Does Your Man Let You Pump Gas When Y’all Are Out Together?


Human being
This was a topic on the radio this morning. One of the hosts witnessed a girl pumping her gas while her man stayed in the car looking up movie tickets. Not buying tickets just looking them up. There was nothing wrong with him physically (he was the driver and had gotten out and paid first) but the girl is the one who got out of the passenger seat and went to pump gas while he talked to her out of the window.

Personally, I’ve never had a man I was out with (romantic interest) let me pump my own gas. Hell they don’t even let me drive usually :giggle:. If you were out with your man and y’all went to get gas, who pumps it? You or him?
He pumps the gas when we are together. If I tell him my gas tank is low if he hasn't been in my car to see it, he'll take it get to get gas.

When my gas is low with the light on and I'm alone, I pump my own gas just like I did before I met him. I keep hand sanitizer in the car, and I'm just fine.
He always pumps my gas when we are together without question. I have no problem pumping gas when I'm alone. I've never felt unsafe. It's just a normal thing car owners do. *shrugs*

He also mostly drives even if its my car but I do sometimes drive my car with him in the passenger seat. I also sometimes treat him to dinner. I see absolutely nothing wrong with those 2 things. Although he says Im always like "I'm treating you today" when the bill is like $20 He says thats my threshold:lachen: I hate Valentine's day so never want to do anything or want gifts and he likes that day so I was like u know what? Im going to give u a good Valentine's day and I took him to Mortons. He was SO excited. I said see it was over $20. Lol
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Yes, he pumps the gas. He’s good at stuff like that—opening all doors, walking on the outside of the street, etc. He would open the car door to let me out too, but I’m too impatient most of the time. The car stops and I jump out, lol. I pump my own gas when I’m alone. I only go to Costco, so it’s very clean and I feel safe.

ETA: And he always drives, even if we take my car. He drives like a grandma when he’s driving it, too.
He pumps the gas and drives when we are together BUT he will let me whip out my card and pay for stuff in front of people while we are together. Ironically it's a because he knows it's his money I'm spending on the card even if all people see is me swiping and he doesn't care what people think. He cares more about what things are than how they look. He doesn't care if it looks like I'm doing something that's his job as long as he knows he really took care of it under the radar.
... Although he says Im always like "I'm treating you today" when the bill is like $20 He says thats my threshold:lachen: I hate Valentine's day so never want to do anything or want gifts and he likes that day so I was like u know what? Im going to give u a good Valentine's day and I took him to Mortons. He was SO excited. I said see it was over $20. Lol
That’s cute! :lol:
Some of the female callers on the radio this morning said they pump their own gas even though their man is there for gender equality and not having to be stuck at home in the kitchen, opening their doors, etc... :rolleyes: I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!

This is sad. I think these women don't understand that gender equality doesn't mean that a man can't be or shouldn't be chivalrous. I went through a brief phase where I was like, " I can do it myself!" I quickly realized that just because I can do it myself doesn't mean that I have to, especially when a man is around.
to answer the question, DH does the pumping(woah that sounded dirty :look:) and gets snacks from inside unless its boiled peanuts then i have to go get it myself :lol:

I was wondering that too! :lol: Worrying about your safety? Packing heat? call me naive but that never crossed my mind at gas stations. To be fair I don’t go to seedy looking ones though. If it’s nighttime and I’m alone I make sure to go a super well lit one and park as close to the front door as possible.
i like to live dangerously so i wait till ive been driving on E for a while before filling up and the closest gas station is seedy so i get it :lol:
to answer the question, DH does the pumping(woah that sounded dirty :look:) and gets snacks from inside unless its boiled peanuts then i have to go get it myself :lol:

i like to live dangerously so i wait till ive been driving on E for a while before filling up and the closest gas station is seedy so i get it :lol:

I just cackled in this office.:lachen::lachen:
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I rarely drive when we're together. I don't pump gas if we're in the car together. And at least 75% of the time he'll ensure my tank is full before I head out (sometimes it's logistically difficult or he forgets).