Does this happen to anybody else?


New Member
Does anybody elses hair grow faster on one side than the other? My right side grows way faster than my left side and I'm constantly having to trim the right side to even up my hair. It's like a 1-2 inch difference.:confused: The weird thing is I sleep on the right side of my head. Wouldn't it tend to grow slower on that side? It's driving me :nuts:.

Seriously, WTF?:angry2:
I have the same problem. My left side is the longer side. I sleep on my right side. I'm hoping that the right side will catch up without cutting my left side.
Yep! My left side grows faster. Also, the hair on that side if much more fine that the right side. It is more prone to breakage which makes it hard to stretch.
My hair grows quicker on the left side. I stopped cutting it to even up and its been fine:up:

I wear my hair up most of the time anyway, so its not usually noticeable.
My left side has always grown significantly faster... It reached my 2007 goal of midback in Nov 2006 & I cut to even it out w/the right side, but it was back to MBL in April....the right is starting to catch up my hair is just a little above bsl (depending on bra) when stretched:ohwell:
When I was younger I had that problem (I know one side was longer, but I can't remember which side). Then, my front started growing faster than the back. Then my crown took over. Now the area just past the crown grows the fastest. I can't catch a break :rolleyes:
My left side has always grown significantly faster... It reached my 2007 goal of midback in Nov 2006 & I cut to even it out w/the right side, but it was back to MBL in April....the right is starting to catch up my hair is just a little above bsl (depending on bra) when stretched:ohwell:
Wow, that's wild :eek: I can't believe your left side grow THAT much faster than the right!!
The right side of my hair is longer than the left, but I'm not sure it's because it grows faster. Someone on LHCF mentioned that wrapping your hair in the same direction everday (I am guilty of this :ohwell:) can cause it to be shorter on one side... I haven't wrapped in a while, but when I do I'll be alternating directions each night.
Right side longer than the left but I will not cut to even it out; my hair is out only for a few hours post relaxer so no one can see is what it is!!!!!!!
The right side grows faster than my left side.

Kinda OT....what's weird is the fingernails on my left hand grow faster than the right.
I always have this problem. But you know what I used to think it was my left that grew faster until this thread made me think of the reverse direction in the mirror and it's my RIght side that's longer and thicker. I can trim both to be even length and my right always shows off. I'm touching one of my goal on the right, the left is an inch behind.

I'm consciously trying to add BT to the left more than the right.
i'm a leftie too!!!:grin: my left side is about an inch longer. at one time my right was longer but usually thru out my life the life was longer
Yep! My left side grows faster. Also, the hair on that side if much more fine that the right side. It is more prone to breakage which makes it hard to stretch.

Same here. I am not triming it till I get to my goal... I've been trying to fix it by cutting my hair is going to to do what it wants.