Does your SO have Hand in Your hair disease?


Well-Known Member
Since I bc'd he stays in my hair. He likes to find the coils and pull them, and do scalp massages. I had a moment of weakness and mentioned a relaxer and he got pissed :lachen: He doesn't even want me to get my hair pressed when it gets longer or flat iron. I'm shocked because I know his preference is long straight hair.
I never got scalp massages from him when I was relaxed. Now he's offering to do them a lot. Im definitely happy about it since it helps to have somebody who is supportive.
Yes my "SO :look:" has hand in my hair disease. But so far he hasn't been tripping about me wearing it out and straight. Most men would've been complaining when I do my buns. I don't mind him playing in my hair, it's relaxing and intimate.