Does your hair breakage affect your overall look?


New Member
I read other people's reviews about Hair Mayo treatments whether it was Organics or ORS and I've been doing the weekly treatments.

Within 1 week I noticed more than usual breakage. After a month & 4 more treatments I'm guessing I started to shed approx 50 to 100 hairs a day. Most were small, some were long. By small I mean I think my hair was mainly breaking off at the tip.

My thing is my hair is so THICK you can never tell that I'm missing any. But for the rest of you with breakage, does it affect your overall look?

I cut off the protein & started a new regimen to include Elasta QP Recovery, Mizani Moisturefuse, Silk Elements Mega Silk and cut off all my oils and bought some Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil from Amazon and my hair is turning around nicely. Although with my amount of shedding I believe I have a ways to go.

If I need protein I'll mist with Aphogee Keratin.

I'm wondering if my hair continues to break, will my overall look will be affected?

Is anyone else going through this?

If I have any type of breakage it will affect the way my hair looks because of how fine my texture is. My hair doesn't like protein (and none of the protein products I used worked anyway) so I stopped using them and just do hot oil treatments like when I was a permie. They work extremely well. I only used Extra Virgin Olive Oil when I had a relaxer, but now I just use coconut oil. Hot oil treatments put my breakage in check. I actually check most of my shed hairs to see if there is any breakage...none. I always see the bulb.
That's really encouraging news! I am noticing that the cheapie coconut oil you buy at Walmart or Sally's works differently than the virgin oil in it's hardened form.

I didn't think I needed hot oil treatments but I did my first one tonight with the coconut oil & my hair took to it really well.

There's a lot of importance placed on protein but even when I had a solid mixture of both it seems as if the protein took away from the moisture. I think I'll just cut it out of my regimen for a month & see what happens.
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It affects me alot. I have thin hair and it is still layered from a long time ago, so if i want semi-full looking hair I have to make sure it's no breakage. I also have to be careful with what oils I put in my hair because if they are too thick, my hair will band together and look even thinner.