Don't Henna your hair. Don't use oils. Don't Don't Don't. ARRRGH!

RE: Not giving out full hair regimens

My current hair regi is pretty simple by LHCF standards and has been the same for almost a year and a half. However, when family and acquaintances ask what I do with my hair/how'd it grow/yada yada, I say "Oh, I moisturize every night with this good moisturizing creme called Qhemet that I get online and I do my own hair." Do I go into detail that I use HairVeda Sitrinillah Conditioner? Or that I have a Solia flat iron? Or switched to Mizani BB? Nopers...Now if they ask specific questions, I answer specifically. But to the average person (non-LHCFer), when they ask "What do you do with your hair?" they don't really want to hear about pre-poos, mixing oils, all the homemade products you get online, etc. Plus, it may come off as obsessive in their minds, LOL.

So I don't think long-haired ladies IRL purposefully try to hide their 'holy hair grail' product, just that they don't want to come off looking crazy or extra...Also, many of them just have it like that and don't have to do much for their hair to grow.
U Very Funee After you reach your goal doing you, make sure you give her all the credit, if she was really trying to lead you astray it will only piss her off that she gave you "the secret" and it didn't backfire but if she was being honest and helpful as some of the posters suggested (hmmm...I doubt it) she should be happy with your accomplishment and you can take her out for a white russian to celebrate. Girl ,you know milk does a body good!
U Very Funee After you reach your goal doing you, make sure you give her all the credit, if she was really trying to lead you astray it will only piss her off that she gave you "the secret" and it didn't backfire but if she was being honest and helpful as some of the posters suggested (hmmm...I doubt it) she should be happy with your accomplishment and you can take her out for a white russian to celebrate. Girl ,you know milk does a body good!
She could have been trying to be sassy...or really, she just doesn't do that much to her hair and it's long.

My hair was long before the hair boards. Granted not as long as it is now, but it was long and I didn't do half the stuff I do now.
Gurl come ere.... :runninghug:

ITA with everything you said, especially me being the funniest here. *giggle* I'm just kidding.
not really, I laugh at all my jokes. :lol:

Yeah.. you guys don't know her, since that's where the benefit of the doubt is coming from. Since we were little girls she's always competed with me. I guess it hurts her, that the one thing she always beat me at (hair) I'm coming for it.. Yeaaah baby :grin:

Hey all!:grin: Just saying I totally understand...some woman really take you asking them about their hair practices as you trying to compete!!! Girl BYE!:nono: I had two situations like that happen where one said she "just uses MOUSSE" and the other was just mean!:perplexed And she "loved it" when I cut my hair short and she was WL. Im sure both these ladies are using good practices but want to take on an"elitist" attitude toward hair and beauty(no one is THAT important!:ohwell:) when its really "get a life chic, life is too short":rolleyes:(thats how I feel) I will tell any lady that asks. Im glad to help!:yep:
OP, I really understand your point of view but it is possible that she isn't being unhelpful on purpose. I had mbl hair all my life and I never did anything special to fact it was criminal the abuse I inflicted on it daily. I don't know why it didn't fall out. I definitely didn't have any type of regimen other than washing and conditioning fortnightly or when my scalp was itchy or smelly (gross I know). I also used a lot of silicone hair polishers and ceramic irons daily but my hair still retained its length. Unknowingly, I was paying a huge price for this because my hair never seemed to grow any longer.
If you guys have a competitive relationship in other areas it would be easy for you to jump to that conclusion but it still doesn't mean she's lying to you. Especially if her hair has been the same length for years... she is most likely as ignorant about hair care as I was which means she's not trying to keep her "hair secrets" from you...she just hasn't got any to share.
Thanks for sharing your opinions ladies.

But this same girl told me she was doing nothing, when I asked her how's shes losing all this weight. She just said, not much.. just eat less. I later found out she was going gym 3 times a week.

She always pretends everything she does is effortless. Like she's some sort of Celeb. I need to bring her back to planet earth... she's such an alien.
It dosen't appear wthat she was hating or being rude. Everyone has their own regimine and things that work for them. Keep up the good work with the regimne that works for you op
Thanks for sharing your opinions ladies.

But this same girl told me she was doing nothing, when I asked her how's shes losing all this weight. She just said, not much.. just eat less. I later found out she was going gym 3 times a week.

She always pretends everything she does is effortless. Like she's some sort of Celeb. I need to bring her back to planet earth... she's such an alien.

Well, so much for me giving her the benefit of the doubt :nono: she sounds like a right mess!:lol: I really don't understand that type of mentality. I love seeing other people doing well and if I can be apart of that by sharing what little I know then even better. Anyway sweetie, don't mind her you're going to surpass her in hair length soon enough just keep on the ball with your hair regimen and goals!:yep:
i used to have a friend like that. i know that type of person all to well. will not give out information, help or advice that has helped her in any given scenario and will play coy, forgetful, uninterested or uninvested in whatever the topic is (like hair, beauty, weight, clothes, work/careers, men... etc) all the while keeping all the secret little gems that helped her out to herself. i used to feel jilted because i share everything with my friends and like to see them do well, but hated when my old friend would be stingy or secretive about things. i always saw thru it and finally stopped being her friend. i dont like being friends with that type of deceptive person because it usually applies to things across the board and can be too stressful.

but if i give her the benefit of the doubt, milk does have loads of protein in it and protein does help hair grow. Also, if she cleanse her hair regularly, the moisture to her hair and stimulation to the scalp can help aid in hair growth (just ask co-washers with good growth). Also, if she is using a serum after washes, it can act as a sealant to the moisture she just put in her hair. i know that some people do that here for moisture (seal water with a serum or oil for moisture daily). And keeping it simple has helped many (including my self) see great progress in hair growth.

but if you think she is being unforthcoming, then i believe you. i know how them types are. she may be a frenemy and may not want you to succeed... just watch out and read between the lines.
I agree that she may not be doing much at all. That's the reason i'm giving up a lot of things that I learned on LHCF. Before I came here, my hair was long as it always had been, and in good condition. I came because it was a little dry.

Now, after learning, and doing all of these things, and wearing those DREADFUL satin bonnets (that damaged my edges and nape), my my hair has been breaking, and not in as good condition.

So i'm going back to doing very little to my hair....the only thing i'm keeping is using good leave-ins to moisturise.

Doing this stuff hasn't turned out to be good for your cousin may be telling the truth.
Thanks for sharing your opinions ladies.

But this same girl told me she was doing nothing, when I asked her how's shes losing all this weight. She just said, not much.. just eat less. I later found out she was going gym 3 times a week.

She always pretends everything she does is effortless. Like she's some sort of Celeb. I need to bring her back to planet earth... she's such an alien.

lol or just leave her the hell alone on her own planet. she might beam you up and try to take over your body, quit playin.
Well actually milk does help with healthy hair. I think it has something to do with the protein and calcium. And I always here the women on here preach about low manipulation so maybe doing nothing to her hair actually works. Her reggie doesnt sound to bad to me. Im just saying.

ETA: And honestly she probably doesnt even have a reggie. My sister has MBL hair and when asked about what she does to it she says the same thing...nothing! And I can attest to this, its true she does almost nothing. She doesnt moisturize daily. Washes her hair about every 2 weeks. Uses w/e shampoo or conditioner is on hand. She doesnt think much about her hair at all so maybe thats the attitude your cousin has.
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Chocolatelove2010, I know you are serious but you are making me :rofl:

Who is this beast trying to fool.

:lol: @ beast

Seriously though, there are are some people who don't do much and retain length. She may be telling the truth, but you know her so its your call.

:lachen: OP I can sympathize with you 100%. You see these girls with extra beautiful hair and they're like, "oh I don't do anything to it, just wash with regular shampoo.. I don't even condition everyday, and I seal with Vaseline :look: .. that's how I get my butt length locks"... now that may work for SOME, but then you get a peak into their hair stash you see some rare salon brand shampoo found only in Italy.. deep conditioner freakin' mixed by the queen of Narnia and 10 different Indian oils to seal :lachen: ... some people just don't like sharing hair advice, unless you pry it outta them.. *le sigh*

Good point @ the bolded. I've experienced that.

You don't think she was being rude??

She was trying to get me to walk around with DRY hair, and a milk carton.

The woman is evil.

:lachen: You are hilarious!!!
I would just raid her room looking for a stash... just in spite
I believe some people can have long hair with little to no effort but just shampoo serum and milk!? Hmmmmm

Maybe she is using WEN...
Well OP idk if your friend is really deceitful or if this story is similar to the entertaining yellow car story (you made my night that night)BUT

Yes, it's possible that people can grow long hair without doing anything to it. Before my cut last year, I had mbl hair and I didn't do a darn thing to it. Didn't wash it (unless my mom made me) except when I got touch-ups every 6-8 weeks and kept it in a bun basically everyday. So due to not manipulating my hair, it continued to grow. So I'd always tell people I didn't do anything because I didn't know about low-manipulation contributing to that I know better...I will give people my simple reggie of co-washing twice a week but I still wear a bun daily out of laziness. I sure hope no one is going around thinking I'm being rude and deceitful :-\
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RE: Not giving out full hair regimens

My current hair regi is pretty simple by LHCF standards and has been the same for almost a year and a half. However, when family and acquaintances ask what I do with my hair/how'd it grow/yada yada, I say "Oh, I moisturize every night with this good moisturizing creme called Qhemet that I get online and I do my own hair." Do I go into detail that I use HairVeda Sitrinillah Conditioner? Or that I have a Solia flat iron? Or switched to Mizani BB? Nopers...Now if they ask specific questions, I answer specifically. But to the average person (non-LHCFer), when they ask "What do you do with your hair?" they don't really want to hear about pre-poos, mixing oils, all the homemade products you get online, etc. Plus, it may come off as obsessive in their minds, LOL.

