Don't forget about cross wraps ladies.

Priestess said:
This is what I do, pincurl my ends to the crown of my head. I love this technique. Khandi B has a great tutorial in her fotki.
Thank you, thank you Priestess! :) Now I'm all excited again about this cross wrap! :bdance:

I just checked out KhandiB's tutorial and now I know I've been doing it right. Looks like she leaves her ends sticking out, I assume to keep them straight. Since I haven't been wearing my hair straight, I'll pincurl my ends as you are doing Priestess! :yep:
I will definitely try this when I wear my hair out again. I tried before, but my hair was too short and it didn't work. I love the pincurl idea too! Thanks ladies.
I've been doing this for about 4 months now, and it definately keeps my hair smooth and straight with zero combing. I cross wrap my hair faithfully every night. I usually put a stocking cap over it. That really gets it flat.
Mars_Reiko said:
I've been doing this for about 4 months now, and it definately keeps my hair smooth and straight with zero combing. I cross wrap my hair faithfully every night. I usually put a stocking cap over it. That really gets it flat.
:eek: :eek: I never thought about that...That would probably work beautifully...ok if I remember tonight its on
thicknlong said:
Thanks for this tip :) . I stopped wrapping a long time ago for that same reason.

Whats up w/the silicon mix thing? did you leave some of the conditioner in instead of rinsing it? or is there a "leave in" version of silicone mix ? Sorry for the qst's, i'm new :look:
Yes, they have a leave-in as well.
Isis said:
Since I heard of it in the recent past, I've been practicing this cross wrap off and on, attempting to do it with just my fingers and hands (no combing). My results have been interesting... My challenge is what to do with the ends, pincurl them? Leave them sticking out of the hairpin and hope the scarf mashes the ends down smoothly? :look: Use my fingers to comb the ends into my hair?
I just leave mine flat because I have curl already from my roller set but pin-curling would be great for adding curl to straight hair. I will try this whenever I straighten again...if I ever do.
Allandra said:
I've been doing the cross wrap since Hairlove posted about it. I love it. Once I put my scarf on, I slide the bobby pins out.
I tried this last night and it worked so I was like yayyy! Well during the night my hair must have slid down so now I have a big bulge of hair in the back of my scarf, lol. I'm a wild sleeper:lol: .
I need instructions and pictures how to do the cross wrap please. I already know how to do the regular wrap (without a mirror too). I would love to try this crosswrap though.
hot_pepper96 said:
I need instructions and pictures how to do the cross wrap please. I already know how to do the regular wrap (without a mirror too). I would love to try this crosswrap though.

check out KhandiB's fotki
Isis said:
Thank you, thank you Priestess! :) Now I'm all excited again about this cross wrap! :bdance:

I just checked out KhandiB's tutorial and now I know I've been doing it right. Looks like she leaves her ends sticking out, I assume to keep them straight. Since I haven't been wearing my hair straight, I'll pincurl my ends as you are doing Priestess! :yep:

Yeah my ends stick up straight a little bit before I put on my scarf too. But my scarf put them back in line of the "wrap." But that's because I like my hair bonestraight with a very very slight curl/bump. But I assume if you want some curl you can do the pincurls. That actually is an excellent idea.
yep i do a cross wrap every single night. I got the idea from Sylver. i think she has instructions in her fotki. Its very simple to do and i love that all i gotta do is take my scarf off, and rake my large comb only once, right down the back of my hair (to get rid of the part) and I am ready to go!!!!
I tried this last night, I must be terribly uncoordinated. I could not do this for nothin'. I will check out KhandiB's Fotki
Mars_Reiko said:
I've been doing this for about 4 months now, and it definately keeps my hair smooth and straight with zero combing. I cross wrap my hair faithfully every night. I usually put a stocking cap over it. That really gets it flat.
Your stocking cap idea sounds really good. :up:
Mizani_Mrs said:
yep i do a cross wrap every single night. I got the idea from Sylver. i think she has instructions in her fotki. Its very simple to do and i love that all i gotta do is take my scarf off, and rake my large comb only once, right down the back of my hair (to get rid of the part) and I am ready to go!!!!
I don't remember seeing Sylver2's cross wrap...:scratchch I'll check again. I know she lets her hair hang down in the back after tying on her scarf, then swoops it up on the side and places a bonnet over it. The next day, she just removes the bonnet and scarf and is good to go.
so i tried it...and i'm still in the air about it. when i crossed the 2nd half of my hair, it felt as if the had a "bump" in the back. i ended up wrapping my hair the old fashion way before i went to bed...i didn't want a dent in my hair from my cross-wrap.
Isis said:
Thank you, thank you Priestess! :) Now I'm all excited again about this cross wrap! :bdance:

I just checked out KhandiB's tutorial and now I know I've been doing it right. Looks like she leaves her ends sticking out, I assume to keep them straight. Since I haven't been wearing my hair straight, I'll pincurl my ends as you are doing Priestess! :yep:

Yay, you're welcome, Isis. Let's hear it for the crosswrap!! :band2: :lol:
I wasn't planning to post but for you ladies who are now trying this, here's what I do.
I part the hair in two with my fingers, grab each section and cross it, making sure one section is tight and smooth then I pin it into place. Then I do the same with the other section. Then I bring each section around my head making sure it's smooth and the front of my hair is smooth also.
Then I tie my hair with a hair net so that I can slide out all the pins. Then I put my scarf over that. My hair usually comes out bone straight. With an occasional wave if I toss a lot but the same thing happens if you wrap the traditional way.
sassyhair said:
I have tried this but I think my hair is too short for it. It was hard to get one side to stay while I tried to pin it. When I wrap my hair regularly one side of my hair looks flat and the other side kinda pokes out. Does this happen to anyone?

this happens to me. my hair is too short for it. i'm just at shoulder length.
I tried a cross wrap and I couldn't get the part to go away. As I went through the day, my hair would separate and leave a little "hole." Does anyone else have this problem?
asubeauty said:
I tried a cross wrap and I couldn't get the part to go away. As I went through the day, my hair would separate and leave a little "hole." Does anyone else have this problem?
Are you using a comb to part? I'm not sure but perhaps parting with just the fingers (not a neat part) will take care of the "hole".
Isis said:
Are you using a comb to part? I'm not sure but perhaps parting with just the fingers (not a neat part) will take care of the "hole".

Thanks! I'm going to try it again tonight and see if I can get it to work.
dstdiva said:
this happens to me. my hair is too short for it. i'm just at shoulder length.
My hair is at the top of my shoulders and it worked for me. It took me a few minutes to get the first side pinned but after that I was good.