Dominican Regimen???


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Have you ladies ever noticed that most of the women (both black and hispanic) who go to dominican salons religiously have long hair. I have a cousin who had her hair natural for a while, but about a year ago decided to go back to relaxing. For the last year she has gone to get her hair washed/set at a dominican salon near her house. She rarely washes her own hair anymore. And let me tell you her hair is HEALTHY, FULL, BOUNCY, and GROWING!!

To me it looks like she retained almost all 6 inches that she grew over the last year. So a few weeks ago I decided to get my hair washed there to see if they are like other dominican salons I've been too or better. Well I am very pleased with the results of washing my hair there 3x now. They handle the hair VERY gently, if they come up against a tangle in you hair the stop and comb in on the other side of the knot, very carefully until the untangle it. They rollerset the hair with the right amount of tightness so it pulls even my 4a/b roots pretty straight. After the rollerset they ask you if you want them to blow the hair out, blow out the roots only, or just wrap (I've been to other salons where they get offended if you don't want them blowing it out). I had them blow my hair out once, but told them to do it very lightly, I didn't hear any hair breaking/or snapping during this process, and the lady did do it very lightly.

Also I had them trim my hair yesterday, and they didn't take off very much it was almost like a dusting, they are not SHS at all. They to want you to retain length as long as it is healthy. My cousin always told me they refuse will NOT trim her hair if it doesn't absolutely need it, and even then they only take off what they need to and nothing more.

And almost all the women who have been there while I'm there have long hair.

So anyway my point is, I'm considering including going to this dominican salon as part of my regimen 1x per week. My regimen will also include my vitamins, I'll take my deep conditioners to the salon, putting my hair up when it's getting close to wash time because that's when I experience the most breakage. I will also start oiling my scalp 2x per week with WGO, and taking surge to the salon so that then can spray on my scalp before they rollerset.

Anyway what do you ladies think about my dominican regimen? Has anyone tried this before??
It sounds like a good idea to me. In fact I've been thinking about doing this as well, because I'm getting lazy, but I don't want my hair to suffer.
I've decided to give them a "go" regularly as well. I had my first visit this past Friday and will go ahead probably not this week but next. Lucy suggested that I come every two weeks, not every week. I bought some Alter Ego at Wegmans and will use that along with protein and Keracare Humecto. I'm planning on doing this regularly until about the end of April to see how I'm feeling about this routine. We'll see how it goes! I've got to admit, a girl can become addicted to the soft, silky manageability!
Hi Ms. Kenesha,

I honestly have tried other methods of washing my hair, and going to a dominican salon seem to be the least damaging. I can rollerset my own hair but I'm can rollerset it as smoothly as they do, especially when I need a relaxer, so I end up using another form of heat (my flat iron) after to get it smooth. With them I'm not even touching my flat iron because it's smooth right out of the rollerset. For maintenance through the week I might put some magnetic rollers in my hair or my carusos to re-tighten the bump on the ends.

I've also tried airdrying my hair, and for me anyway I end up losing more hair than I gain when I need a relaxer because I'm trying to get it smooth before putting it in a ponytail to dry. Maybe it will be easier to do once my hair is past shoulder length.

Anyhow I really feel that getting a rollerset from them once a week is the least damaging way of washing and styling my hair. Does anyone else have any other opinions before I make this official??
Leshia said:
I've decided to give them a "go" regularly as well. I had my first visit this past Friday and will go ahead probably not this week but next. Lucy suggested that I come every two weeks, not every week. I bought some Alter Ego at Wegmans and will use that along with protein and Keracare Humecto. I'm planning on doing this regularly until about the end of April to see how I'm feeling about this routine. We'll see how it goes! I've got to admit, a girl can become addicted to the soft, silky manageability!

Hi Leshia,

My only suggestion is to not let them blow it out too often or at all, if you feel it's too stressful on your hair.

If we get a few more responses to this, it might become a challenge of it's own! What do you ladies think?
Sounds fine to me. Do you think that oiling your scalp 2x a week will make your hair too oily? I sometimes use NTMS or monoi very lightly and found that it works quite well for keeping my hair moisturized. And it doesn't make my set limp.
That used to be my M.O. when I lived in NY. Salon once a week. It was a ritual. And even with all the color, my hair was the longest it's been in my adult life.
Boadicea said:
Sounds fine to me. Do you think that oiling your scalp 2x a week will make your hair too oily? I sometimes use NTMS or monoi very lightly and found that it works quite well for keeping my hair moisturized. And it doesn't make my set limp.

