Does your hair scream "Poo Me" 4 days after pooing


Well-Known Member
I do the works on my hair every Sat...prepoo, deep cond, etc. But by Wednesday my hair is sooo itchy. Then I start scratching it and digging at my scalp for relief...feels so good. Of course after I do that it's a mess and I have to comb through it and hair is everywhere. There goes low manipulation. I know I shouldn't do this, but if I have an itch I just need to scratch...feel me please on this one. The problem is I do not have time to prepoo, poo, deep cond roller set and dry hair on Wed anymore. I used to do this in the past, but I only want to do my hair once a week now so that I can spend 4hrs pampering. I may have to do some sort of quick wash because I've got to stop digging my scalp since I have apparently trained my hair. What do you ladies think? Do I need some sort of poo for itchy scalp. What can I use to combat this so I do not have an itch for at least a week? Does Aveda have a product that may help this? I love there products.
Hi there, this happens to me. I use a conditioner for itchy scalp since it's the last thing to go on my hair besides my leave in spray. I use Perfect Results Medicated Anti-Itch Deep conditioner on my scalp only. I don't put this on the rest of my hair. It makes a big difference. Now this time I stretched the longest I've ever stretched between a wash - 14 days. I've never gone this long before. (11 days is usually my limit) But I think the cold weather helps.

I had to break down and put WGO on my scalp this week on Monday. I don't suggest stretching this long between wash days. I'm usually a once a week girl, but I was trying this out as a challenge.

I'm sure you'll get other responses as well.

Best wishes for healthy hair!
I do a mid-week cowash to remedy this. My scalp gets a bit itchy after 3-4 days, and my hair has a lot of oil & moisturizer on it by that time.:)
YES! And this from someone who used to wash her hair once a month! (shamefull, I know:naughty:) But after I started washing my hair twice a week, I started noticing that if I skip a wash, my scalp itches so it did when I would get braids. So I must wash at least 2 times a week.
...also, when my scalp is itching beyound belief, I use this tea trea oil/conditioning anti-itch spray by Parnevu (hope I'm spelling that right) and that helps tremendously if I just can't wash my hair in the middle of the week. Since I wear in a bun under a phoney pony, I can't really scrath my scalp without pulling the pony tail out, so this spray helps alot...actually, anything with tea tree oil helps with itchy flaky scalp..
Yes, yes, and more yes...
I cannot go more than 4 days w/o a good pooing or co wash. It feels like absolute torture to me.. my hair feels much much better with water touching my scalp at least 2x a week.
Mine used to. I found out the trick tho. Instead of oil or shampoo, I used a dry and itchy scalp conditioner! I would just let it sit on my scalp for 5-10 mins and voila. After a few weeks of doing this my scap was much happier. Its even better if u use the shampoo and the conditioner together. NTM and At One make dry and itchy scalp conditioners. Keracare and Nairobi make ones too.
Deo, I was wondering if tea tree oil would help. I'm going to try a cond for dry and itchy scalp as someone suggested. I need to try to stretch a week with pooing because I love to rollerset and then two days later go with the bun. Thanks ladies.