Don't be a messy ho, it may be good in the bed, but bad for your head!


Well-Known Member
I have a new youtube relationship advice video...called Don't be a messy ho, Emotionally Speaking.

basically I'm talking bout having a clear understanding about what you want in a relationship with a person, so that you're not flip flopping about your status and level of emotional and physical commitment. Don't break up to make up, then say you just want to be friends, then hop into bed with them, and say you don't want a realtionship with them, then end up catching feelings, then going back to just friends, then friends with benefits, to enemies, back to long term relationship. HAHA... I think a person should be clear about what they want...

I sorta like doing relationship videos... this is my 1st one, but since my youtube and blog have a lil bit of everything, I think this will be a recurring subject matter. Thank the lord I didn't have my youtube channel and blog last year when I was being a Messy Ho, Emotionally speaking. I was in the crazy love-hate triangle... the evolved into a square, the ended in drama, and me being alone, yet surprisingly super happy about it. haha Let's just say I was in love with one guy, but to that guy it was merely physical... and I was physical with another guy who was in love with me, yet knew I was in love with the other yet, yet the guy who was in love with me's ex girlfriend was in love with him and harassing me..... DRAMA. It was a bad situation, and thank god I matured and let all that mess go.

so anyway watch the video, please and thank you.