Hi Boadicea,

I lightly oiled last night and it's not too bad today. I parted in big chunky sections to apply the oil lightly and then gave myself a scalp massage to spread the oil around. It seems okay today. We'll see how it looks in a few days.

I was actually looking at my bottle of Neutrogena Triple Moisture Serum last night and thinking about using it. May be I'll put that on in a few days. I've never tried Monoi though, what is that like?

Also do you you go to dominican's to do your hair, it looks beautiful!
Rabia which salon is this? How much is for a wash,set and deep condition with your own conditioner. I have seen people's hair literally SPROUT from going once a week to the Dom. Salons. The thing, I've been to several, but there really isn't one that I would go to on a consistent basis really. For instance, there may be a particular person that I like in the salon and thats it.
I rely on the Dominicans to keep my hair in good condition. I recently starting going back once a week. I used to do it when I was in NYC paying $15 a week, but I got a little cheap when I moved to MD and my hair suffered.

I've got a better paying job now and I resumed my regimen. I have them blow the roots only and I bring a deep conditioner every week (Aquage, KeraCare, Toqe Magico or whatever's hot, I'm a PJ). I don't even bother washing my own hair anymore because I seem to always damage it during some part of the styling process. Not rolling it properly when wet or using too much heat to straighten it to my liking.

I'm telling you ladies, I see the difference already. So if you have room in the budget add it because it makes a big difference.
When I lived in the city, I went to a dom salon faithfully. I was distraught when I moved and couldn't find a dom salon, but I learned how to do just what my stylist did.

IMO, the dominican regimine is somewhat based on products, but most of the success is based on technique. They don't apply direct heat, e.g hot curlers, flat irons etc. Some of them try to use those tools now, because they are so popular, but when you say "no" they back down.

I have friends who use the same products that I use, Dominican and otherwise, but they don't retain length, where as those of us who swear by the dominican technique maintain a lot.
Thanks! Yes, I go once a week (wash, set, blow, wrap). I pre-poo and deep condition at home because I like to control the amount of product used and the length of time it's kept on. That's the only time I wash my hair myself and I use the same shampoo and conditioner (Alter Ego) that's used at the salon. I air-dry in a ponytail with my hair in a basic braid and get my hair done the next day.

I like NTMS because it's light and adds moisture and shine. My hair and scalp are touchy with oil so I try to stick to serums. Monoi is light as well and very fragrant (comes in a variety of scents and even the unscented smells good). It does nothing for my hair as an oil treatment, but when used as a moisturizer, my hair feels soft and it becomes shinier.

ETA: I think the reason I retained so much length is because I didn't manipulate my hair much at all when regularly going to the salon. I wear it up in a wrap/doobie, taking it down only once a day to comb/brush (paddle) it and let my scalp get some air and moisturize my hair. Then it goes right back up again. I only wear it down 2-3 times a week and even then, I comb/brush it once and that's it until I wrap it up again at night.
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RabiaElaine said:
Hi Leshia,

My only suggestion is to not let them blow it out too often or at all, if you feel it's too stressful on your hair.

Blowing the roots only, prevents adding unnessary stress to the hair. Most dominican stylists know what you mean when you say your roots only.
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RabiaElaine, you read my mind.

I started washing my own hair and couldn't get the detangling down well enough. I was pulling way too much.

I decided to go back to Dom salon for weekly wash & set. I do not get my hair blow dried, but I will let them blow the roots and leave the curl on the end if I need a relaxer or want a curly look. Mostly, I will let them take out my rollers add a little WGOor biosilk and wrap. I only keep my hair wrapped for that night. I put my hair up very loosely with a purple magnetic roller and silk scarf nightly thereafter until my next wash (nightly wraping is not good for my hair line).

I went this past Saturday to one near my home in NJ and my hair looks like I just got a relaxer (my last relaxer was Nov 17th). I am amazed!!!! It looks so healthy, bouncy & shiny. When I combed my wrap down and looked in the mirror. I realized one thing "I can't do what they do..." This will be my routine from now on. I will be wearing my hair in a very loose bun or pony tail.

I bring my own products and the cost is $15.

If you do a challenge count me in.

I used to go weekly before I had my daughter and that is the only time my hair passed my works.
Britt said:
Rabia which salon is this? How much is for a wash,set and deep condition with your own conditioner. I have seen people's hair literally SPROUT from going once a week to the Dom. Salons. The thing, I've been to several, but there really isn't one that I would go to on a consistent basis really. For instance, there may be a particular person that I like in the salon and thats it.

