Don't be mad LABETT...


Well-Known Member
I know you didn't know I was going to put you on blast, but I just had too. A little background for everyone, I met Labett and Meka last year at the SC meet up and the girl is a serious junky. No lie I left with 3 bags of products. So Friday I notice there is a box outside my home. At first I had to think whether I was on ebay recently, no. Then I thought maybe it was from my husband, no. Then I noticed the name, it was labett. I opened up the box and to my surprise was.....

7 bottles of Daily Defense Tender apple conditioner, a jar of bano de crema cinnamon conditioner, a bouffant shower cap, and a micro fiber hair turban. I just want thank you on the forum because you are such a dear. I was not expecting it and although it may seem small to you, it really blessed me because I was soo stressed out the day I got the box and it made me so happy I cried. I LOVE YA. Q
Aww. That IS great!
You got some hair products from a friend--and she made you day a little better! Can't beat that!
Thanks! Queeny.
I am glad that the package made your day.
Please look me up when you visit SC again and PJism is still out of control.