• YES

    Votes: 13 17.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 62 82.7%

  • Total voters
the winters here are usually drier so my hair feels drier. But when it snows it's not so bad because the humidity is high then. It seems to be more connected to humidity than temperature. Any set will last longer in less humidity as well, like braid outs or whatever.
No. My hair behaves better in warmer weather. When it's cold my hair retains moisture better using protective styles. I live in a very humid climate (florida) but right about now it's about 40 degrees outside (it's a cold front, we should be back to about 70 or 80 in a week or so) and my hair was pretty stiff yesterday. Normally it moves pretty well.
I hate dealing with the frizz in the warmer weather, but my hair stays moist during that time.

I hate in the summer, how my style will frizz oout while I am rushing to go out or something.

Don't have to worry about that in the winter, but I do have to up my moisture in the winter, especially since I do wear my hair out.
i haven't really dont have any negative experiences with the cold weather because i try to keep it moisturized and conditioned.:spinning: and i leave in florida so its not that cold down here ....our cold weather lasts like 2 months max....:grin:
Not really. I have to protect it more, can't wear it down, add a bit more oil, DC more, etc.

I feel like if I don't, then it will suffer in the summer.
OP your hair is ON POINT!!! My hair hates winter, but when it comes to styling humidity ruins everything I try to do...But I'd prefer humidity over the cold weather because I just can't stand how dry my hair gets.
My hair hates the cold. As soon as it got very chilly in DC I have noticed major issues. I thought the breakage shedding deal was over but no. I am having a hard time deal with the ugly setbacks. It doesn't help that I live in an older home with old fashioned iron radiators. It causes the air to be extremely dry. Spring and summer hurry on up!
Summer humidity- I hate it.

I increase my moisture level in the winter. I prefer colder weather (for my hair at least)
NO. It drys my hair makes it brittle. Before I became hair consious I couldn't wait till winter because the air is drier which means I could wear it straight more often. But not anymore and I don't really want to expose my hair to this harsh weather.
It doesn't like cold weather, but it doesn't hate it either. It's pretty indifferent to weather because I simply adjust my routine to accommodate the different seasons.
HECK NO!!! My hair and I both unanimously agree that cold is EVIL :heated:
My hair gets so dry and it begins to break, seemingly no matter what I do. For instance, my ends are thinning as we speak from the dryness and breakage. And I just got to APL! :burnup:
Cold weather and lower humidity dries my hair and makes it crunchy ... even in Miami FL. This is tropical hair!