Dr.Miracle's Ads...Offensive or Effective Marketing?

Simple Ad or Something More?

  • Just An Ad!

    Votes: 34 29.6%
  • Something More (Please Explain)

    Votes: 63 54.8%
  • Both (Please Explain)

    Votes: 18 15.7%

  • Total voters
I don't like them at all. . . I haven't seen any magazine ones, but that foolery they do in the tv ads is the WORST! "ooooh girl. dr miracle hooked me up" :nono:
Every time I see their latest commercial it makes me sick! And I was a marketing major so I'm like, NO NO!! The lady in the ad is talking to the mirror like she doesn't have any sense. I hope they stop this really soon.
r u talking about this one? i do not like their proucts...i gave mine away. looking at this the first thing i thought was a washed up weave, and a throw back wig! this is not their hair....show some real damage and real progress!!! i think dr. miracles is a hype!!! :nono:


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Every time I see their latest commercial it makes me sick! And I was a marketing major so I'm like, NO NO!! The lady in the ad is talking to the mirror like she doesn't have any sense. I hope they stop this really soon.

Ya know?!? I just want to know why "we" can't be in a commerical without hollering like we don't have a lick of sense.
I've posted about them before. This is the same white company that marketed African Pride hair products (before selling to Revlon). They filed a trademark suit against a black hair products company for using the word "African" in their name. This is when it was discovered that "African Pride" was a white company. A lot of black companies now put the AHBAI "Proud Black Lady" symbol on their products because of this.

Yes, I find their marketing tactics highly offensive, but what upsets me more is that many of us are responding to them.

Let's spread the word and educate each other! :yep:

God bless.
1.I think the ads are ridiculous but somehow I'm not offended.
I'm suppose I'm just desensitized to Blatant Acts of 'Coon-ery' these days. I see so much displayed in the media, you see.
But I do see different hues of black women being represented in these commercials. And the 'bad hair' depicted in these mags looks nothing like natural hair to me. IT looks like a relaxed head that someone is neglecting which gives it that dull/chewed up appearance. If there is a background story that's something different but just off these commercials...I'm not bothered. I don't use these products, btw.

Ya know?!? I just want to know why "we" can't be in a commerical without hollering like we don't have a lick of sense.

If anything THAT is the problem to me. If I were to be upset I'd be bothered with black folks in the ad.
Doesn't matter what *some* white folks may think. What matters is us! It may have started with them but that was years ago. White folks have moved on and *we're* still running around with all the baggage. Repeating the rhetoric through thought and action.

Racism will continue on in some form as long as we look differently and inhabit the same living spaces. We were not the 'First Cause'. But we will be demonized and sterotyped. The point is we should know better than to fall in line with the nonsense and actually MIMIC these stereotypes! :nono:

I'm holding black ppl acountable because:
A. There's always a charge of racism somewhere.
Well all this mess would stop if those involved in the black hair care industry would take charge instead of acting so divisive and complaining about the 'Asians running it'. Anyway--it's not the fault of Asians for being resourceful. It ain't their fault if black hair care professionals are too busy squabbling with each other to step up. Just as it isn't the fault of white folks who step in and peddle our products. Making money and poking fun at us at the same time.

That is precisely what happens when you ALLOW outsiders to take over and run YOUR (expletive)!

B. It's a shame that black (in this case, commercial)actresses and actors could take a stand but don't.
...that so many are willing to participate in the continued degradation of the black woman in order to line their pockets or get their foot in the door, i.e., some Video Vixens; 'Flavor of Love' girls.
....that too many black ppl are confusing 'black culture' with 'Street culture' (the images perpetuated by mainstream rap) these days.
...that some black folks in music glorify and glamorize the most negative aspects occuring within the black community. Then act like they can't see how sexist, damaging and socially backwards their 'work' is... "It's the parents. I'm just a stupid entertainer. Blame the parents..."
Nelly, Snoop and his Pimp/Hoe deal. Young Jeezy and his 'Snowman' t-shirts, to name a few. God--can no one take personal responsibility?

But anyway--if you were raised near or around a hood or a ghetto you know how many brothas are caught up in hustlin and runnin the streets. I have 5 cousins and a brother who has done time behind that drug hustlin mess. In truth most males I know are little more than walking statistics going in and out of the revolving doors that are the Judicial system. :nono: But--I've watched their struggles and there is much pain coupled with that (superficial) 'joy'. It's not cool. It's dangerous.
...and here this fool (Jeezy) is acting like he doesn't know what comes with being a 'Snowman'? But he's quick to put the crap on a shirt and market it to young kids...? BLACK kids at that?

I just don't understand why some of the mainstream rap artists glamorize these lifestyles. I also don't understand how some of US have become so jaded that we actually praise criminal and deviant behavior? When did we start considering '*****' and 'hoe' to be terms of endearment for a woman? Or the standard way to address a woman (even ones you don't know)?
When did we start confusing thuggish behavior with MANHOOD?
Y'know, I've changed.
A lot...and I'm still trying to figure out whether or not it can be considered a progression--but I've just outgrown the 'let's save the village' mindset.

I mean--the Light Skin/ Dark Skin mess. The Good hair vs bad hair crap...
In addition to that: Hive Thinking.
Anti-intellectualism-- 'Talking white'; 'acting black', etc.. ....we're about the only ethnicity who makes our own feel bad for succeeding and learning!
The Inferiority Complex
--The world belongs to no one. If you think you can't succeed you're not. If you think the 'white man' is better than you--he prolly is because you're too weak-minded to see your own power. The 'white man' isn't a god and I wish black folks would stop treating him like one.
This 'white man' figure is just a man. And like any other man he can be soundly beaten and outperformed by a driven, forward thinking, intelligent individual with the will to succeed.....:ohwell:

Of course these issues affect all ppl of color (asian, hispanic,etc...)to some degree but they have manifested themselves in our community in an ugly way.

I'm over it and maybe that's could be why I have such a neutral response to these commercials.
But--these issues are OLD. And I'm tired of black folks who just 'don't get it'.
Hell--It's friggin 2008 and you mean to tell me that Black folks ain't evolved past this Slavery-era nonsense, YET? Still letting the 'plantation ghost' affect your mind? Still carrying around color issues/racial baggage?
Still tapdancing for the 'Massa'--selling out your ppl for money, approval and acceptance?

I'm done.
Educate and be educated, of course.
But-who has the time to be bothered with backwards thinking 'negroes'?
At some point you just have to acknowledge that some aren't there yet and prolly never will be. I've accepted the fact that there ARE those among us who are just 'lost'. And will remain so. Because some ppl simply weren't destined to operate at a level any higher than the ones they presently occupy.

So it's best to avoid stupid ppl. Lest they drive you insane.
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One more thing...Actually I take more offense to these hair magazine (Sophisticates) who interview black celebrities on their hair care habits when these celebs are never seen without extensions. The celebs will give some generic response about 'trimming hair every 6 wks' and all the while running around with a headful of weave! What's that about?
We've never even seen their hair (and neither has the daylight I suspect)but we're supposed to take hair care maintence tips from them?

Ciara, Ashanti --all of them. I mean lie to me...but these heffas don't even try to make the weave look believable. And....I hate to blast her but I simply MUST--because Beyonce was in violation too many times.
She was a Habitual Offender!

There was a point in Beyonce's profesional life where she always ran about with her head lookin a HAM! At all times.
I'm sorry. Like...she got ambushed by 2 cats who fought and tore their way through it to get out of there.

I think I've seen her natural hair and it's gorgeous. But she would always take hair photos with that doll-hair looking weave.

I'd just be like, "Dang not even for the article? You can't pose with your natural hair even for this article?"
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OT: This reminds of when I was younger, and I would read through the black hair magazines, and all the celebrities interviewed would state all they had to do was just lightly flat iron their hair and it was perfect!:rolleyes: No, not a single one of them wore weaves :lachen:, and not one of them had a relaxer :lachen:! Only 'normal' people had 'unmanageable' hair.
I remember that too. I used to be a devoted Sophisticates Black Hair reader way back when. Sometimes I'd look at the photo of the celeb and be like,"You ain't gots to lie!"

Back to topic: Those Dr. Miracle ads offend me.
Dr. Miracle's products were no good for me.I find the ads offensive why is the girl making a stinky face on the before ad.Hmm?Kinda makes you wonder.
Thank you Seximami! I'd never seen any of these commercials before ;)
your so welcome, i have brought temple and nape before but i only seen one commercial. the temple and nape did work though:look:

i tryed to relax my hair with it and it reverted:lachen:
((Clapping hands)) Phoenixx, you are definetely speaking the truth! :yep: You need to have your own radio talk show.
Phoenixx Girl you have said it all, I agree with you 1000% You need to make a Poster so I can hang it on my wall for folks to see! And with that said I have nothing to add. Phoenixx just Shut it DOWN!

