Does Moisturized = Oily?


Instagram: adaybyjay
I moisturize/seal daily, sometimes even twice a day. I don't have a staple moisturizer and sealer because I use whatever I have on hand. I've used CFCG, NTM, H14N1, Wave Nouvea and Scurl no drip as moisturizers. I think I like NTM the best. I've used evoo, evco, castor oil, jbco and grapeseed oil as my sealers. I think I like evoo the best.

I read in another thread that a good moisturized head feels cool to the touch. For whatever reason, I'm unable to achieve this cool feeling without applying excessive product to my hair, but in turn, my hair becomes too oily.

Is it possible to achieve moisturized hair that's cool to the touch without excessive oil in the hair? AND, what prods do you use to moisturize/seal?
Ive never heard of the moisturized head=cool to touch thing,:huh: what thread did you read that in?:scratchch

I would say just moisturize your hair and dont apply too much product, it should be fine:yep:
Is it possible to achieve moisturized hair that's cool to the touch without excessive oil in the hair? AND, what prods do you use to moisturize/seal?
I don't know what you mean by 'cool to the touch' either, but I will say that my moisturized hair feels like it has moisture. It has a sheen to it, but never oily.

Leave in: Infusium, water, suave coconut, scurl
Moisturize: EVCO
Seal: Usually shea butter. Currently CD Mimosa Hair Honey
Ive read about the cool to the touch feeling with moisturized hair...

That 'feeling' does not apply to my texture of hair.

Moisturized hair for me feels satiny and soft vs. wiry and dry

Never oily
Is it possible to achieve moisturized hair that's cool to the touch without excessive oil in the hair? AND, what prods do you use to moisturize/seal?

Yes S Curl alone does this for me. And that's with me only applying it on wash day. My hair feels moist w/o being greasy/sticky and it does feel somewhat cool coz it's kinda damp. I usually don't seal. And yes, it feels this way even on the days when I don't reapply.

My definition of moisturized hair is not hair that is cool to the touch but rather hair that is soft. I go for months w/o any leave-in in my hair but I believe my hair is moisturized because I condition it twice a week, with one of those being a DC, and then keep the moisture from that from getting lost and encourage sebum production by baggying nightly. My hair feels soft and while some may not get with bare hair, I personally love how it feels. When my hair isn't moisturized, it feels hard and dry.
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Yes i've heard the 'cool to the touch' phrase and i think its true. Whilst i have dry hair my Mum's natural hair feels oh so slightly moist and cool but not greasy. She does nothing special with her hair so no advice to give really.
Yes when my hair is moisturized it does feel cool. I can't really explain it further than that. Not cold and not really wet, but cool like if I had been sitting under a shady tree all day even if I haven't. Or the way a silk scarf feels cool. My hair never feels oily even though i seal with oil
When my hair is properly moisturized my hair feels cool to the touch as well. The reason I use the word "cool" to explain the feeling is because it does not feel wet or damp, rather as if the strands are retaining moisture/water on the inside keeping the outside of the strands a few degrees cooler. However along with the cool feel my hair is soft & pliable.

I do seal my hair with oil, and it takes about 5 to 7 days to start to feel oily. When it does start to feel oily I just wash and then I start the cycle over again!!
You know, this might be a bit off topic, but I sometimes read comments about how a person's hair is need of a good DC or it looks dry.

My hair looks dry, but it's definitely soft/moisturized ( I don't like sealing with castor oil too much since I prefer my hair "bare" like Nonie. I don't know. Oily hair just looks like crap to me (especially going back to the days of relaxed hair in school).

My hair doesn't have a natural sheen, unless I add oil to it.
wow OK now I just spent the last 3 mins feeling my hair.

my twists actually do feel cool, the cornrowed part ofcourse does not feel cool even though its moisterized (I assumed due to my body heat)

I will check again when I get home (and not in an a/c'd environment) to see if my twists still feel cool to the touch.
Dont overload your hair with products to achieve that "cool to the touch" feeling. I think that you should just use your moisturizer and sealant daily...just enough not to much. I think that with your weekly DC's and everyday moisturizing your hair should balance itself out without all the buildup and grease.
I remember the "cool to the touch" statement and believe it to be true. My hair is in 5 flat twists and with the back of my hand they feel cool to the touch. The twists also feel "springy" and my fingers are not oily. YAY!

