Does your hair growth supplement cause...


Well-Known Member
unwanted hair growth in other areas? I started taking the Spring Valley Odorless Garlic about a week ago. Obviously after just a week I wouldn't notice my hair growing much, however, all of studden I have an increase in facial hair, leg hair, etc. That same amount of growth on your head is just not noticeable but on your face its a whole other story. Anyone else ever had this happen with any type of supplement?
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Wow thanks for the heads up about garlic pills, sounds like its a serious growth aid. I'm taking omega 3, 6, 9 for many reasons including hair growth and I'm on day 11 but so far no increased growth in unwanted areas. I've had a growth spurt a day or so ago on my head but no where else. I can't say my pills can take the credit for that though.
What do garlic pills do?
I take a hair, skin, and nails multi (which has a good amount of biotin) with my multivitamin and MSM and have noticed that my legs are hairier. So the hair on my head is probably thicker too... maybe? I just started taking them again but they are already doing wonders for my nails.
I take 3000 mg of biotin per day. It has accelerated growth of underarm hair, eyebrows, leg hair, etc. So, I assume it is working on my head, too! :lol: I have not had growth, however, anywhere I didn't have it before (i.e.; upper lip or chin), just faster growth of the hair I already had.
What do garlic pills do?
I take a hair, skin, and nails multi (which has a good amount of biotin) with my multivitamin and MSM and have noticed that my legs are hairier. So the hair on my head is probably thicker too... maybe? I just started taking them again but they are already doing wonders for my nails.

I've read garlic pills are supposed to help with hair growth and/or hair loss. I've also heard it could help with your naisl too, but I haven't researched it thoroughly.