Does the curling irons matter...or is it time to switch stylist?


Well-Known Member
i was trying to find out what the difference was and why my curls dont last the two weeks like they used to before when i had my hair cut short..i thought at first i have to train my hair again...i had a short cut last year...and i truly miss my old stylist....but i would get it done and would be good for two weeks with out going back to her....even when the curls dropped my hair still was in the shape of the cut....

so here's somethings i notice that my new stylist uses compared to the last one..and please tell me if this maybe it...because this is the only difference...that ive noticed..

my last stylist used the irons where you had to put them in the gray stove to get them hot....they come in about 50 different sizes....

the stylist that i go to now i think is using like those plug in flat irons that come in differest sizes....(chi flat irons i think thats what they are called)

so has anyone with short hair had this problem before...or anyone that has had short hair or maybe even knew someone that experienced the same problem?

i mean its gotten to the point where ive actually told her that i want to grow my hair out...and its getting kind of expensive to be running to her every about to go back to going every two weeks and just throw a wig on on the week that im not going to her...because its expensive and it makes me upset that after maybe two days if my style is not spritzd tht its gone...
The marcel irons do curl better and last longer. But aren't all flat irons electric? Other than that weird marcel looking one? Short hair doesn't look good if it isn't curled right though. You can get away with it with longer hair.
bmoreflyygirl said:
The marcel irons do curl better and last longer. But aren't all flat irons electric? Other than that weird marcel looking one? Short hair doesn't look good if it isn't curled right though. You can get away with it with longer hair.

thanks thats what i was trying to figure also...and thinking thats the main reason why the curls arent lasting more than a week...

okay i think i maybe looking for a less expensive hairdresser now that uses marcel irons....

i mean it looks fine when i come out of their and holds up okay..but after a 2 or 3 days its back to just looking bumped..and im pisted...

when i was down in So. FL it only would cost me like 25 to 30 dollas to get my hair done with a wash condition and curling...
I would find a stylist that would curl your hair with the marcel irons. With the plug in "ceramic" curlers they could be ceramic plated instead of ceramic throughout and the stylist may not even know it if they just purchased them from a trusted vendor. Either way a stylist should have readily available marcel irons and ceramic curlers because different hair needs different tools. They don't do any presses or tight spirals? Those are definately jobs for marcel irons.

I would move on.
I noticed that too. When I got my hair down a week ago she used a ceramic iron which is good because my hair broken off and I shouldnt use too much heat.

But the curls didnt last as long and didnt look as good.
With the marcels my hair is more bouncy and the curls lasts until my next wash.

The marcels straighten better too but you have to be careful with those.
yea i know right....well ive started looking around....because i cant be running back and forth to someone tht isnt even ready to consider the fact tht everyones hair is not able to hold up to using ceramic plated flat irons..if my hair was longer and i could do it at home then it would be a different story...but for now its short...and i need to go somewhere where i know i can get my money's worth...