Donnie McClurkin's story on his path life as a homosexual

Honeyhips said:
Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This is a verse that I always seem to wrestle with. I have always that that those 'spirits' that are in men to make them do bad things was a 'weird' concept.

i.e. If I was raised in church and decided I now wanted to be the church harlet, then I could just blame a 'spirit' who got into me and made me do it? Or if a man raped a woman, then it's a spirit, and the man is a really great guy once that spirit is out of him?:ohwell:

'Cause then I could point out versus like, "The wicked are brought down by calamity" but, I thought there was no wicked, just evil spirits.:ohwell:

Forgive me ya'll, but in my mind it seems like an excuse for people who do wrong, and yes I know I need to overcome this thinking, but this is solely MY opinion and I am not going to blame a spirit for my mode of thinking.:down:
Keike said:
Well, this is where we have a parting of the minds. I want my husband 100% heterosexual. Anyway I do think people are born gay, so we will just have to agree to disagree. For the record, I do not think homosexuality is a sin so I am sure most of you think I am damned to hell anyway, hahaha. That is alright, though :).
Well since I am not God and can't send you to doesn't matter what I think : )
Koffie said:
I haven't read this whole thread, but I saw enough to make me respond.

To all those saying that homosexuality cannot be overcome PERIOD, does that that mean that you do not believe that our God is sovereign enough to deliver a gay person from their sin?

Me personally, I do not doubt that God can deliver a homosexual, but I believe that some humans find it so IMPOSSIBLE, that they even begin to doubt God, and if you are doubting God, saying what HE can and can't do, then what does that say about where you are spiritually?

Hahaha. I knew someone would attack my spirituality or my Christianity. To feel as you do, I would first have to think that homosexuality is a sin or something that has to be overcome. I do not. Therefore I do not think he "overcame" anything because imo there was nothing to overcome. It would be like me overcoming the sin of being black or being a woman. These are not sins, they are just what I am. Same with him. So I do not doubt God simply because I do not believe what you believe. haha. My faith is just as strong, thank you :). Be blessed.
Keike said:
Was it overcome really?? Or is he just denying who he really is? Let me put it this way, who among us would marry a man who had "overcome" his homosexuality? Wait, Star Jones is not a member, is she? Haha.

Humpf! Hello "sister"... I agree! :)
Keike said:
Hahaha. I knew someone would attack my spirituality or my Christianity. To feel as you do, I would first have to think that homosexuality is a sin or something that has to be overcome. I do not. Therefore I do not think he "overcame" anything because imo there was nothing to overcome. It would be like me overcoming the sin of being black or being a woman. These are not sins, they are just what I am. Same with him. So I do not doubt God simply because I do not believe what you believe. haha. My faith is just as strong, thank you :). Be blessed.

I am not attacking your spirituality, but I would like for you to know the truth. :)

I believe that if you think that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, then there is a problem.

The Bible clearly states it is wrong.

Romans 1:26-27

26"Because of this, God gave them over to their shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men commited indecent acts with one another and recieved in themselves the due penalty for their perversion"

Not only does this tell me that homosexuality is wrong, but one will also be penalized.
Honeyhips said:
I believe he did overcome it. God can deliver people.

Would I marry him, no, but I don't want to marry someone who was a heavy drug user either. It may not be his purpose in life to get married. IT doesn't mean he is not gay though.

Why wouldn't you marry him? If God can deliver someone from homosexuality and HEAVY drug use (any drug use is my limit), why not be with him?

He's been delivered... right? If the man is engaged, it must be his purpose in life TO marry.
meka said:
It is not a matter of overcoming so to speak, it is being delivered. Homosexuality is a spirit. No one is born gay, that is like someone saying that they were born a drug addict. Please!!! He has been delivered from homosexual tendencies. God can do anything, it is all a matter of asking Him for it. Would I marry a man like that, sure, because I don't doubt what God can do. If God told me that a man like that was my husband, then my job is to be obedient.

Just have him tested! HIV/AIDS is real! I haven't heard of anyone being delivered of that yet!

I disagree with people not being born addicted to drugs. Happens every day, especially in the BLACK community.
natalied said:
uh oh....

Sidebar: Donnie specifically talks about overcoming homosexuality for those who were introduced to it by sexual abuse.


Nuff said!

scorpiogirl112184 said:
amen i agree
i close friend of mine was deliever from the same thing

All this talk of "deliverance" is making me wonder if it's not contributing to the widespread infection of HIV/AIDS in the black community... hhhhhmmmm...
Koffie said:
I am not attacking your spirituality, but I would like for you to know the truth. :)

I believe that if you think that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, then there is a problem.

The Bible clearly states it is wrong.

Romans 1:26-27

26"Because of this, God gave them over to their shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men commited indecent acts with one another and recieved in themselves the due penalty for their perversion"

Not only does this tell me that homosexuality is wrong, but one will also be penalized.

Thank you but I am happy with my own preacher. I appreciate your concern but I am a grown woman who is secure in my beliefs. No need to persuade me and I am not about to debate this issue with you. There is your truth, my truth and The truth. By the time we know which is which, it really will not matter for purposes of this discussion. Be blessed dear.
Keike said:
Well, this is where we have a parting of the minds. I want my husband 100% heterosexual. Anyway I do think people are born gay, so we will just have to agree to disagree. For the record, I do not think homosexuality is a sin so I am sure most of you think I am damned to hell anyway, hahaha. That is alright, though :).

Heehee! Why can't people be born gay? If they can be born STRAIGHT!

I'm with you on that point! No comment on if it's a "sin" or not. Religion steps in the way, and I can't proceed any farther ;)
Yes, you focus on Him and his love for you. Praise God, one day we will be in glory where they will be no more pain or suffering. And this dreadful world, will be made new. And we will be new creatures in Christ!

You are wise beyond your years Koffie. I know God must have some big things planned for you b/c you are a living witness to the power of God! You are an intelligent articulate black woman who's overcome her circumstance.

Keep your eyes on Him and I have no doubt you will accomplish great things! I'll be praying for you :kiss:

Koffie said:
The people you speak of have not been healed from their trauma. I myself have been abused, and yes, I still deal with issues and painful memories in life. You are right about how it can have an effect on someone's life, becuase I am a living witness to it. Things like this can easily have a domino effect on your relationships in the later years. It is VERY hard to overcome something like this when you keep getting flashbacks and you are trying to progress. Its like, "well, I am the one who got assualted, but I reaped the pain.:ohwell:"
And when you decide to ask God to put you where you need to be spiritually if all that hadn't have happened, it ain't pretty.:down: :nono:
That's when the arrows really get throwed at you. :cry3:

I still do not like nor respect, my assualter, but in the meanwhile I've decided to keep my mind on Jesus.;)
I know in my heart that He is a just God so I don't have to focus on the pain as much.
meka said:
Well since I am not God and can't send you to doesn't matter what I think : )

So true :D. You seem to presume that God is biding his time waiting to send me to hell but I digress. Thank you for agreeing to disagree lol.
natalied said:
How would you explain bisexuals then? I have a cousin and he goes both ways. He says he doesn't believe he should restrict who he falls in love with based on gender.

He is 100% bi. He has made the choice to "love" whoever. I've seen him happy with female partners and male partners.

For him, I think he CHOOSES to go both ways.

He CHOOSES to do that, though. Are we talking about what turns us on or a lifestyle? They are NOT the same!

A person might be attracted to both sexes but because society has taught us we need to be ONE way, we are not going to go and set up shop with someone of the same sex.

Your cousin is very courageous, along with millions of others in his situation. He is bisexual and a very strong individual to step out and let the world know what he is. At least he's not on the "down low or the low down" deceiving his partners right and left.

natalied said:
I think some people are born that way BUT there are others who CHOOSE their lifestyle or that lifestyle is forced ont them by sexual abuse. I think b/c of sin, we have jacked up our bodies. This is why some people have been born with the propensity for alcholism, violence, etc. BUT I also believe people can be delivered from these propensities.

These are just excuses. Excuses for people to do what THEY want, but yet look to blame something or someone for their choices, because they know to do anything outside of what society says is "normal" means automatic persecution!
Keike said:
Thank you but I am happy with my own preacher. I appreciate your concern but I am a grown woman who is secure in my beliefs. No need to persuade me and I am not about to debate this issue with you. There is your truth, my truth and The truth. By the time we know which is which, it really will not matter for purposes of this discussion. Be blessed dear.

No -Thank you ;), and I hope for you to be blessed, but honestly, I don't have a truth, the truth that I follow is based out of the BIBLE, and that is why I posted that scripture, because it is God's word not mines. But either way, be blessed.:kiss:
natalied said:
Yes, you focus on Him and his love for you. Praise God, one day we will be in glory where they will be no more pain or suffering. And this dreadful world, will be made new. And we will be new creatures in Christ!

You are wise beyond your years Koffie. I know God must have some big things planned for you b/c you are a living witness to the power of God! You are an intelligent articulate black woman who's overcome her circumstance.

Keep your eyes on Him and I have no doubt you will accomplish great things! I'll be praying for you :kiss:

Thanks natalied. :rosebud:
Keike said:
Thank you but I am happy with my own preacher. I appreciate your concern but I am a grown woman who is secure in my beliefs. No need to persuade me and I am not about to debate this issue with you. There is your truth, my truth and The truth. By the time we know which is which, it really will not matter for purposes of this discussion. Be blessed dear.

Well if it is in the bible wouldn't that be THE TRUTH?
Blossssom said:
Just have him tested! HIV/AIDS is real! I haven't heard of anyone being delivered of that yet!

even if you marry a heterosexual man who isn't a virgin, then he should be tested also. ;) AIDS doesn't discriminate based on sexual preference.
mahogany said:
Well if it is in the bible wouldn't that be THE TRUTH?

My sentiments exactly, but I will no longer stress the point of what I am trying to say to her, because I have spoken, and I feel as though I did my part. If she is not willing to recieve it, then that blood is now on her hands.
Blossssom said:
Why wouldn't you marry him? If God can deliver someone from homosexuality and HEAVY drug use (any drug use is my limit), why not be with him?

He's been delivered... right? If the man is engaged, it must be his purpose in life TO marry.
Not everyone who gets married is in God's will.

But to answer the previous questions. Not wanting to marry someone liket hat is just my preference. It isn't about me thinking they haven't been delivered. I also don't want to marry a white man, a man who has a child, or a man who has been divorced. I also don't want to marry an alcoholic, or a man who was a ho' byt the worlds standards. This is all about HH though, and my own limited thinking. If God choses someone like that for me, then I'll do it.
No, unprotected sex and dishonesty is.
Blossssom said:
All this talk of "deliverance" is making me wonder if it's not contributing to the widespread infection of HIV/AIDS in the black community... hhhhhmmmm...
Why don't you just learn to respect someone elses opinion, regardless if you agree or not. No need to belittle what they think.
Blossssom said:
You can't convince some folks, though. I no longer try.
Honeyhips said:
Not everyone who gets married is in God's will.

But to answer the previous questions. Not wanting to marry someone liket hat is just my preference. It isn't about me thinking they haven't been delivered. I also don't want to marry a white man, a man who has a child, or a man who has been divorced. I also don't want to marry an alcoholic, or a man who was a ho' byt the worlds standards. This is all about HH though, and my own limited thinking. If God choses someone like that for me, then I'll do it.

But I thought that was what we were discussing. Someone being delivered from homosexuality, through God, and if the person later finds themself engaged to a person of the opposite sex, of course, wouldn't that event be blessed by God?
Blossssom said:
These are just excuses. Excuses for people to do what THEY want, but yet look to blame something or someone for their choices, because they know to do anything outside of what society says is "normal" means automatic persecution!
No one in here is persecutting anyone. I have nothing against gay men. I've hung out with some. (doesn't that sound like my best friend is black :lachen: ). Just like I hang out with people who are not virgins, and etc...
As a Christian the rules for relationship/sex/homosexuality/fornication are spelled out without any room for interpretation. Man may come up with their own reasoning in order to do what they would want to do, but Gods word is absolute. His kingdom is not a democracy. He doesnt care that you or I say if two folx love each other they should be together regardless. "There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end leads to destruction." Homosexuality is a sin to the Christian faith, no greater or lesser than any other sin. As such, one can be delivered from it. Like any other sin, the believer has responsibility as well. They are to immerse themselves in Gods word in order to have "the mind of Christ" and be strengthened and avoid situations that would lead them to backslide. Will an area one has been delivered from always be a weakness? For some yes, for others no. We are not perfect and even though God gives us the power to be free, we can fall back into a sin. No one is perfect. I realize that there are those present who do not feel that homosexuality is a sin, and that is your right. This however is the Christianity forum, and for Christians, based on the word of God, this is not something that is up for debate.

Lets keep this civil ladies.
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Enchantmt said:
As a Christian the rules for relationship/sex/homosexuality/fornication are spelled out without any room for interpretation. Man may come up with their own reasoning in order to do what they would want to do, but Gods word is absolute. His kingdom is not a democracy. He doesnt care that you or I say if two folx love each other they should be together regardless. "There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end leads to destruction." Homosexuality is a sin to the Christian faith, no greater or lesser than any other sin. As such, one can be delivered from it. Like any other sin, the believer has responsibility as well. They are to immerse themselves in Gods word in order to have "the mind of Christ" and be strengthened and avoid situations that would lead them to backslide. Will an area one has been delivered from always be a weakness? For some yes, for others no. We are not perfect and even though God gives us the power to be free, we can fall back into a sin. No one is perfect. I realize that there are those present who do not feel that homosexuality is a sin, and that is your right. This however is the Christianity forum, and for Christians, based on the word of God, this is not something that is up for debate.

Lets keep this civil ladies.


Couldn't have said it ANY better. You better QUOTE some Word! "There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end leads to destruction."

The whole post was on point. WELL SAID