Well-Known Member
I have a bottle of DRC 28 (which is extremely yo may know) but I guess I am not applying it correctly because I feel like the results are not noticeable as using my aphogee protein treatment. I asked my hair dresser what porportions she used the DRC b/c I found out about the protein treatment through her. And she refused to tell me! I guess she felt that since I took the liberty to purchase a protein treatment at a bss that is stated professional use only that I should figure it out on my own. In fact her own words were, "well you bought it you figure it out". Here was a lady I actually thought was concerned about my hair growth but is only here to rack up dough from weekly visitors. she really pissed me of the reasons I vow to discontinue my relationships with black hair dressers---some of them really think they can say whatever to you because you are black too or because you are younger. Well anyway, if anyone can direct me into the proper use of DRC...please let me know...i dont want to give up on it. 

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