does no-mix = lye?


Well-Known Member
hi ladies i'm trying to purchase the ORS lye perm online but the description doesnt say lye, it doesnt say no-lye either, it just says no base which leads me to think that it is the lye one but i'n not sure, its in a green jar with dark green lettering, does anyone know for sure if this is the lye one?
hi ladies i'm trying to purchase the ORS lye perm online but the description doesnt say lye, it doesnt say no-lye either, it just says no base which leads me to think that it is the lye one but i'n not sure, its in a green jar with dark green lettering, does anyone know for sure if this is the lye one?

It sounds like the one I use and its mix does mean lye
most of the time but not always.

lithium hydroxide relaxers are sold as no mix relaxes. they usually say no-mix no-lye but not always.

if you are unsure just read the ingredients. sodium hydroxide is lye.
thanks ladies i'm goining to go out on a limb and assume since it doesnt says no-lye that it is lye if not i'll just return it thanks again
most of the time but not always.

lithium hydroxide relaxers are sold as no mix relaxes. they usually say no-mix no-lye but not always.

if you are unsure just read the ingredients. sodium hydroxide is lye.

Yup i was just about to post this. However check the ingredients if the main straightening is only sodium hydroxide, then your ok its lye, howver it should be stated on the container...