Hi Britt,

I go to a salon in East Elmhurst, Queens it's called Amiris New Look Salon I believe. It's on Astoria Blvd and 97th street I think. I understand what you mean about consistency. In the 3 times I've been there for a wash and set about 4 out of 6 of the stylist have touched my hair. I don't have a complaint about any of them so far. My cousin however usually only goes to one of them, her name is Cari, in case you go. When I get my relaxer I'm going to have Cari do it though.

I pay $20 to wash my hair and condition for about 20 minutes using their conditioner, I'm not sure what they are going to charge me when I bring my own. Hey I figure this way I can stop being a product junkie since I will only wash my hair there and not at home, so I won't be as tempted to try the latest and greatest shampoo. A touch up is about $40 or $45.
Thanks Rabia,
Im in BK, Queens is a bit far for me :(. Thanks for the salon review though
Rabia- Girl you better stop playing! I go there on occasion they are great there is one there though that pulls out a lot of hair. She is the slimmest one there.
No problem Britt,

I live about 50 miles away from the salon (I live in Westchester). I am in that area of Queens on the weekends though for church so it's easier for me to get there. I can understand from BK it might be a bit of a trek. If you drive it shouldn't be too bad though maybe a 20-30 min drive.

For anyone else interested they are open 7 days a week. Monday - Fri 9-7 (they take their last customers at 6pm) Sat 10-7 (i think). Sundays 10-4 (last customers at 3pm).

I think I am going to start up a challenge for this. I hope you still find a Dominican salon that you like Britt and join anyway.

cutebajangirl said:
Rabia- Girl you better stop playing! I go there on occasion they are great there is one there though that pulls out a lot of hair. She is the slimmest one there.


Are you talking about Kissy? She's the youngest one there. I didn't have any problems with her, unless she's not the one you are talking about.

And vouch for me, doesn't almost everyone there have past shoulder length hair??
Aww thanks Rabia,
If I find a salon I like and frequent consistently :D I will join the challenge. I'll probably go every other week and wash my hair in between. Wow, the first challenge I join :yay::lol: . Hey when do we start? I'm going to the salon this Sat ;) .
No, I dont know there names off the top of my head. There is a mother and daughter who work on the left who are both excellent. Then there is a heavyset one with an AMAZING head of hair who is also good on the right. Then there is a slim women on the right closest to the dryers who pulls out my and everyone elses hair. Everyone that goes does have shoulder length or past hair. They do natural hair too (at least on kids).

RabiaElaine said:

Are you talking about Kissy? She's the youngest one there. I didn't have any problems with her, unless she's not the one you are talking about.

And vouch for me, doesn't almost everyone there have past shoulder length hair??
cutebajangirl said:
No, I dont know there names off the top of my head. There is a mother and daughter who work on the left who are both excellent. Then there is a heavyset one with an AMAZING head of hair who is also good on the right. Then there is a slim women on the right closest to the dryers who pulls out my and everyone elses hair. Everyone that goes does have shoulder length or past hair. They do natural hair too (at least on kids).


You are not talking about Kissey then. Kissey is closest to the door on the right. I haven't had that one do my hair before though, thanks for the warning. The heavyset one whose name is Cari, is the one who my cousin goes to and who I plan to do my touch up there, and perhaps make her my regular wash and set person too.
goodness, now I'm thinking about every 8 days or so. Why would she tell me once every two weeks if most are doing it once a week? Hmmm...anyway, anyone up for the challenge? If just a few want to do it, I'm in!
Leshia said:
goodness, now I'm thinking about every 8 days or so. Why would she tell me once every two weeks if most are doing it once a week? Hmmm...anyway, anyone up for the challenge? If just a few want to do it, I'm in!
I wash my hair every other week. It's shocking to find a stylist who recommends every other week, as opposed to weekly. My hair just gets way too dry, regardless to how what, or how much I put in.

I am washing weekly now, because I work a lot now.
Leshia said:
goodness, now I'm thinking about every 8 days or so. Why would she tell me once every two weeks if most are doing it once a week? Hmmm...anyway, anyone up for the challenge? If just a few want to do it, I'm in!

Hi Leshia,

I started the challenge...look for my other thread Dominican Challenge.
I'm very excited that you will be joining us! I really have a lot of faith in this challenge, because going to a Dominican salon is the only common thread amongst my personal friends who have long hair. Now I am not vouching for all Dominican salons, I've been to a few whom I did not like how they handled my hair. However, as long as you find one whose techniques you like, and you are consistent with going there and not manipulating your hair too much it should work in retaining length and maybe even stretching your relaxers.