Doing a last minute 1-Month MoeGro Trial...


Well-Known Member
... anyone else want in?

There's lots of helpful info in these threads:

The recipe I am following is:
6 oz grapeseed oil
2 tb stinging nettle herbs
2 oz Fruit of the Earth aloe vera juice

Basically, you infuse the oil with the herbs, strain it into an applicator bottle, and then add the aloe vera juice/gel, shake it up, and apply it to your scalp.
I'm starting today and will use it everyday from now until April 30 to see if it provides the revolutionary growth people have claimed.
I've already applied mine for today (about .5 oz) and massaged my scalp and I like the way it feels. Even if it doesn't work for growth, I will probably continue to use some type of oil and aloe juice mixture to oil my scalp while I'm wearing my braids just for the feeling.

This isn't really a challenge -- just a trial for those who have the ingredients, or bought the ingredients and forgot to try it (like me), and are interested in trying it with others and tracking progress.
My hair is currently in mini-braids right now, so I am using 3 specific braids to measure. I plan to measure once a week on Tuesdays, and then a final measurement on April 30.

Today's measurements:
Bang braid: 6.5"
Crown braid: 7.25"
Nape braid: 7"
My average growth rate is .5" per month.

Anyone who wants to join can just post up their measurements and average growth rate and a weekly update from now until April 30.
If not, I'll just be talking to myself for documenting purposes... lol.
Sounds interesting; however, I don't have the ingredients so good luck ladies and I'll be watching from the sidelines.
Janet': Well, I got the grapeseed oil from, the stinging nettle from, and the aloe juice from Walgreens down the street. :)
I think you can find grapeseed oil and stinging nettle in health food stores, though. I know they have the oil in Whole Foods. I don't remember whether or not they have stinging nettle. I bought this stuff a while ago (with the exception of the aloe juice, which I bought today because I saw it when I was scoping the BOGO Shea Moisture sale... lol), so it's just been sort of sitting around collecting dust. I figured, what the hey, when I saw the juice and decided to do it for a month and see.

13StepsAhead: Thanks!
I have rosmary, nettle, horsetail, coltsfoot if anyone wants it. The horsetail and nettle is 3+ ounces. The others are less than a bag
Janet': I forgot to mention that I also purchased horsetail extract from FromNatureWithLove too, but I can't find them for some reason... the nettle is a lot cheaper and I have a lot more to get rid of (I think i had a few Tb left of horsetail but a whole pound bag of nettles), though, so I don't mind.
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I'm using it, although I don't apply it everyday. Since I've been in french braids I do it once or twice a week. I'm going to put my twists back in and then i'll be more consistent
Well I figured I'd just do it everyday to try and get the full benefit. Since I use grapeseed oil, it absorbs pretty quickly. All in all, if I only use .5 oz per day, a bottle will last me a week and a day, so I only have to use like 18 oz of oil and 6 Tb of nettle a month. Figured I'd just take the full plunge.
Thanks for joining us!
I hope you both will include measurements when you get a chance as well. :)
IA with Fhrizz... They definitely have the grapeseed at places like Whole Foods. I've never seen it in a regular grocery store like Giant or Safeway, but definitely in stores that sell mostly organic or have expansive organic sections.
Now that I think about it, I think you can use olive oil instead. I'm pretty sure that's one of the oils that's "infusable." Lol. And it'd be a lot easier to find if you don't already have some. Other ladies used jojoba and I think macadamia nut oil. In case you can't find it, you can use one of those. I switched to grapeseed because it absorbs quickly into my scalp. I can't deal with that coated feeling for too long.
Lol!!!!! Too funny!!! Definitely takes some getting used to!!!! I'm about 60% through with my coursework...
Yeah, I think it just shocked me because I went straight from undergrad to the program, didn't have a major in a related field, and no related job experience whatsoever. It's kicking my butt! I'm so over it... ugh.
More power to you!
Girl!!! MORE power to you!!! You went from undergrad to Ph.D...No ma'am...I had to get a couple of degrees in between to prepare myself!!! You're awesome!!!!
Oh, here you guys are...Yeah, the good 'ol doctoral days...don't get me to reminiscing (sp?). Umm, ya- question here, does the stinging nettle... sting?? It sounds painful. I hope thats not a dumb question (well, i don't really care!), but does it sting?
Girl!!! MORE power to you!!! You went from undergrad to Ph.D...No ma'am...I had to get a couple of degrees in between to prepare myself!!! You're awesome!!!!

Should have done the same... :nono:
Oh well!!!
I'm going to get some warm milk and maybe some sleep will follow. :perplexed
Oh, here you guys are...Yeah, the good 'ol doctoral days...don't get me to reminiscing (sp?). Umm, ya- question here, does the stinging nettle... sting?? It sounds painful. I hope thats not a dumb question (well, i don't really care!), but does it sting?

Thank you for joining in our discussion!
I never thought to look to LHCF for a PhD network! May have to make use of that.
But anyway, no it doesn't sting at all. I looked this up but I don't remember exactly why it's called that. I think its poisonous to certain animals or bugs or something. I honestly don't remember, though, so don't quote me on it!
Have been applying it everyday and really like it. I'm excited to see if there has been any growth next week.
woohoooooo .... I was planning to try out this oil infusion thing

I bought a pack of nettle and marshmallow a couple months ago, used them once and now I cant find them so I gotta re-purchase.

now Im gonna go read those links u posted :grin: