Dreams of a PJ


New Member
Last night I had a dream that Miss Jessie's prices doubled. Then in my dream I remembered that I had an industrial sized tub of Baby Buttercream it was huge and I was so happy. I woke up like :confused: .

Have you ever had a dream about your favorite hair products or hair products in general?
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hrtbndr21 said:
Last night I had a dream that Miss Jessie's prices doubled. Then in my dream I membered that I had an industrial sized tub of Baby Buttercream it was huge and I was so happy. I woke up like :confused: .

Have you ever had a dream about your favorite hair products or hair products in general?

you got it BAD!!:lol: I had a dream about me putting honey in my hair and me running from the bees because they were mad at me for taking their honey. I personally don't use honey on my hair, but I because so many people here do, it may have made its way into my subconcious somehow.

hrtbndr21 said:
Last night I had a dream that Miss Jessie's prices doubled. Then in my dream I membered that I had an industrial sized tub of Baby Buttercream it was huge and I was so happy. I woke up like :confused: .

Have you ever had a dream about your favorite hair products or hair products in general?

Sneaking around to buy goodies - yes, dreaming about them - no. But I think your post is funny :D.