• YES

    Votes: 13 17.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 62 82.7%

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With less humidity, my hair does not frizz as much so I like to wear it in a ponytail (otherwise it is 4eva in a bun!!) :rolleyes:

Is cold weather even good 4 ur hair??
My hair is like the person it's attached to. It hates winter.

I don't think it's so much the cold weather on it's own, I think it's the dry heated air in buildings and wearing winter hats.

It does force me to lay off the heat styling and go for protective styles.
I do like when my hair is in the cold wind but I know it's not good for my hair. The worst thing for my hair in the wintertime is the fashion: wool, acryllics, cashmeres... all these things brush against my hair making split ends :(
My hair loves the cold weather...been having really good hair frizz and I moisturize like crazy at night so it doesn't dry out during the day...
Winter wants to kill my hair. Sad thing is i live in Canada, its cold for at leats 7 months a year...I can't hide from winter:(
I am not sure. I usually keep my hair covered. The few times that I have gone without any covering, my hair didn't seem to do bad. Mind you, I leave with wet hair, and I take the bus everywhere. I'm not sure because I don't do it often enough to tell if my hair likes it or not.
No:nono::nono::nono:. My hair becomes very dull and weak in the winter time, I'm using conditioners that offer a combination of moisturizing and strengthening agents, and that's really helping. But I'm gonna braid my hair to protect it from the cold.
I don't feel bad for replying to this thread consider my! I mean I'm a floridian living in alaska now and so for the past 2 1/2 years I've been feeling sucked dry, I must drink plenty of water and lather on body butter and my Mary Kay Satin Lips lip balm just to keep some sort of moisture in me....I'm no hair expert but I'm willin to bet the same idea goes for my hair because it has been having that malnutritioned look to it. My hair was hardly in any good shape before, but living here isn't exactly a hair's best friend.
My hair thrives in the cold. I just have to make sure that I keep it moisturized. It grows a lot faster in cooler times than in the summer I think. I only wash once a week when it's cold too.
Though I must say I'm more inclined to use the blow dryer then and that isn't good for your hair.
my hair feels pretty much the same all year around.
the only reason i like summer more is because i can use products with lots of glycerin in it. i stay away from it now. and coconut oil. im sad i really dont use it in the winter because it solidifies. but other than that my hair feels the same.
I dont have any issues with dryness, roughness, or anything like that. So..I guess my hair likes the winter. Actually, its drier in the summer..I feel like I have to constantly keep my hair moisturized in hotter weather.
my hair feels pretty much the same all year around.
the only reason i like summer more is because i can use products with lots of glycerin in it. i stay away from it now. and coconut oil. im sad i really dont use it in the winter because it solidifies. but other than that my hair feels the same.

No WONDER coconut oil made my hair thrive in warmer weather but NOT in the cold. I stopped using it this freezing cold season for now as well..
No WONDER coconut oil made my hair thrive in warmer weather but NOT in the cold. I stopped using it this freezing cold season for now as well..
yep. you can stil mix it in your conditioners after you melt it, or put it on at night before bed but i dont put it in my hair and then go outside because thats asking for trouble. but coconut oil is so good that sometimes i do still moisturize/seal with it at night and wrap my hair. in the morning i moisturize and seal with something else.
OP, I love your long hair!

My hair feels better in the spring and fall. Winter really takes a toll on my hair as far as moisture. Between the artificial heat at home and no moisturize in the air outside its just horrible.

The summer is no good for hairstyles. Everything just MELTS LOL