Does your husband wear his wedding band at all times?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I was watching an episode of RHWNY and one of the women said her husband doesn't wear one and she's okay with it, until another cast member made her feel bad about it and convince her to make her husband start wearing one. What's your opinion on the matter?

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My husband wears his all the time. He never takes it off and he does a lot of manual labor at work. Slightly off topic, but my dad has never taken his off. Actually, I don't think he can because of how large his knuckles have gotten over the years.

I never understood why some men have such an aversion to wearing their wedding bands.
Most of the ones I know that don't, are cheaters... IJS
Depending on his style, if he is not the type to wear jewelry and his job he may not be able to wear one all the time then no. But the this would have been discussed beforehand. If he had a problem with me not wearing mine and he didn't wear his then we would have a problem.
yep....except when we are in the gym..he throws around too much soon as he's in..he washes his hands and puts it right back on
Wearing a ring does not make him any more or less married but DH is attached to his ring. He sometimes removes it to shower since it has raised symbols that scratch him but if he ever forgets to put it back on he will drive all the way back home to get it. I think it's sweet.
It would be unacceptable for my DH to pick and choose when to wear his ring. :nono: As far as I know DH wears his ring all of the time outside of the house, even when exercising. We both take our rings off at home.
DH used to take his off to go to the gym. Was afraid the weights were gonna bend it. Ended up losing it at the gym. I got him another one and he's never taken it off since. Works out in it and all. He said he feels naked without it and he's not a jewelry person. That's his only jewelry besides his watch.

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gabulldawg said:
It would be unacceptable for my DH to pick and choose when to wear his ring. :nono: As far as I know DH wears his ring all of the time outside of the house, even when exercising. We both take our rings off at home.

Taking it off at home is picking and choosing when to wear it.
No and neither do I. Our fingers got too fat somewhere around the two year mark and we never bothered to have them re-sized. Maybe I'll get them to a jeweler for our 10th anniversary in October.
This will def be something for me to discuss prior to that time. I know I'd feel some kind of way about it if he took it off.
At home, he doesn't wear it all the time and neither do I. I only wear my rings when I leave the house, at home, I take them off because any jewelry, except my earrings, feel uncomfortable to me.
Yep indeed he does. His job has a no hand jewlery policy, but he is being mucho I've decided to buy him a necklace because should something be said he can just put it on his necklace.

Interesting though...I was at the range recently and several of the female agents were asking me why I wore my rings to qualify in. They both said they don't wear their rings because they didn't want to mess them up. I told them I never take my rings off...ever.

Can you mess up a wedding ring? Mine is not incredibly expensive but I would think it would sustain pulling a trigger.
Yes. Makes me feel bad when I forget it at the house. I take mine off because im always scratching the mess out of him or the kids. I had to get mine resized after losing so much weight and he felt the need to explain why I wasnt wearing it to everybodu, lol.

He lost his out on the boat and was so sick about it, one of our friends designed and made him one just so he could have something to wear in the meantime.
He never takes his off I take mine off to cook and wash my hair sometimes I forget to put it back on. I want to get a smooth simple band to wear at all times
My husband wears his all the time. He never takes it off and he does a lot of manual labor at work. Slightly off topic, but my dad has never taken his off. Actually, I don't think he can because of how large his knuckles have gotten over the years.

I never understood why some men have such an aversion to wearing their wedding bands.
Most of the ones I know that don't, are cheaters... IJS

My experience has been the opposite. The most blatant cheaters I know wear their rings religiously.
I don't wear my rings around the house. I don't wear them in the gym or when doing hard physical labor. These days He wears his ring more than I do:lachen: Though when he wears it while traveling, its a chick magnet. I've seen that in action myself!

I don't require him to wear his ring at all. He wears it when he wants. I'm the one that has to be convinced to wear my original e-ring more than anything (long story) There are certain situations that he doesn't which is fine, totally understood.

Reality is this, ring or no, some bird is going to talk to your man and if he wants to cheat having that ring on may not stop it.


Neither of my parents wear their wedding rings anymore. They used to keep them on keychains:lol: My parents are so goofy. I think they now put them away and stop doing that silly ****.
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My husband is hit or miss. But I knew that before getting married to him that he wouldn't wear it that often. It also needs to be resized (too large for him). I usually wear mine, but since being pregs, I've gotten out of the habit. His wearing habits are more tied to his activity.