Don't You Love it When... (Long but Worthy)


New Member
A complete stranger that happens to have a hair dilema walks up to you and asks you for advice?

On my way home from work, I stopped at a BSS and this woman was in there and I could tell she was sort of watching me and listening to the conversation I was having w/the clerk.

Anyhoo, she politely interrupted and said she'd just gotten her hair relaxed, and was interested in doing her own some day. During the course of the conversation she found out I was a do-it-yourselfer and asked what I used, so I brought her over to the aisle and pointed out the Vitale line. Based on her hair type (looked like a 3a or b to me), I suggested she use something milder, so I suggested Affirm mild. Now I have never used this product, but because of all I've learned about it here, I felt confident enough to recommend. I gave her the skinny on where she could purchase it, how to use it based on our self-relax tips, and suggested that she do it with someone supervising the first couple of times.

Then she asked the million dollar question... is that all your hair!! Score! :clap: That just made my day. I had it wrapped up in a bun, but she wanted to see it so I took it down. I had no idea she'd grab it!! I was so embarrassed, because thanks to Honeylemondrop, it was LOADED with S-Curl activator!! I didn't have time to warn her.

Anyway, I know this was long, but the moral of this story is that it's nice to take what we've learned here to help out a stranger. Someone REALLY needs to market this site, and possibly have little cards made so when we get questions, we can flip out a card and direct people here!

Just sharing,
That is so great SG. I too would have been following you around the bss. I'm laughing that she touched your hair and it was loaded with S-Curl. That's what she gets for touching without asking.:lachen: I am sure she was grateful for your advice. It's always nice to be able to give adive to help others out.

That was also very nice of you to take your bun down for her.:)
What a compliment. It's good when you can help someone and they pay you a compliment in return. She sounded really sincere.

You and I think just alike. I was standing behind a woman in H&M today and her hair was breaking off at the nape. I just wanted to pull out a LHCF card and keep walking. :sekret: You don't want to insult anyone by dropping a link to the site but you know if they came and visited just one time they would get so much information out of it.
Hey Kaddy and Lorraine, :wave:

You both have me cracking up over here! :rofl: I guess I shouldn't feel bad about the S-Curl saturated hair, but it was interesting watching her "discretely" wipe her hands on her pants to get rid of it :)

Lorraine, this site really brings out the humanitarian in all of us, and I think that's a good thing. I just don't think others would take it that way if we started flipping out random cards (especially in the area we live in). It sure would be nice though!!

Speaking of H&M, I'm off to finish my Christmas shopping (that I just started a couple of hours ago). I'll hop back on later!!

Shoot, if I was having a dilemma I'd ask you for help too, SG! I mean really.. look at all that gorgeous hair you hae.. it doesnt take much to see that you obviously know your stuff when it comes to hair! :)
SouthernGirl said:
A complete stranger that happens to have a hair dilema walks up to you and asks you for advice?

On my way home from work, I stopped at a BSS and this woman was in there and I could tell she was sort of watching me and listening to the conversation I was having w/the clerk.

Anyhoo, she politely interrupted and said she'd just gotten her hair relaxed, and was interested in doing her own some day. During the course of the conversation she found out I was a do-it-yourselfer and asked what I used, so I brought her over to the aisle and pointed out the Vitale line. Based on her hair type (looked like a 3a or b to me), I suggested she use something milder, so I suggested Affirm mild. Now I have never used this product, but because of all I've learned about it here, I felt confident enough to recommend. I gave her the skinny on where she could purchase it, how to use it based on our self-relax tips, and suggested that she do it with someone supervising the first couple of times.

Then she asked the million dollar question... is that all your hair!! Score! :clap: That just made my day. I had it wrapped up in a bun, but she wanted to see it so I took it down. I had no idea she'd grab it!! I was so embarrassed, because thanks to Honeylemondrop, it was LOADED with S-Curl activator!! I didn't have time to warn her.

Anyway, I know this was long, but the moral of this story is that it's nice to take what we've learned here to help out a stranger. Someone REALLY needs to market this site, and possibly have little cards made so when we get questions, we can flip out a card and direct people here!

Just sharing,

You know I was thinking the same thing about the cards :) I just may do that.... does anybody know if it's ok?! :look:
KAddy said:
I too would have been following you around the bss.
Don't you know? Me too :D! That was a cute story! The business cards are a good idea, because I have seen some women I would love to refer but it seems cold-blooded :lol:. A business card seems to say, it's not just you...I do this all the time ;).
Yes, I love it.
They never ask me if its my hair. They usually stare very very hard. Then I guess after they have confirmed its real, tell me how beautiful it is and what can they do for theirs. I love telling them my regimen. I'm so glad I found this board because I can definately refer them to here.

Oh yes I seriously have to bite my tongue when I see someone with noticeabley damaged hair. I want so bad to say something but how can u say anything without them feeling insulted, u know.
What a compliment Southern Girl! And you took down your bun too! That woman got a special treat today! :)

I just now finished posting something about my BSS experience today with the clerk asking me questions about my hair and regimen.
Yes, I love it when it happens!
Candibaby, Sylver, Carletta, Isis, Dreems, Carlie :kiss:

You all are so sweet!! I'm all blushing now :)

Carletta, I think the card thing would be awesome, but you'd probably have to get permission from either the Beverly, or the moderators, or Nikos I guess. I'm sure they would appreciate the extra traffic and membership boost!!!

We'll just have to think of a nice way to distribute them :)
That's an awesome story and I can see why it happened; you have beautiful hair! :) I think the cards are a great idea, I know naturallycurly and nappturality has them. There's this girl in my office I would give one to, her hair looks healthy and thick, I know she does her own relaxers, but it's stayed the same length since I've been working with her *around June* and I know that she says that sometimes her hair is "hard" after she relaxes. I want to talk hair a lot with her, but I don't want her to think I'm insulting her or that I'm a nutcase! :lol:
I sooo wanted to flip one girl a card. I went to a salon where my friend was doing a weave and walked in just when she was blowdrying her hair. I guess I'm so used to seeing a lot of healthy heads on this board because I kept staring at her hair. It was so damaged, dry, dull, lifeless and thin. Either I've never seen anything like that before or forgot what it looked like because her hair was so limp. The ends were frizzy and bent everywhichaway!

She went on to say how disappointed she was because her hair was so thin. I asked her what she was doing and she said she wore braids for a long time and when she took them out she lost a lot of hair from all the tangles. I also noticed that she had scalp burns on her nape which was crusted over. She was in bad shape. I was dying to tell her about the board but didn't know how she would react.
Laughing at when she touched your hair! Glad it went well, I've had so much success with this site I want to tell everyone all the time! Awhile back I suggested T-shirts that's great advertising! THis site is a goldmine!
Aw, thanks Ms K and Allandra :kiss:

Alli77. I am so with you about this site. It's truly a goldmine!!! I'd wear a t-shirt PROUDLY!!
SouthernGirl said:
Candibaby, Sylver, Carletta, Isis, Dreems, Carlie :kiss:

You all are so sweet!! I'm all blushing now :)

Carletta, I think the card thing would be awesome, but you'd probably have to get permission from either the Beverly, or the moderators, or Nikos I guess. I'm sure they would appreciate the extra traffic and membership boost!!!

We'll just have to think of a nice way to distribute them :)

ok ladies, I pm-ed nikos about the card idea, and he said he would get with beverly about the cards and I asked about some tee shirts w/ the logo & lhcf on them, he said he would see what they could come up with !
OMG!! Southerngirl, I think I got this idea from you. If it was you, you are amazing. I remeber reading that when u wash your hair you put some oil on it, wrap satin scarf and let it dry and it comes out straight.
I think that was you..anyway I said to myself, I could never do that, I would look like Buckwheat and u must have that indian hair or
So last nite, I decided to try it. It came out wonderful. I didn't have to do all that straightening and blow drying I usually do after washing. I washed/conditioned it, combed it and put in some John Frieda moisture remedy and a little jojob oil. I went under my big dryer for 5 mins to dampen dry the crown. Then I put on my satin scarf and went to bed. Woke up took off scarf and it was straught, a little wavy. I loved it.
Thanks so much for this idea. Saves me so much time and management.
Again..I hope it was u that I got this idea if bad.
sylver2 said:
OMG!! Southerngirl, I think I got this idea from you. If it was you, you are amazing. I remeber reading that when u wash your hair you put some oil on it, wrap satin scarf and let it dry and it comes out straight.
I think that was you..anyway I said to myself, I could never do that, I would look like Buckwheat and u must have that indian hair or
So last nite, I decided to try it. It came out wonderful. I didn't have to do all that straightening and blow drying I usually do after washing. I washed/conditioned it, combed it and put in some John Frieda moisture remedy and a little jojob oil. I went under my big dryer for 5 mins to dampen dry the crown. Then I put on my satin scarf and went to bed. Woke up took off scarf and it was straught, a little wavy. I loved it.
Thanks so much for this idea. Saves me so much time and management.
Again..I hope it was u that I got this idea if bad.

Yeah :clap:

Yup, that's my little secret to no heat, no roller, straight hair!!! I discovered it COMPLETELY by accident. I don't know how in the world it works, but doesn't your hair come out as straight as it would with a curler? I don't get it, but it's awesome.

It works really great when you're not too far post-relaxer, but it also works several weeks post. The head scarf tied around first is the trick, because it flattens the top for you, when you would normally have to flat-iron those roots.

I'm so glad it worked for you. :)
carletta said:
ok ladies, I pm-ed nikos about the card idea, and he said he would get with beverly about the cards and I asked about some tee shirts w/ the logo & lhcf on them, he said he would see what they could come up with !

Well, I must say that I'm quite impressed, Carletta :).

You just grab that bull by the horn girlie! Way to go. Hopefully something positive will come outta this. It would be great for Bev and Nikos.

SouthernGirl said:
Yeah :clap:

Yup, that's my little secret to no heat, no roller, straight hair!!! I discovered it COMPLETELY by accident. I don't know how in the world it works, but doesn't your hair come out as straight as it would with a curler? I don't get it, but it's awesome.

It works really great when you're not too far post-relaxer, but it also works several weeks post. The head scarf tied around first is the trick, because it flattens the top for you, when you would normally have to flat-iron those roots.

I'm so glad it worked for you. :)

WOW SG! The lady in the store gave you a very nice and well deserved compliment. Your hair is beautiful and I would have followed you around too :sekret:,LOL. You are such and inspiration to me, and I like the card idea. Now, I need some help. Could you please explain to me exactly how you do the "satin scarf, straight hair" thingie :eyebrows2?
SouthernGirl said:
Yeah :clap:

Yup, that's my little secret to no heat, no roller, straight hair!!! I discovered it COMPLETELY by accident. I don't know how in the world it works, but doesn't your hair come out as straight as it would with a curler? I don't get it, but it's awesome.

It works really great when you're not too far post-relaxer, but it also works several weeks post. The head scarf tied around first is the trick, because it flattens the top for you, when you would normally have to flat-iron those roots.

I'm so glad it worked for you. :)

I am 9 weeks post relaxer and it worked great. Roots are flat. I wish I can post pics but I broke my camera the other day.
SouthernGirl said:
Well, I must say that I'm quite impressed, Carletta :).

You just grab that bull by the horn girlie! Way to go. Hopefully something positive will come outta this. It would be great for Bev and Nikos.


No,..." THANK YOU SWEETIE 4 THE IDEA! " :kiss:
songbyrd517 said:
WOW SG! The lady in the store gave you a very nice and well deserved compliment. Your hair is beautiful and I would have followed you around too :sekret:,LOL. You are such and inspiration to me, and I like the card idea. Now, I need some help. Could you please explain to me exactly how you do the "satin scarf, straight hair" thingie :eyebrows2?

Hi Songbyrd :wave:

Thanks for the compliments!! As for the no-heat thingie :), here's what I do:

After washing, conditioning, and applying oils to hair as normal (I use WGO for this instead of greasing my scalp the way I do when it's in a bun), I just let it airdry for a bit. Not completely dry, but just a little, normally it's a couple of hours before I go to bed.

After it's a little dry (but still damp), I tie a satin scarf around my head, and let the back of my hair hang out, like in this picture:
I wear my hair w/a scarf on like this all the time in the summer, and on windy days if it's down. When it's time to go to bed, I take one of those satin bonnets and put over it, and I sort of fold the back over so it's sort of tucked under. When I wake up in the AM, it's completely dry, completely straight! I sleep sort of wild and the bonnet moves around, but the scarf helps keep the hair in one place, and helps to straighten the top part out. You can skip the bonnet part if you'd like, but only if you have a satin pillowcase you can sleep on. When I have those on, I skip the bonnet all together.

I'll warn you, the bonnet is NOT cute, but if you sleep alone it doesn't matter. My fiance calls it the "painter's cap" and says all I need is an easel and brush to complete the look :)
candibaby said:
Shoot, if I was having a dilemma I'd ask you for help too, SG! I mean really.. look at all that gorgeous hair you hae.. it doesnt take much to see that you obviously know your stuff when it comes to hair! :)
I totally agree! Southerngirl, your hair is gorgeous! :)
I'll warn you, the bonnet is NOT cute, but if you sleep alone it doesn't matter. My fiance calls it the "painter's cap" and says all I need is an easel and brush to complete the look :)[/QUOTE]

LOL!!! My boyfriend calls my bonnet "a driver side airbag"!
Thanks Ronda :kiss: That's so nice of you!

Mrslee, I'm rolling over here :rofl: I love the driver's side airbag!! I'm glad I'm not the only one around here that's gets jokes. That's okay, because the payoff is HUGE!
SouthernGirl said:
Thanks Ronda :kiss: That's so nice of you!

Mrslee, I'm rolling over here :rofl: I love the driver's side airbag!! I'm glad I'm not the only one around here that's gets jokes. That's okay, because the payoff is HUGE!

Hey SG!

Exactly! Also last night we were lying down and he touched my hair, I guess he didnt realize I had the bonnet on, he said why arent you wearing your drivers side, I said I do have it on! He said "oh, it felt like it was my hair. Which brought me to the conclusion, he things my hair is nice and soft! I thought that was a wonderful undercover compliment! LOL
Southerngirl, That Lady Probably Thought You Were A Model! The Truth Is, I Would Stare At Your Hair In Amazement If I Saw You In Person Too! That Was So Sweet Of You To Offer Your Advice To Her. Your Hair Is All That, Girl!!!!!!!!
LOL @ the "driver's side airbag!" I call mine the "bloomer hat." It has lace around the edges so it looks like I'm wearing a pair of bloomers on my head.