Dominican blowout on natural hair

CurleeDST, your hair looks great! I am so glad that you had a great experience; I had heard about so many bad experience I was reluctant to try a Dominican salon.

I was referred to a salon by a Panamanian acquaintance of mine. The stylist is a Hispanic man from Ecuador and he is a miracle worker! My hair is natural with no chemicals and he worked it out. I live in the humid South and my hair has been straight and swinging for 3 weeks today!

I wanted to comment on your experience and your beautiful results but I may need to post my own thread so I can properly give this salon its props! :yep: Oh, and those highlights...pretty!
Have you washed your hair since? I'm just wondering will it go back to it's natural state. I haven't had my hair straightened since my BC b/c I'm scared that my hair will not revert back to it's natural state. While I was transitioning I was going to the Dominicans & I still have natural hair that is heat damaged/permanently straight. What do you think?
Let's see if this will work.


really nice! looks healthy too:grin:
Very good question! I haven't washed it yet b/c it is so cold I just do not want to have to go there plus it is holding up very well. I plan to wash it on Saturday (2 weeks after it was done) so I can report on it then.

Have you washed your hair since? I'm just wondering will it go back to it's natural state. I haven't had my hair straightened since my BC b/c I'm scared that my hair will not revert back to it's natural state. While I was transitioning I was going to the Dominicans & I still have natural hair that is heat damaged/permanently straight. What do you think?
Oh I can't wait to visit your thread so I can see your hair! Thanks on the compliments. Ana worked it out.

CurleeDST, your hair looks great! I am so glad that you had a great experience; I had heard about so many bad experience I was reluctant to try a Dominican salon.

I was referred to a salon by a Panamanian acquaintance of mine. The stylist is a Hispanic man from Ecuador and he is a miracle worker! My hair is natural with no chemicals and he worked it out. I live in the humid South and my hair has been straight and swinging for 3 weeks today!

I wanted to comment on your experience and your beautiful results but I may need to post my own thread so I can properly give this salon its props! :yep: Oh, and those highlights...pretty!
CurleeDST, I tried to take pictures last night and my camera is completely not working! I will try to re-charge my batteries and see what happens would be my luck that my camera doesn't work. I'll try it again tomorrow.

By the way, I love the shape of your hair! I might have to experiment with a cut sometime b/c my hair is in no specific shape. When I wash and go I usually just put it in a puff. When you wash and go do you usually wear your hair down?
Hi there - I usually wear it pulled back b/c I prefer hair off my face and neck. I know doesn't make much sense since I am growing it out.

CurleeDST, I tried to take pictures last night and my camera is completely not working! I will try to re-charge my batteries and see what happens would be my luck that my camera doesn't work. I'll try it again tomorrow.

By the way, I love the shape of your hair! I might have to experiment with a cut sometime b/c my hair is in no specific shape. When I wash and go I usually just put it in a puff. When you wash and go do you usually wear your hair down?
Just curious, have you washed yet? Wasn't sure if it was last Saturday or this coming Saturday that you were talking about. Just wanted to know how your texture held up. Was thinking about getting a Dominican blowout for Christmas but I'm still scared.:perplexed

Very good question! I haven't washed it yet b/c it is so cold I just do not want to have to go there plus it is holding up very well. I plan to wash it on Saturday (2 weeks after it was done) so I can report on it then.
Yes ma'am I washed and I am as big and bushy as ever. No straight strands WHATSOEVER!! I am impressed! Ana is great.
I didn't have such a good experience. I went to a Dominican parlor and they burnt my scalp, my hair ends are fried and I have to cut a good 2 inches off!. I don't think Ill ever do this again. Back to protective styles for me
(sob) a whole two inches!!!! Damn Damn Damn:wallbash:

Your hair looks beautiful though
Ladies I updated my fotki with photos of my hair post blowout. It bounced right back to its big, puffy, kinky/curly self!
