Dominican blowouts v Flat Ironing

Which do you prefer when stretching

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Hey ladies, sorry if this topic has been covered before, but my search fxn doesn't seem to be cooperating with me these past few weeks so I just decided to start this thread. I visited a dominican salon for the first time last week and really like the results. I am 9 weeks into my stretch and was planning on relaxing next week, but even after having 3 intense :perplexed workouts this week and a wash, my NG (approx 1.5in) is still managable so I am thinking of stretching to at least 11 possibly 12 weeks.

So which one do you prefer and why? And why is it do you think Black salons use this method? (the lady at the salon asked me this). Also, do you think one method is less damaging than the other?
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I have to say I like my hair flat ironed better. I liked the results of both though. I noticed after my blowout that I had a lot of fly-aways where it looked like the hair snapped. I have very fragile hair so flat ironing is a lot easier on my strands. My hair was super duper lightweight and blowing in the wind after my blow out. I was tense the whole time getting the blowout because that sucka was HOT. When it comes to that, I would have rather got my hair hot combed. LOL!
I say blowing the roots. I like the results better, and for me, it's less damaging for me because it's not as hot. But, if you get the wrong person I suppose it could be just as hot as a flatiron.
All I know is that I had a huge chunk of my hair that was shorter after the Dominican blow out. They go to work with that round brush and it was way too much pulling for my hair.:nono:
Neither. I can't flat iron my own hair (tried a couple times and it looked a mess). Dominican blowouts are really damaging and even blowing out only the roots caused damage to my temple areas when I had that done in April.

I have been doing silk wraps - currently 23 weeks & 5 days since my last relaxer. I am transitioning for as long as I can deal with the mix of textures.
Usually I let the salon blow my roots, but since the weather is getting warmer, I style my hair in bantu knots or spiral curls, especially when stretching.
I agree although the dominican blowouts look good, they are too rough on the hair. I blew mine out last week after a rollerset (forgot i had blow dryer) i love the results. im almost 8 weeks post and after blowing it out it feels like I have a fresh relaxer. So I like the blow out but prefer to do it myself!
I choose blowouts between the two-- but only if you have a stylist who will be tender while combing through your hair and new growth while rolling and who will listen when you ask them to only blow out your roots. I dont think you should ever let them blow out the entire length of your hair.

I think that flatironing is much more heat on the hair as compared to a blowout that would get your roots just as straight as a flat iron can.
i voted blowouts; i cant get that same movement with my flat iron. i am more wary of them now though; that pain is like HELL!
Blowouts, I had one last Saturday and my hair still feels like silk, I have Hand in hair disease :grin:
but I plan on just rollersetting this weekend and then the saran wrap, I don't think blowouts are good for the hair if you do them frequently.
I think they can both be equaly damaging, especially if done by the wrong people.

I prefer a blow out with only the roots blown (and with a comb used instead of a brush, when possible, especially if I am not far into my stretch). I never let the entire length be touched with the dryer and the brush. My hair is smooth (not curly) with body after this. I like this look better than hair that is too straight or too curly. It also allows the hair to be straight for longer after the body falls once a few days have passed, without it looking limp or lifeless.

There is actually a black salon in Boston that does blow outs with only combs and rarely a very gentle and wide-toothed brush on a normal heat setting. The only draw back is that their rollers cut into my hair and give me splits and things all over. :(

My hair is a lot stiffer after only flat ironing even with it combined with a blow dry or a roller set, and I don't like the heat going all the way down my hair in order to get the smooth look. It also takes longer for me.
I say blow drying but not the Dominican blow out (way to hot). A regular blow dryer on med-cool works great for me.
I would say flat iron just because my that red dryer of death is what brought me to this site. I took this pic after my last blowout:


But to be fair, my hair looked decent for the most part, but was and is not healthy. Look at the broken hairs sticking up everywhere. :nono: The ends are not too good either. This pic is what inspires me to get my hair strong and healthy.
I like blowouts better. They are only healthier, though, if the blowdryer is not used too much over the length of the hair.

For AA salons, it depends on the stylist. I had a stylist in Houston who did "roller-wraps" which are the same thing, with less emphasis on the blow dryer. She was actually better than the Dom salons, IMO. However, this was probably the exception and not the norm.

Doms didn't invent roller wraps in general, they just perfected the round brush technique. AAs have done roller wraps for years & Yts have used the round brush and blow dryer to straighten for years as well.
The blow outs are beautiful, especially on my natural hair....but I be damned if those dag on dryers are not hot as hell on my poor scalp! It feels like I have 3rd degree burns when I walk out with my light weight flowing hair.

They're worth wild but not that damn much! I'll use my hot comb...
I would say flat iron just because my that red dryer of death is what brought me to this site. I took this pic after my last blowout:


But to be fair, my hair looked decent for the most part, but was and is not healthy. Look at the broken hairs sticking up everywhere. :nono: The ends are not too good either. This pic is what inspires me to get my hair strong and healthy.

:goodone:LOL not the "Red Dryer of Death".....ohhhhh ook you kilt me with that one! But it's nothing but the truth. Feel like they're burning your poor scalp on purpose.
Last year I picked "Dominican blowout" but after buying a good flatiron (Chi) I don't need to blow dry my hair in order to get it straight and perdy. I rollerset and use my Chi and you'd think I went to the salon.
Man I was thinking about getting a Dominican I'm not too sure.

:ohwell: Me too. I used to get them every so often when I was relaxed but now that I'm natural, I'm a lot kinder to my hair.

Bostonmaria, I have a Sedu...and have never, ever gotten my ends straight. I might try to perfect rollersetting this season.

Or not. I haven't straightened in years- maybe this itch will go away.:ohwell:
Blowouts! I flat iron the front of my hair like once every 8 weeks or so. I get blowouts (on the length too :look:) and think it is fine as long as u don't get it every week or two on the reg. I get them like once every 8 weeks. On relaxer days, I get rollerwraps from my West Indian stylist.