Does you Dad have DH's cell phone number?


Well-Known Member
I went over to my folks and my Pops asked for DH's number. He said he wanted it just for emergencies. I said okay and just gave it to him. I had been meaning to, but just hadn't (we haven't been married that long). and my mama went out shopping and when we came back, Pops said he had talked to his SIL for a long and Pops sure can talk.

When I got home, DH was all grinning/smirking/big-eyed/randomlookin, "So you had your dad call me?"


I didn't know Pops was really gonna call him right then though. It was kinda cute.
Yes my daddy has my DH's number but its more for emergency. They only talk through me (while we're on the phone) and when in person. Now my stepdaddy will call my hubby in a second. LOL Especially if its man stuff aka going fishing the next time we're home. LOL My hubs has a good relationship with both of them though.
Yes. He calls him probably once a week talking about whatever. He just sees him as another son of his and talks to him like he does all of us.

He hasn't known my dad as long as I have, so DH actually enjoys the idle chatter about my dad, him growing up as a child, his views on life, etc.

My siblings and I have heard these same stories a million times, so I'm glad that dad has someone else to bore with these stories. :spinning:
:lol: too cute. Your Daddy is funny. I love it.

I think it's nice. He's his Son in Law and that's DH's Father in Law. Cool that they are building a nice relationship.

My SO asked for my dad's number but he's never called him to my knowledge.
*snort* My dad doesn't have my cell phone number.

My mom has DH's though, and she does call and talk to him sometimes. :yep:
Knowing my Daddy he will definitely have DH's cell know...when I get a DH...:look:. He's just a talkative guy and I can imagine him calling my future DH whenever and about anything. :yep:
That was sweet. My Dad is deceased but my brother who thinks he's my daddy has DH's cell. They actually hang out from time to time :rolleyes:.
My dad has my FH's phone number. My FH called him to ask for my hand in marriage and they had a lengthy conversation. They don't talk regularly, though. I think my parents have saved it basically for emergencies and if they really need to talk with him. After all, I spend most of my time with him anyway and live with him.
Ha! That's so funny! Dad doesn't have dh's cell, but he will call here and I'm thinking he's calling to talk to me, and then he's all: "where's hubby...lemme talk to him" I'm like ummm...okay :look: hold on, I'll get him, LOL!

Me and dh have been together since our teens and it took my dad years to really "accept" dh, so really I never thought this day would come, LOL!
My Dad does not have DH's # - dad's not really much of a conversationalist :look:

Mom has it and she calls him whenever I don't answer my phone :rolleyes:
Yes my daddy has my DH's number but its more for emergency. They only talk through me (while we're on the phone) and when in person. Now my stepdaddy will call my hubby in a second. LOL Especially if its man stuff aka going fishing the next time we're home. LOL My hubs has a good relationship with both of them though.

Yeah Pops is my Stepdaddy. He is a trip. Me and my mama always say that Pops looks and talks like he's just having a regular convo, but before you know it you've told him all your business. He knows everybody's business in the neighborhood :rolleyes:

There are times when I didn't always feel close to him, but I really liked that :up: I told him I liked him having DH's number :yep:

*snort* My dad doesn't have my cell phone number.

My mom has DH's though, and she does call and talk to him sometimes. :yep:

And yeah BioDaddy hasn't really talked to him before. Well we don't talk that regularly. Love him and we're family...just not as close.
I think DH kinda scared to meet him lol. But what he don't know that it's really Pops he need to watch for. My mom found out later on that Pops had a talking to Biodad when they got married. Mom only found out cause Biodad called my Grandma and told her lol...but that's another story :look::lol:
Yes they have each other numbers. When I make make my dad mad, he will threaten me and say "I am going to call Mr.Kaditty and make arrangements to go to a stip club" :rolleyes:. I tell him he have my blessings. The thought of them two in a stip club together is rather hilarious :lachen::lachen:.

Earlier today, my DH told me that he was going to go and call my dad to chat. I told him to PLEASE DON'T!! I know if he talked to dh, I was next and I didn't feel like it. My dh then told me that I cannot keep him from having a relationship with his FIL. We both just fell out laughing :lachen:. My dad and dh both talk too much. My mom and I don't talk much. We stay talking about how they blabber too much.
Well...I'm no where near having a DH right now, but hopefully if God's willing to bless me with a good DH one day. My daddy will be one of the first of my family members to have his number. My dad is one of my very best friends. I know that sounds weird, but it's true.
Yes Dad has DH's cell number and DH has his. I know they talk sometime but I was told it was menfolk business:perplexed Now I don't ask any questions, I'm just happy they have good rapport.
I know my BF has my dad's number, but I don't think my dad has my BF's number (although I've given to him several times). They don't talk much, but my BF wants to take my parents out to dinner to get to know them without me. :look:
My dad has DF's phone number. They text about once a week...random sports stuff mostly. My dad will call him sometimes, too. At first I thought it was strange, and I was like, "Why is my daddy texting you?" But DF likes it, so I just go with it.
Even more than that, they have each other's email addresses. :lachen: I'm fine with them sending foolishness back and forth.

It really becomes weird when they're both on the phone, talking about the same MMA match that they're watching.:ohwell:

This thread made me laugh. I had hoped that my dad would walk me down the aisle but he didn't get the chance to (he passed.) He would have LOVED future hubby though. Mom does. :grin: