Does your hair tangle while it is dry?


New Member
This is a repeated problem area for me. It appears that each day, the last three inches of my relaxed hair will tangle.
Although it is not a massive snarl of hair, it is quite bothersome. I have come to the conclusion (since I wear my hair wrapped and down most of the time--roughly five inches below shoulder level) that the wind, texture, and constant movement of my hair, contributes to this problem. I have tried leave-ins and oils and am not a big fan of silicones. While the oils and leave-ins do a great job of moisturizing, they do not prevent the mild tangling.

I would appreciate your comments and/or suggestions and solutions in this area. TIA!

I'm out - pink (who is still about and waving madly at all of my girls)
You may have to start wearing your hair up. As long as you wear it out, it will tangle some due to the various elements and constant manipulation either by you or nature.
I have that problem too and I wear my hair down a lot as well. It doesn't really bother me that much and I dont really lose that much hair. Like patience said it's just something that comes naturally and I find that their is very little that one can do about it.
Yes, I noticed that when I wear my hair down it's tangled at the end of the day--thus another plus for protective styles.

Anyway--a serum is a good detangler. The best one(serum for detangling dry hair) for me is Design Essentials Silk Essentials.

You can order it directly from their website:
When I was wearing my hair down and straight everyday, it tangled also. It used to so frustrate me that I got to the point where I only combed in the morning and again at night. Forget fixing in the middle of the day. The best thing you can do is be patient and gentle when untangling it. Protective hairstyles helped, too. I always carried some kind of clip with me so I could put my hair up...esp when I lived in "the windy city."
Thank you ladies for responding. Based upon your comments, It would appear that this is a necessary evil when growing our hair. *Sigh* I guess I will need to look around the house for my old "butterfly claw" clips...LOL!!!

Supergirl--I will review the website you suggested.

Thanks again Ladies and have a day!

I'm out :-) Pink
Besides wearing your hair up, wearing braidouts or twistouts may solve your tangling problem.
Hey Ms. {{{{Tracy}}}}.

Girl you know I keep my eyes on that gorgeous head of hair of yours... LOL!!!!

I miss our old chat days! We have sooooo much to catch up to do. Our schedules have been busy, busy, busy. One day soon it shall happen again...

Keep those beautiful hair pics and suggestions coming!

I'm out :-) Pink