Does anyone else's hair grow unevenly?

My hair alternates between a checkmark and an upside down checkmark and its sooooooooooo depressing. So do the women on this board with even thick SL, APL, MBL and/or waist length hair do anything 'special' or are they just the lucky ones? :perplexed
I sad I wasn't going to post any more opinions :badidea: but here goes.

I don't think our hair grows unevenly. I think that it may look or be uneven is because our hair grows "out" and "down". So therefore, if it's growing 6 or 10 inches straight out like an Afro, then if you have 6 inches on the crown and then the same 6 inches on the back, well, then back will appear to be longer and the crown will be resting on top, creating a layer.

But it's the same inches. That's why I measure by inches, not by SL, APL, etc. Not till I get a longer length on my hair, then when I cut the back, which is between my shoulder blades, then it would be even with the rest of my hair. But I won't do this till I at least start getting some real length on my hair.
UGH!!! The right side of my hair grows way faster than the left! It annoys me! The right loosk perfect in a wrap....and the left kinda just sits there! Maybe it's because I always wrap the same way....hmmm I just learned that that was a big no no! :dazed: