Don't You Love it When... (Long but Worthy)

lovechic said:
Southerngirl, That Lady Probably Thought You Were A Model! The Truth Is, I Would Stare At Your Hair In Amazement If I Saw You In Person Too! That Was So Sweet Of You To Offer Your Advice To Her. Your Hair Is All That, Girl!!!!!!!!

Lovechic :kissing4:

You are the cutest!! You just made me feel all gushy inside :rofl:

Thanks girlie!!
SouthernGirl said:
Hi Songbyrd :wave:

Thanks for the compliments!! As for the no-heat thingie :), here's what I do:

After washing, conditioning, and applying oils to hair as normal (I use WGO for this instead of greasing my scalp the way I do when it's in a bun), I just let it airdry for a bit. Not completely dry, but just a little, normally it's a couple of hours before I go to bed.

After it's a little dry (but still damp), I tie a satin scarf around my head, and let the back of my hair hang out, like in this picture:
I wear my hair w/a scarf on like this all the time in the summer, and on windy days if it's down. When it's time to go to bed, I take one of those satin bonnets and put over it, and I sort of fold the back over so it's sort of tucked under. When I wake up in the AM, it's completely dry, completely straight! I sleep sort of wild and the bonnet moves around, but the scarf helps keep the hair in one place, and helps to straighten the top part out. You can skip the bonnet part if you'd like, but only if you have a satin pillowcase you can sleep on. When I have those on, I skip the bonnet all together.

I'll warn you, the bonnet is NOT cute, but if you sleep alone it doesn't matter. My fiance calls it the "painter's cap" and says all I need is an easel and brush to complete the look :)
SouthernGirl said:
Hi Songbyrd

Thanks for the compliments!! As for the no-heat thingie , here's what I do:

After washing, conditioning, and applying oils to hair as normal (I use WGO for this instead of greasing my scalp the way I do when it's in a bun), I just let it airdry for a bit. Not completely dry, but just a little, normally it's a couple of hours before I go to bed.

After it's a little dry (but still damp), I tie a satin scarf around my head, and let the back of my hair hang out, like in this picture:
I wear my hair w/a scarf on like this all the time in the summer, and on windy days if it's down. When it's time to go to bed, I take one of those satin bonnets and put over it, and I sort of fold the back over so it's sort of tucked under. When I wake up in the AM, it's completely dry, completely straight! I sleep sort of wild and the bonnet moves around, but the scarf helps keep the hair in one place, and helps to straighten the top part out. You can skip the bonnet part if you'd like, but only if you have a satin pillowcase you can sleep on. When I have those on, I skip the bonnet all together.

I'll warn you, the bonnet is NOT cute, but if you sleep alone it doesn't matter. My fiance calls it the "painter's cap" and says all I need is an easel and brush to complete the look
Thank you SouthernGirl for sharing this great scarf trick! :) I would like to try this one. I was unable to pull up the link about how you wear your scarf (it says "permission denied") but I 'm sure it's how many of us would wear a scarf if going outside, right?

I understand how the scarf tied over the new growth tames it down, I use this technique a lot. I also use it for 30 min or so to loosen a braidout if I feel it's too tightly curled. Somehow the satin or silk scarf smoothes like a magnetic roller.

So here are my questions:

  • Do you tie your satin scarf down very tightly?
  • How is the scarf straightening out all of your new growth, like the new growth near the bottom of your head?
  • Are you using a giant satin scarf so all of your hair is covered in the back, before you put on your bonnet?
  • Does your scarf and pillow get too wet when you are going to sleep?
Thank you in advance SouthernGirl! :kiss:
Hey there Isis :wave:

Sorry about the album issue, I'd actually moved that album over to my private folders but I moved it back to public for this thread so you can see the picture.

Also, I've taken a better one that shows you how I do it at night. This is what I'm wearing as we speak :)

I wrap my hair like this, then put my satin bonnet on over it. I am NOT taking a picture of that awful thing! But it's the standard bonnet you get at any BSS. Sometimes I don't even use a bonnet, just my satin pillowcase. Then I just leave it like it is in the picture above. Here are the answers to your other questions:

1) I don't tie the scarf really tight. As you can see, it only covers half of my hair. I just walk around like this because it helps to let the bottom air-dry.
2) As far as the new growth in the back, it seems to get flattened out while I sleep. I generally sleep on my back, so I guess that's when it gets flattened out. Maybe that, and the fact that I add WGO to my hair and scalp, which helps to soften my hew growth.
3) Sometimes the pillow gets wet, but not generally. Because I walk around a while before getting in the bed, my hair is mostly air-dry, but still a little damp.

Hope that helps!! The picture should make it a little easier to see what I'm doing.
SouthernGirl said:
Hey there Isis :wave:

Sorry about the album issue, I'd actually moved that album over to my private folders but I moved it back to public for this thread so you can see the picture.

Also, I've taken a better one that shows you how I do it at night. This is what I'm wearing as we speak :)

I wrap my hair like this, then put my satin bonnet on over it. I am NOT taking a picture of that awful thing! But it's the standard bonnet you get at any BSS. Sometimes I don't even use a bonnet, just my satin pillowcase. Then I just leave it like it is in the picture above. Here are the answers to your other questions:

1) I don't tie the scarf really tight. As you can see, it only covers half of my hair. I just walk around like this because it helps to let the bottom air-dry.
2) As far as the new growth in the back, it seems to get flattened out while I sleep. I generally sleep on my back, so I guess that's when it gets flattened out. Maybe that, and the fact that I add WGO to my hair and scalp, which helps to soften my hew growth.
3) Sometimes the pillow gets wet, but not generally. Because I walk around a while before getting in the bed, my hair is mostly air-dry, but still a little damp.

Hope that helps!! The picture should make it a little easier to see what I'm doing.

SG, Even your hair in a rag is off the chains! **shaking head*** You go Girl!

You are so sweet!! I'm over here laughing about that, thinking if you could only see me in that bonnet!!!


Thanks Sweetie!