So I don't think long-haired ladies IRL purposefully try to hide their 'holy hair grail' product, just that they don't want to come off looking crazy or extra...Also, many of them just have it like that and don't have to do much for their hair to grow.

Girl not only IRL do people do this but I've seen it sometimes online here and other boards. People will post UH-MAZE-ING progress pics and of course we will respond, "gorgeous...what's your reggie?" They will say "nothing really...I just let my hair do what it do" or some other nonsense :ohwell:. Drives me crazy when even on a board specifically for and about haircare/growth/retention some women STILL won't give up the goods :angry2:! Maybe its bred in some ppl because thats what their mother's mother's mother did....:look:
Well OP idk if your friend is really deceitful or if this story is similar to the entertaining yellow car story (you made my night that night)BUT

She SAID she doesn't make up anything except for in the relationship forum and OT. :rofl: Regardless, I have my coffin next to me to climb in every time I see a thread from her :laugh:

Girl, I know what you mean about bad advice. My cousins told me when I was in high school that you're supposed to wear your hair up once a week MAX -- otherwise you look homely. She also told me I was supposed to get a relaxer at least every 6 weeks....regardless of whether I had any noticeable new growth, regardless of whether it was manageable or not...I just HAD TO. The difference between them and your cousin is mine are bald and will continue to be as long as they are following all that stupid advice.
OP, I know exactly what you mean and I feel you. I hate people like that, 'intellectually stingy' is what I call them. I remember once, in 6th grade, I asked this girl in my class, what do you do to get your hands so soft? Cuz, really, they were ridiculously soft. She told me that, as she watched tv sitting on the floor, she rubbed her hands on the carpet, and that's how they got so soft. :ohwell:

Being young, and stupid, I believed her. So, I told my mother when I got home and she was like, OOOOOH NOOOOOOOOES!!! Literally, I'm not exaggerating, that was her reaction. Thank god she was so vociferous, cuz if I did what homegirl suggested, all I would have ended up with are calluses, from all that friction. :nono:

Moral of the story: it's okay to call them haters. :look:
lol this post is hilarious! The OP should post more.

But i think she was being rude..then again a lot of ppl annoy me:lol:
OP, I know exactly what you mean and I feel you. I hate people like that, 'intellectually stingy' is what I call them. I remember once, in 6th grade, I asked this girl in my class, what do you do to get your hands so soft? Cuz, really, they were ridiculously soft. She told me that, as she watched tv sitting on the floor, she rubbed her hands on the carpet, and that's how they got so soft. :ohwell:

Being young, and stupid, I believed her. So, I told my mother when I got home and she was like, OOOOOH NOOOOOOOOES!!! Literally, I'm not exaggerating, that was her reaction. Thank god she was so vociferous, cuz if I did what homegirl suggested, all I would have ended up with are calluses, from all that friction. :nono:

Moral of the story: it's okay to call them haters. :look:

:lachen: What a funny lil girl.

I remember when I was about 6, my older cousin changed her hair color. I didn't know about hair dyes then, so I asked her 'what did she do.' She told me she spoke to her hair everynight, and told each strand to turn red.

For months I walked around talking to my hair.

Thanks to that beach, a lot of people thought I was schizophrenic as a child :look:
:lachen: What a funny lil girl.

I remember when I was about 6, my older cousin changed her hair color. I didn't know about hair dyes then, so I asked her 'what did she do.' She told me she spoke to her hair everynight, and told each strand to turn red.

For months I walked around talking to my hair.

Thanks to that beach, a lot of people thought I was schizophrenic as a child :look:


She was trying to get me to walk around with DRY hair, and a milk carton.

The woman is evil.


On a serious note, I actually believe there is something to the "washing a lot" theory, although this was the case for me when I was relaxed. I did, however, moisturize every day between washes, but I was a 2 - 3 x's a week washer. Still am actually. Maybe even more so now that I do braidouts. I recently cut my hair due to some fairly serious hair neglect and abuse issues, but before that I was MBL (transitioning).