DRC-28:just wondering if anyone is still using it??


Well-Known Member
I just spurged and purchased a bottle of DRC-28...and this is it for the year of hair products..im going to be on a big budget for a very long time...it cost me like 49.99..i read some of everyones reveiws about it and how beneficial it was for the hair...and that it is worth every penny..so that kind of convinced me to take the chance with it...so now what i need is a place to put these hair products lol...but i was just wondering since i hadnt seen any post about it lately..

Wondering how it is working??
and please tell How many times do you use it monthly, weekly??
i bought a bottle a while ago but i haven't used it in a while. the first time i heard of it was at a nice salon in yeadon. it was recommended to me by one of the stylists. i saw a huge difference in growth quickly. i only used it once a month. i could clearly see i had more growth. it was healthy looking too. i had to pay an additional $12 for a few spritz each time but it seemed worth it.

but i stopped going to that salon (too expensive) and bought a bottle to use at another salon (who didn't use it/never heard of it). i guess it depends on how its used because my hair didn't flourish there at all. i think she used it every two weeks and that may have been just too much protein. there might have been other reasons for the non-growth. maybe she didn't wash it out enough. idk.

i have it in my closet. i can't get rid of it (i paid $45!!) and i have more than a half bottle. maybe i'll try it starting on the first of the month.
i used this for the first time last night...i also had picked up some Jasons Biotin shampoo and washed my hair with it...i just relaxed my hair not too long ago..but after i finished i loved the feel of my hair...DRC-28 didnt dry and harden it like Aphogee does and didnt smell bad at all....would it be okay to alternate this with Aphogee???like one week use Aphogee treatment and then another week DRC-28???..that way im doing a deep condition once a week...and using each treatment twice a month???
hmmm....i'm not sure about this one. the stylist who first suggested it to me said to use it once a month. and i went to her every two weeks and she would tell me to wait.

even the other stylist who never used it said that too much protein can dry your hair out. and if its too dry, its more prone to breakage which would be counterproductive for us.

idk, a drc 28/aphogee treatment every week or every other may be overkill. i know protein is supposed to be so good for our hair. but too much of anything can be bad.

maybe alternate between drc and aphogee every month. i never used aphogee, though. i can't really speak on the down side of using it often.
oh ok yeah i was beginning to think that it maybe too much...im basically trying to just stop any breakage from happening and make my hair more healthy...i guess mostly to build elasticity....right now i dont see anywhere breakage has happened at...so i wont try doing that because of the harshness and more damage i maybe causing...
I love this stuff. If I didn't have that bottle of Keracare Super Reconstructor waiting on me to use, I would have bought another bottle. I do at least two weeks after relaxer and two weeks before relaxer, and my bottle is almost gone(had it a couple of years). So I will have to wait to return to this stuff. It does make the hair hard, but afterwards, I don't lose a strand. After using it I like the peach Lekair cholesterol or Humecto, to soften the hair.