Does OCT/MT break down SMB?


Active Member
Does anyone know if OCT or Mega Tek will break down Sabino's Moisture Block?

I've read so much about SMB and recently placed an order for the product. I'm also using OCT/MT and was wondering if SMB would help protect my hair from protein overload.

Any thoughts?
MT / OCT goes on your scalp, not so much the length of your hair. i don't think this should affect you at all.
Does anyone know if OCT or Mega Tek will break down Sabino's Moisture Block?

I've read so much about SMB and recently placed an order for the product. I'm also using OCT/MT and was wondering if SMB would help protect my hair from protein overload.

Any thoughts?

if your asking , if with SMB you can use MT/OCT on the length of your hair and it offer some protection from the protein, I would say no:nono:

unless it says somewhere it blocks protein , I doubt it

if that was your question even , I couldnt get 'exactly' what you were asking for sure.......
:) I'm natural and getting OCT/MT only on my scalp all the time doesn't always happen. I know that it gets on my hair sometimes because that just the nature of natural hair. I was wondering would the SMB help with the protein overload issue. Will it help protect my hair from the protein? I really worry that this accidental OCT/MT application on some parts of my hair will one day add up.

I do not put OCT/MT on my hair purposely, nor do I put it on the length of my hair.

Sorry my original question was fuzzy.
:) I'm natural and getting OCT/MT only on my scalp all the time doesn't always happen. I know that it gets on my hair sometimes because that just the nature of natural hair. I was wondering would the SMB help with the protein overload issue. Will it help protect my hair from the protein? I really worry that this accidental OCT/MT application on some parts of my hair will one day add up.

I do not put OCT/MT on my hair purposely, nor do I put it on the length of my hair.

Sorry my original question was fuzzy.

I would really like to know the answer to this as well, I only put MT on my scalp as well, but I do get some accidental overlapping onto the hair. ( close to the scalp ) my hair isn't very long yet, NL , so I would like to know what's the BEST leave in moisture? BTW what's SMB? Is it good for retaining moisture?
I'm thinking that anything you put on your scalp IS going to get on your hair , as there is hair at your scalp, plus the run off when rinsing it out

SMB is an anti reversion product blocking out moisture

I dont think it would do anything at all for keeping protein out
:) I'm natural and getting OCT/MT only on my scalp all the time doesn't always happen. I know that it gets on my hair sometimes because that just the nature of natural hair. I was wondering would the SMB help with the protein overload issue. Will it help protect my hair from the protein? I really worry that this accidental OCT/MT application on some parts of my hair will one day add up.

I do not put OCT/MT on my hair purposely, nor do I put it on the length of my hair.

Sorry my original question was fuzzy.

I think your worry is valid, I think its possible too
:) I'm natural and getting OCT/MT only on my scalp all the time doesn't always happen. I know that it gets on my hair sometimes because that just the nature of natural hair. I was wondering would the SMB help with the protein overload issue. Will it help protect my hair from the protein? I really worry that this accidental OCT/MT application on some parts of my hair will one day add up.

I do not put OCT/MT on my hair purposely, nor do I put it on the length of my hair.

Sorry my original question was fuzzy.

I think that as long as your moisture habits stay high, and you are cleaning your hair of any buildup, that you should be fine as far as protein overloading goes.......

:look: I would also say, as a fellow natural, if you are getting that much on your roots, you might be using too much, period. Or maybe I just have big parts. :lol:

As for the SMB - I don't think it's waterproof, and thus if it's on your roots, and the damp MT gets on top of it..... I don't know - I doubt that it would work that way, but I could be wrong.

If you are really worried about protein overload, I would suggest focusing on your overall regimen, and insuring that you are giving your hair enough moisture - protein overload happens because you are giving your hair more protein that moisture - you are shifting off the balance, if that makes sense.
Yeah, I probably should continue to keep an eye on the moisture game and not worry about it . . . it was a thought :)