Does Protein make your hair grow or stronger?

Does a high protein diet increase growth or keep hair strong for retention?

  • Protein increased growth rate

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Protein makes your hair stronger leading to retention

    Votes: 65 58.6%
  • I think it does both

    Votes: 39 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I've been drinking protien shakes for about 4 months now and I though it was to make my hair stronger, but the guy at GNC said that protein makes you hair grow faster. If that's the case then I don't even need to be drinking these shakes, because my hair already grows fast. What do you ladies think? Please take my poll: Proetin for length or for strength?
I think if you're consuming it, it helps your hair grow longer. I believe when it grows out of a healthy scalp, it's pretty strong but wear and tear can weaken it which is where topical protein comes in handy by adding strength to the weakened strands. And by strengthening the weakened strands it helps you hold onto what you have so that in the long run you end up with long hair.

I think if you're eating protein normally in your diet and aren't vegan so that you're not getting enough protein in your diet, then you probably don't need protein drinks. I have had protein shakes in my home but not for regular supplementation but really for those days I don't feel like cooking and want a nice filling shake. I now have the Ultimate Meal for that so I no longer buy protein shakes.

If someone's diet isn't up to par, then they may notice better hair growth taking protein shakes because they bring easily assimilated nourishment that might be lacking to the hair follicles for better growth of hair that is healthier and therefore stronger than when they were undernourished. Otherwise if your hair growth isn't under par, then the protein is probably being used elsewhere or for energy.
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helps to retain length when applied to hair cause its stronger....i had fallen off with doing protein treatments once a month and just did one last night, last winter they helped me along with wigs to retain length.
@ the last 2 posters. Did you read the OP? She's talking about *drinking* protein shakes.

OP, eating or drinking more protein may make your hair grow faster (if it has any effect at all).
If you apply protein conditioner to your hair, it should make it stronger (if you balance it with moisture.)
Lucky you with your already fast growing hair!
Question....If you have been drinking the protein shakes for approx 4 months by your own admission..what have been its affects on your hair? I mean you probably have at least reached a hypothesis by now. Just curious?

Lack of protein in the diet can cause hair loss through both shedding and in essence if the hair is breaking it is not strong nor is it long. Protein as we all know is made up of a combination of amino acids and since there are 16 essential amino acids it means all protein is not the same. So in the case of Vegans it may not be that they are not getting enough protein they just may not be getting all the required amino acids or the right kinds of protein in order to sustain healthy hair, skin..etc.

With all that being said cysteine is one of the major amino acids that is found in keratin(protein) which is the major construct of hair and gives hair its strength....since amino acids float about in the blood stream stopping off whereever they are needed...good circulation helps cysteine reach hair follicules to build stronger strands...thats why when you exercise frequently or do scalp massages you may see an increase in hair length because it aids in hair strength which utimately is the key in hair retention. I would hypothesize that by drinking the protein shakes that you are providing a back up plan for your body with what it needs to aid in hair strength and growth without sacrificing your hair because of lack of the proper protein from your diet.

So drinking the protein shakes should first and foremost strengthen your hair but if increases in growth come along with it...I say Rapunzel it up!
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I voted both, taken internally(ie. eggs, protein shakes...) maximizes growth, while externally (protein conditioners) strengthen.
Question....If you have been drinking the protein shakes for approx 4 months by your own admission..what have been its affects on your hair? I mean you probably have at least reached a hypothesis by now. Just curious?

She obviously hasn't noticed any change or she wouldn't have been confused by the guy at GNC coz she'd be able to either agree or disagree with him.

Lack of protein in the diet can cause hair loss through both shedding and in essence if the hair is breaking it is not strong nor is it long. Protein as we all know is made up of a combination of amino acids and since there are 16 essential amino acids it means all protein is not the same. So in the case of Vegans it may not be that they are not getting enough protein they just may not be getting all the required amino acids or the right kinds of protein in order to sustain healthy hair, skin..etc.

In my mind, if you are not getting all the essential components that complete the whole then you aren't getting enough. So if someone is missing some amino acids in his/her diet then s/he is not getting enough protein.
She obviously hasn't noticed any change or she wouldn't have been confused by the guy at GNC coz she'd be able to either agree or disagree with him.

I will await her response.

