Don't you dare relax your 2 years old's hair!!!


New Member
This past weekend I went to a friends get together at their house. There was a mother there with her 20 month old daughter. I was in the room but not really paying attention to the conversation until I hear "hair" mentioned. Apparently the mother has been thinking about straightening her little curls hair either with a perm or a pressing comb. The little girl has soft curly hair, probably around a 3c/4a. And the little curl has nothing wrong with her hair. Anyway, someone else was like "Don't you dare put a relaxer in her hair"...she is way too young...maybe if you still feel that way, wait till she is 6th grade or something like that. Another friend of mine chimed in and was like...there is no need do anything to her hair. People put relaxers in their young kids hair because they are too lazy to do it. An older lady, (around 60s) chimed in and was like, if you put a pressing comb to her hair you'll take it out at this for a <2 year old, she won't sit still... I was like....YEAAAA.... that's what i'm talking about.

However, one of the ladies there was natural and i'm transitioning so we had more comments on what type of stuff to use. One of the guys there was like, yea Lalabanks, you have "fuzzy hair"...i don't know what to think about that...but I had it pulled back and slicked down... :look:
what! i'm sorry he fronted you like that. most of us have fuzzy hair! i don't know what that means either but it doesn't sound positive. :cool:
I can't believe someone was considering that. Her poor little scalp would fry!!! Thank goodness you all were able to talk some sense into her.
I like "fuzzy" hair. I don't even bother trying to get that smooth, slick hair anymore.
As far as the 2 year olds hair, her mother needs to leave that child's hair alone. Even grown ups like me can't sit still for a perm or a press. Tell her to put that little girls hair in puffs or braids and call it a day. She can spray it with water and work in a little conditioner each day before styling.