, will be worth it; 'dress code' or no...;)

Loving hugs...:)
I understand all too well about this. My church wasnt super strict. We all know what was accepted and what wasnt. If I went to the mall in jeans, my mom would make me change into a skirt before I went to church.
Mind u she just would NOT let me wear jeans, I used to have to beg to use my brother's old jeans.
I would hear the pastor's wife talk about people getting bolder now by wearin pants suits :? what's that about?

I think that was one of the many things that i was focusing on instead of focusing on the internal issues. I know what I get conviction about, and the way I'd dress for church isnt one of those things.
InJesusName said:
This has been an interesting issue for me. I am in an organization that will remain nameless, and there is a big rift among pastors about dress codes in the church. I came from another city, and my former pastor did not dwell on the outward appearance. When I moved, I joined a church that is so strict on how WOMEN should dress. At first, I tried to be obedient, and threw away all of my pants, stopped wearing make-up and jewelry, the whole nine yards. Unfortunately, I felt like I was not being true to myself, and I went back to how I dressed before (moderate makeup, tasteful small jewelry, professional pants suits,etc.) However, I feel guilty about it every time I go to church because this topic almost always comes across the pulpit. Then I get angry b/c this should not be an issue. Last time I checked, MAN looked at the outward appearance, and GOD looked at the heart. I hope I am not offending anyone with this thread. I guess I just need a little encouragement.

I understand as well, I grew up pentecostal really strick in dress code for women. IMO it's too strict, but the only advise I will give to you is one be lead of the Lord and two, if you are going to remain a member there, you must be obedient to the authority of the house and if the rules are to much ask God to lead you to a church where you can get the word first and foremost, then a place where you can submit to the aurthority of the house.

Again pray and be lead of the Lord, not to your flesh or your feelings but lead by the holy spirit.