In my mind, if you are not getting all the essential components that complete the whole then you aren't getting enough. So if someone is missing some amino acids in his/her diet then s/he is not getting enough protein

Good thing reality is outside of your mind....I could eat 5 candy bars and get my recommended daily caloric intake along with some other nutrients that is required for that day but not get other nutrients that I needed although I ate enough in calories doesn't mean I got the right nutrients.
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Hmmmm. I see it like this. Hair is protein. So if the rest of your body is getting more protein then it needs on a daily basis then the excess protein would contribute to your hair growth. But so many things would have to be looked at. For instance do you have a well balanced diet? If you are getting all the protein you need from your diet then the protein from the shakes would probably affect your hair growth. Also people who workout on a regular basis usually need to consume more protein for their muscles and energy.

When you apply a protein treatment to your hair you are just reinforcing your hair which helps with retention not growth. But the combination of consuming protein and taking care of the protein growing out of your head could lead to long healthy hair.

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Good thing reality is outside of your mind....I could eat 5 candy bars and get my recommended daily caloric intake along with some other nutrients that is required for that day but not get other nutrients that I needed although I ate enough in calories doesn't mean I got the right nutrients.


Uhmmm...communication breakdown?

Amino acids = units that make up proteins.

Calories = units of energy that could come from different foods.

Calories and Nutrients = apples and oranges. Two totally different things.

Amino acids = units of if you are not getting all the units of protein necessary for total health, then you are missing some protein and not getting enough protein.

Of course, you can get all the units of energy (aka calories) you need from a food that is void of nutrients, because one has nothing to do with the other. But you cannot claim to have gotten all the protein you need if you're missing some amino acids that your body needs. It's not rocket science. :dork:
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I think protein makes hair stronger, leading to retention. I don't believe protein allows the skin to produce more hair. Protein in the skin is functional protein. Protein in our skin cells, on our scalp, help absorb and transport molecules inside of our cells for use for not only our hair, but our body as well. The skins absorbs 60% of what you topically put on it. When the protein in our body gets used for hair it strengthens Keratin, the protein our hair is made up of. I don't believe it tells our scalp to produce more hair.

Uhmmm...communication breakdown?

Amino acids = units that make up proteins.

Calories = units of energy that could come from different foods.

Calories and Nutrients = apples and oranges. Two totally different things.

Amino acids = units of if you are not getting all the units of protein necessary for total health, then you are missing some protein and not getting enough protein.

Of course, you can get all the units of energy (aka calories) you need from a food that is void of nutrients, because one has nothing to do with the other. But you cannot claim to have gotten all the protein you need if you're missing some amino acids that your body needs. It's not rocket science. :dork:

Reading is fundmental but comprehension is essential. You amuse me.
Reading is fundmental but comprehension is essential. You amuse me.

wooow ... relax!


Does it matter what kind of protein? i dont have much knowledge..
doesnt it make you bulk up with muscles though if you are working out as well?

also is there a difference in whey protein,egg protein or other protein powders in terms of hair or other stuff? im very curious to know.
chlorella and spirulina have protein but i dont know if they have enough to make your hair really grow :)

Smile @ Langst.....your question goes to my earlier statement. There are different types of protein which can have different affects on your hair....some have functions in elasticity, some in strengthening, some work on the cuticle layer while others penetrate deeper. So you could be using milder proteins that are focused on the cuticle layer and have enough of that type of protein in your regimen but not enough of the heavier proteins that actually penetrate the shaft and add strength like whey and animal proteins. So you may in essence have enough of one kind of protein but not enough of the other and that is why balance is key.
^^ Hmm.. I have been looking on something called pea protein which is also high in protein like whey and eggs are.. but i dont know if i wanna spend any more money on supplements :/
and especially if it turns out to do nada for my hair
She obviously hasn't noticed any change or she wouldn't have been confused by the guy at GNC coz she'd be able to either agree or disagree with him.

In my mind, if you are not getting all the essential components that complete the whole then you aren't getting enough. So if someone is missing some amino acids in his/her diet then s/he is not getting enough protein.

Hi ladies. I have noticed great changes in my hair, BUT when I started my hair journey back in March I decided to do almost everything I read that others were doing for both growth and retention. Now that I am very close to my goal I'm trying to figure out what parts of my regimens and routines I need to keep and which others are just a waste of time. I am drinking protein shakes, working out, taking Vitamen E daily, 2500 mg of Biotin daily, Castor oil on the scalp twice a week, DC with ORS every wash and moisturize with a protein moisturizer and S-curl regularly, direct heat only once every three months and hard core protective styling. I have gone from APL to the bottom of my braw strap and now that I'm an inch away from MBL (I have a short torso) I am wanting to cut down on some things and the protein shakes are giving me nutorious gas so I want to ditch them. I'm also sick of bunning and want to see my long hair more. I would like to eliminate at least three things, but am a little scared I'll end up back at APL so I'm hesitant to change anything. However, I'm thinking about at least eliminating protein shakes, vitamen E, and using direct heat now every six weeks because I don't need faster hair growth. I just want to grow one more inch and retain it.
My OP was referring to drinking (consuming) protein. If I'm already doing topical protein treatments is it doing me any extra good to consume protein. If not I'd rather save my money. The muscle milk I'm drinking tatste great, but the gas is gettn a lil irritating.
It does both and it does many other beneficial things as well. This is why for the most part you don't take things for hair growth only - you have to look at it from the whole body point of view. It's not how fast your hair grows in - it's the quality of the hair. Plenty of people with fast growing hair think their hair doesn't grow at all coz they haven't figured out how to make their hair strong and tensile. And hair issues aside protein is beneficial to your entire body - the protein shakes also help to maintain your weight for example. You don't have to get your protein from the shakes though - there are many sources for meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans so if you prefer not to take the shakes anymore there are other alternatives.
I don't know about protein shakes making it grow longer, but it does help it grow stronger. Also try ginko, biotin & calcium those help too.
That's why I only consume supplements. I've tried over and over again protein shakes, but to no avail they made me so sick! I am lactose intolerant and the shakes have reaked havoc on my stomach. But at the same time I've heard plenty of rave reviews speaking about the protein shakes. Alas I say again from previous post every thing does not work for everybody! Literally!
That's why I only consume supplements. I've tried over and over again protein shakes, but to no avail they made me so sick! I am lactose intolerant and the shakes have reaked havoc on my stomach. But at the same time I've heard plenty of rave reviews speaking about the protein shakes. Alas I say again from previous post every thing does not work for everybody! Literally!

ycj1 You don't have to have protein shakes with whey or any dairy, and you can use non-dairy beverages in place of milk. I think spirulina ones, like Spirutein, are dairy-free.
That's why I only consume supplements. I've tried over and over again protein shakes, but to no avail they made me so sick! I am lactose intolerant and the shakes have reaked havoc on my stomach. But at the same time I've heard plenty of rave reviews speaking about the protein shakes. Alas I say again from previous post every thing does not work for everybody! Literally!

try brown rice protein.. also very high in protein and recommended for vegans :)
For me, eating protein makes my hair grow. I discovered this by accident. I go on egg binges. Honestly, I have no idea why I crave eggs. As a child, I hated eggs. Nonetheless, they make my hair grow like wild flowers.
For me, eating protein makes my hair grow. I discovered this by accident. I go on egg binges. Honestly, I have no idea why I crave eggs. As a child, I hated eggs. Nonetheless, they make my hair grow like wild flowers.

co-signing! my hair loves protein when eaten. I like protein shakes, eggs, all types of meat, tuna, yogurt, cheese ect and i think this diet contributes to my growth (Now if i could only retain this growth lol)
I will chime in and speak from my own experience. My beautician told me that my hair had a "coating" on it and that is was strong. I can tell you the reason. I lift 5 days a week and take amino acids with every meal. I take at least 10-15 total per day, broken down to accommodate each meal. Also take liver tablets and drink tons of water. Protein shakes in the morning and at night.

Now, I didn't take it for hair growth. However, it made my hair extremely thick and strong. Also, I average one inch per month, but keep in mind I do a lot of cardio therefore, causing me to sweat profusley in my hair.

I hope this helped.

Which brand of amino acids are you taking? I'm getting back into lifting and would love to have an extra coat on my thin strands!

Duchesse I use MASS AMINOS - from the company Beverly International. Go to Beverly International Nutrition Official Website. I NEVER go into a GNC. I've tried everything and have been taking my supplements from this company for years. I see results each time. But remember to be consistent with your workouts and diet too. Check out the site. It has wealth of information in terms of what to eat, etc.

Keep in my mind, I'm consistent in my workout regimen. It's a way of life for me.....