You should send that article you just wrote to Ebony,SBH,Hype Hair etc. I too am sick of hearing about the "White Man"
I don't really find them offensive, but I think they have some of the most ridiculous commercials and that's why I will never purchase anything from the line (I also got a few samples of the temple balm and I haven't felt a tingle yet :sad: ).

The only place I see the commercials is BET. BET's College Hill is one of my guilty pleasure shows :ohwell: and with this new season, whenever the girls are getting ready to go out they go to a shot of the girls' bathroom. They zoom in on the sink where there are a few Dr. Miracle's products but we never actually see the girls USING the products.

I guess they figure that black women watching the show will see four young girls with hair that's about APL or longer and then see the Dr. Miracle's, so they'll go out and buy it.

That's probably more effective than a commercial where an arm coming out of a medicine cabinet hands a messy-haired (bad acting) woman a relaxer.
r u talking about this one? i do not like their proucts...i gave mine away. looking at this the first thing i thought was a washed up weave, and a throw back wig! this is not their hair....show some real damage and real progress!!! i think dr. miracles is a hype!!! :nono:

I'm looking at the pic you attached... well there you have it. This junk isn't claiming to help with damaged hair anyway... it's just for "styling." I like how the girls with "growth" and "scalp" problems are overweight, but the thin pretty girl who only needs help being styled gets the perfect after picture.

I'm glad I don't watch BET.
To answer the question I have to say yes they offend me for many reasons already stated and insult my intelligence which alone is the fastest way to offend me.PhoEnixX your posts would make excellent threads on their own. You and me are >>here<< I agree strongly with your whole post but to highlight:

1.I think the ads are ridiculous but somehow I'm not offended.
I'm suppose I'm just desensitized to Blatant Acts of 'Coon-ery' these days. I see so much displayed in the media
Not totally desensitized yet, because I still cringe.It is so hurtful.
Doesn't matter what *some* white folks may think. What matters is us! It may have started with them but that was years ago. White folks have moved on and *we're* still running around with all the baggage. Repeating the rhetoric through thought and action.

Racism will continue on in some form as long as we look differently and inhabit the same living spaces. We were not the 'First Cause'. But we will be demonized and sterotyped. The point is we should know better than to fall in line with the nonsense and actually MIMIC these stereotypes! :nono:

Say. It. Again.

That is precisely what happens when you ALLOW outsiders to take over and run YOUR (expletive)!

...that so many are willing to participate in the continued degradation of the black woman in order to line their pockets or get their foot in the door, i.e., some Video Vixens; 'Flavor of Love' girls.
....that too many black ppl are confusing 'black culture' with 'Street culture' (the images perpetuated by mainstream rap) these days.
...that some black folks in music glorify and glamorize the most negative aspects occuring within the black community. Then act like they can't see how sexist, damaging and socially backwards their 'work' is... "It's the parents. I'm just a stupid entertainer. Blame the parents..."

I mean--the Light Skin/ Dark Skin mess. The Good hair vs bad hair crap...
In addition to that: Hive Thinking.
Anti-intellectualism-- 'Talking white'; 'acting black', etc.. ....we're about the only ethnicity who makes our own feel bad for succeeding and learning!
The Inferiority Complex
--The world belongs to no one. If you think you can't succeed you're not. If you think the 'white man' is better than you--he prolly is because you're too weak-minded to see your own power. The 'white man' isn't a god and I wish black folks would stop treating him like one.
This 'white man' figure is just a man. And like any other man he can be soundly beaten and outperformed by a driven, forward thinking, intelligent individual with the will to succeed.....:ohwell:

Of course these issues affect all ppl of color (asian, hispanic,etc...)to some degree but they have manifested themselves in our community in an ugly way.

I'm over it and maybe that's could be why I have such a neutral response to these commercials. I AM TOO. HONESTLY

But--these issues are OLD. And I'm tired of black folks who just 'don't get it'.
Hell--It's friggin 2008 and you mean to tell me that Black folks ain't evolved past this Slavery-era nonsense, YET? Still letting the 'plantation ghost' affect your mind? Still carrying around color issues/racial baggage?
Still tapdancing for the 'Massa'--selling out your ppl for money, approval and acceptance?

I'm done.
Educate and be educated, of course.
But-who has the time to be bothered with backwards thinking 'negroes'?
At some point you just have to acknowledge that some aren't there yet and prolly never will be. I've accepted the fact that there ARE those among us who are just 'lost'. And will remain so. Because some ppl simply weren't destined to operate at a level any higher than the ones they presently occupy.

So it's best to avoid stupid ppl. Lest they drive you insane.

One more thing...Actually I take more offense to these hair magazine (Sophisticates) who interview black celebrities on their hair care habits when these celebs are never seen without extensions. The celebs will give some generic response about 'trimming hair every 6 wks' and all the while running around with a headful of weave! What's that about?
I was flipping through a mag aimed at Black Women (HypeHair) and was a bit disturbed by the Dr. Miracle's campaign.

The most unattractive female Black models are used with atrocious hair (seemingly due to poor hair practices but you would think it was because they had the "misfortune" of being Black, but I could be biased, lol). These poor souls are then "fixed" by using Dr.Miracles products -mainly their relaxer. As though that could solve scalp issues...but I digress.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is it REALLY just an effective way to gain a target audience's attention or are there underlying messages being sent?

I personally...can't use their products if I found one I enjoyed because these ads leave me feeling unsettled.

Furthermore, they're made by a Korean based company. Could it just be a lack of awareness on the company's managers part of what a sensitive issue hair is for Black Women (not all!)?

But if that's the case...why are they making a product solely marketed to Black women.

I suppose, they've noticed we spend a bit of money on our hair.

What's your take on this? Simple ad? Or does it hint at underlying issues?

LOLOL! I see what you mean, OP!

I think you're right! Tow up funny! :lachen:

That woman in the ad... oh God *tickled*
1.I think the ads are ridiculous but somehow I'm not offended.
I'm suppose I'm just desensitized to Blatant Acts of 'Coon-ery' these days. I see so much displayed in the media, you see.
But I do see different hues of black women being represented in these commercials. And the 'bad hair' depicted in these mags looks nothing like natural hair to me. IT looks like a relaxed head that someone is neglecting which gives it that dull/chewed up appearance. If there is a background story that's something different but just off these commercials...I'm not bothered. I don't use these products, btw.


If anything THAT is the problem to me. If I were to be upset I'd be bothered with black folks in the ad.
Doesn't matter what *some* white folks may think. What matters is us! It may have started with them but that was years ago. White folks have moved on and *we're* still running around with all the baggage. Repeating the rhetoric through thought and action.

Racism will continue on in some form as long as we look differently and inhabit the same living spaces. We were not the 'First Cause'. But we will be demonized and sterotyped. The point is we should know better than to fall in line with the nonsense and actually MIMIC these stereotypes! :nono:

I'm holding black ppl acountable because:
A. There's always a charge of racism somewhere.
Well all this mess would stop if those involved in the black hair care industry would take charge instead of acting so divisive and complaining about the 'Asians running it'. Anyway--it's not the fault of Asians for being resourceful. It ain't their fault if black hair care professionals are too busy squabbling with each other to step up. Just as it isn't the fault of white folks who step in and peddle our products. Making money and poking fun at us at the same time.

That is precisely what happens when you ALLOW outsiders to take over and run YOUR (expletive)!

B. It's a shame that black (in this case, commercial)actresses and actors could take a stand but don't.
...that so many are willing to participate in the continued degradation of the black woman in order to line their pockets or get their foot in the door, i.e., some Video Vixens; 'Flavor of Love' girls.
....that too many black ppl are confusing 'black culture' with 'Street culture' (the images perpetuated by mainstream rap) these days.
...that some black folks in music glorify and glamorize the most negative aspects occuring within the black community. Then act like they can't see how sexist, damaging and socially backwards their 'work' is... "It's the parents. I'm just a stupid entertainer. Blame the parents..."
Nelly, Snoop and his Pimp/Hoe deal. Young Jeezy and his 'Snowman' t-shirts, to name a few. God--can no one take personal responsibility?

But anyway--if you were raised near or around a hood or a ghetto you know how many brothas are caught up in hustlin and runnin the streets. I have 5 cousins and a brother who has done time behind that drug hustlin mess. In truth most males I know are little more than walking statistics going in and out of the revolving doors that are the Judicial system. :nono: But--I've watched their struggles and there is much pain coupled with that (superficial) 'joy'. It's not cool. It's dangerous.
...and here this fool (Jeezy) is acting like he doesn't know what comes with being a 'Snowman'? But he's quick to put the crap on a shirt and market it to young kids...? BLACK kids at that?

I just don't understand why some of the mainstream rap artists glamorize these lifestyles. I also don't understand how some of US have become so jaded that we actually praise criminal and deviant behavior? When did we start considering '*****' and 'hoe' to be terms of endearment for a woman? Or the standard way to address a woman (even ones you don't know)?
When did we start confusing thuggish behavior with MANHOOD?
Y'know, I've changed.
A lot...and I'm still trying to figure out whether or not it can be considered a progression--but I've just outgrown the 'let's save the village' mindset.

I mean--the Light Skin/ Dark Skin mess. The Good hair vs bad hair crap...
In addition to that: Hive Thinking.
Anti-intellectualism-- 'Talking white'; 'acting black', etc.. ....we're about the only ethnicity who makes our own feel bad for succeeding and learning!
The Inferiority Complex
--The world belongs to no one. If you think you can't succeed you're not. If you think the 'white man' is better than you--he prolly is because you're too weak-minded to see your own power. The 'white man' isn't a god and I wish black folks would stop treating him like one.
This 'white man' figure is just a man. And like any other man he can be soundly beaten and outperformed by a driven, forward thinking, intelligent individual with the will to succeed.....:ohwell:

Of course these issues affect all ppl of color (asian, hispanic,etc...)to some degree but they have manifested themselves in our community in an ugly way.

I'm over it and maybe that's could be why I have such a neutral response to these commercials.
But--these issues are OLD. And I'm tired of black folks who just 'don't get it'.
Hell--It's friggin 2008 and you mean to tell me that Black folks ain't evolved past this Slavery-era nonsense, YET? Still letting the 'plantation ghost' affect your mind? Still carrying around color issues/racial baggage?
Still tapdancing for the 'Massa'--selling out your ppl for money, approval and acceptance?

I'm done.
Educate and be educated, of course.
But-who has the time to be bothered with backwards thinking 'negroes'?
At some point you just have to acknowledge that some aren't there yet and prolly never will be. I've accepted the fact that there ARE those among us who are just 'lost'. And will remain so. Because some ppl simply weren't destined to operate at a level any higher than the ones they presently occupy.

So it's best to avoid stupid ppl. Lest they drive you insane.

I agree with just about everything you've said here. :yep:
1.I think the ads are ridiculous but somehow I'm not offended.
I'm suppose I'm just desensitized to Blatant Acts of 'Coon-ery' these days. I see so much displayed in the media, you see. But I do see different hues of black women being represented in these commercials. And the 'bad hair' depicted in these mags looks nothing like natural hair to me. IT looks like a relaxed head that someone is neglecting which gives it that dull/chewed up appearance. If there is a background story that's something different but just off these commercials...I'm not bothered. I don't use these products, btw.


If anything THAT is the problem to me. If I were to be upset I'd be bothered with black folks in the ad.
Doesn't matter what *some* white folks may think. What matters is us! It may have started with them but that was years ago. White folks have moved on and *we're* still running around with all the baggage. Repeating the rhetoric through thought and action.

Racism will continue on in some form as long as we look differently and inhabit the same living spaces. We were not the 'First Cause'. But we will be demonized and sterotyped. The point is we should know better than to fall in line with the nonsense and actually MIMIC these stereotypes! :nono:

I'm holding black ppl acountable because:
A. There's always a charge of racism somewhere.
Well all this mess would stop if those involved in the black hair care industry would take charge instead of acting so divisive and complaining about the 'Asians running it'. Anyway--it's not the fault of Asians for being resourceful. It ain't their fault if black hair care professionals are too busy squabbling with each other to step up. Just as it isn't the fault of white folks who step in and peddle our products. Making money and poking fun at us at the same time.

That is precisely what happens when you ALLOW outsiders to take over and run YOUR (expletive)!

B. It's a shame that black (in this case, commercial)actresses and actors could take a stand but don't.
...that so many are willing to participate in the continued degradation of the black woman in order to line their pockets or get their foot in the door, i.e., some Video Vixens; 'Flavor of Love' girls.
....that too many black ppl are confusing 'black culture' with 'Street culture' (the images perpetuated by mainstream rap) these days.
...that some black folks in music glorify and glamorize the most negative aspects occuring within the black community. Then act like they can't see how sexist, damaging and socially backwards their 'work' is... "It's the parents. I'm just a stupid entertainer. Blame the parents..."
Nelly, Snoop and his Pimp/Hoe deal. Young Jeezy and his 'Snowman' t-shirts, to name a few. God--can no one take personal responsibility?

But anyway--if you were raised near or around a hood or a ghetto you know how many brothas are caught up in hustlin and runnin the streets. I have 5 cousins and a brother who has done time behind that drug hustlin mess. In truth most males I know are little more than walking statistics going in and out of the revolving doors that are the Judicial system. :nono: But--I've watched their struggles and there is much pain coupled with that (superficial) 'joy'. It's not cool. It's dangerous.
...and here this fool (Jeezy) is acting like he doesn't know what comes with being a 'Snowman'? But he's quick to put the crap on a shirt and market it to young kids...? BLACK kids at that?

I just don't understand why some of the mainstream rap artists glamorize these lifestyles. I also don't understand how some of US have become so jaded that we actually praise criminal and deviant behavior? When did we start considering '*****' and 'hoe' to be terms of endearment for a woman? Or the standard way to address a woman (even ones you don't know)?
When did we start confusing thuggish behavior with MANHOOD?
Y'know, I've changed.
A lot...and I'm still trying to figure out whether or not it can be considered a progression--but I've just outgrown the 'let's save the village' mindset.

I mean--the Light Skin/ Dark Skin mess. The Good hair vs bad hair crap...
In addition to that: Hive Thinking.
Anti-intellectualism-- 'Talking white'; 'acting black', etc.. ....we're about the only ethnicity who makes our own feel bad for succeeding and learning!
The Inferiority Complex
--The world belongs to no one. If you think you can't succeed you're not. If you think the 'white man' is better than you--he prolly is because you're too weak-minded to see your own power. The 'white man' isn't a god and I wish black folks would stop treating him like one.
This 'white man' figure is just a man. And like any other man he can be soundly beaten and outperformed by a driven, forward thinking, intelligent individual with the will to succeed.....:ohwell:

Of course these issues affect all ppl of color (asian, hispanic,etc...)to some degree but they have manifested themselves in our community in an ugly way.

I'm over it and maybe that's could be why I have such a neutral response to these commercials.
But--these issues are OLD. And I'm tired of black folks who just 'don't get it'.
Hell--It's friggin 2008 and you mean to tell me that Black folks ain't evolved past this Slavery-era nonsense, YET? Still letting the 'plantation ghost' affect your mind? Still carrying around color issues/racial baggage?
Still tapdancing for the 'Massa'--selling out your ppl for money, approval and acceptance?

I'm done.
Educate and be educated, of course.
But-who has the time to be bothered with backwards thinking 'negroes'?
At some point you just have to acknowledge that some aren't there yet and prolly never will be. I've accepted the fact that there ARE those among us who are just 'lost'. And will remain so. Because some ppl simply weren't destined to operate at a level any higher than the ones they presently occupy.

So it's best to avoid stupid ppl. Lest they drive you insane.

AND THIS IS REAL TALK :clap: I too am desensitized to this foolishness... I was listening to the radio this morning and they were giving a summary of FOL...they called one of the girls "thing2"... wow makes me wonder what kind of woman is so pressed for her 15 minutes that she would let someone reduce her to "thing2".....only thing I could do was shake my head...some people and things will never change...
I hate the acne commercial. That is not a pimple that's a tumor!!! Ick!!!

The hair commercials are so offensive. Yeah, most peoples hair doesn't look so great in the AM but why perpetuate the stereotype that black woman have "bad" hair! My husband has fine hair and his hair ain't too hot in the morning. :nono:
very offensive---

and disgusting--i wish blk mags and etc would boycott their effin ads

i do know there is a movement in regard to ppl goin to their website and voicing their disgut via the contact us option