I moisturized a little differently by spraying braid spray in my hands and applying to my hair in sections, then I did a few drops of oil. I let it dry and added shea butter (about a .25 or less amount to whole head) and as I twisted I added a creamy leave-in to each section and sealed with grease on the ends. I did all of this because I did a protein treatment this weekend and am gonna try a twistout for the first time in over a year and want moisturized and protected hair.

So I've said all this to say, that it may be good to do a naked assessment of your hair sometimes to get a true feel of the condition of your hair. If it feels dry, stiff or un-moisturized with no products after a DC and dry hair, try adding moisture a little at a time or in "layers" to get to the desired level of moisturization.

I used a braid spray, oil, shea butter a creamy leave-in and then sealed the ends with grease. I will post a pic of the twistout in my siggy if it comes out nice.
That cool to the touch thing is something I've never heard, but I think I like it. I usually go by soft like another poster said. I don't seal unless I've used coconut oil to moisturize my hair, so it's never really greasy or oily.
Now that you mention it, I remember when after I had washed, closed my cuticle with porosity control, and let my hair completely dry. I felt my hair and It felt "cool."

Not oily, not greasy, and not waxy. Firm but soft, soft and cool.

Crazy! :drunk:
The cool to the touch thing throws me for a loop too. lol

Doesn't the temperature of your hair depend on the temp of the air around you though?

I can't see how unmoisturized hair = warm and moisturized hair = cool. You can really feel the difference? It could only be a couple of degrees too.

It's not like if you were sitting in a room temperature room, your moisturized hair would be 30 degrees. (-1 degree Celsius, lol)

So I'm thinking that this is a slight difference in temperature, but enough so that you can feel it?

Why? How?

However along with the cool feel my hair is soft & pliable.

I do seal my hair with oil, and it takes about 5 to 7 days to start to feel oily. When it does start to feel oily I just wash and then I start the cycle over again!!
I feel that when I achieve the cool to the touch feeling, my hair loses pliability. Can moisturizer by itself weigh the hair down or it the sealer (oil) that does that? About how much moisturizer and oil do you use for your entire head?

I go for months w/o any leave-in in my hair but I believe my hair is moisturized because I condition it twice a week, with one of those being a DC, and then keep the moisture from that from getting lost and encourage sebum production by baggying nightly.
How do you keep your hair from being overly damp from baggying nightly? Do you whole head baggy or ends only? I'm only successful with baggying my ends because I wake up with too damp to do anything with hair when I baggy my whole head.

Dont overload your hair with products to achieve that "cool to the touch" feeling. I think that you should just use your moisturizer and sealant daily...just enough not to much. I think that with your weekly DC's and everyday moisturizing your hair should balance itself out without all the buildup and grease.
Maybe may problem is stemming from the hair not being conditioned enough from DC. I'm a newbie and haven't been DC'ing regularly before joining LHCF. About how much product do you use?
Moisture = Water

To attain this, use products with lots of water and glycerin helps retain moisture.

haha this is my second time promoting glycerin today.

Using products that contain WATER first are moisturizing products.
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How do you keep your hair from being overly damp from baggying nightly? Do you whole head baggy or ends only? I'm only successful with baggying my ends because I wake up with too damp to do anything with hair when I baggy my whole head.

I usually have no product whatsoever on my hair when I baggy (except for those days when I wear my hair out and use S Curl). The only moisture I have under the cap is usually the moisture my hair captured from DCing/conditioning and the sebum my scalp produces, and when using S Curl, that little bit I apply on wash day. It's just the perfect amount that my hair can contain and store, so when I baggy then take my cap off, hair feels a bit damp due to the moisture that evaporated due to heat of the cap and got trapped in the cap and then condensed back on the hair, but it's never wet. I believe the sebum we say doesn't travel up curly hair also gets to play inside the cap due to heat and then gets trapped from evaporating by the cap so it settles higher up the strands, hence the reason my hair stays moisturized even though I don't supplement with any leave-ins (when in braids) or reapply S Curl daily (when using S Curl and wearing my hair out).

I think the reason people's hair get so wet from baggying is because they load their hair with more moisture than it needs. Hair can only absorb so much and then the rest just sits on the outside. I am not heavy handed with products and usually go bare, so when I baggy, I don't have liquid oozing out the sides of the cap. And my hair is never too wet to work with but sufficiently damp for me to comb and style with ease, or just to take cap off and run out the door.
Yes when my hair is moisturized it does feel cool. I can't really explain it further than that. Not cold and not really wet, but cool like if I had been sitting under a shady tree all day even if I haven't. Or the way a silk scarf feels cool. My hair never feels oily even though i seal with oil

Same know how a healthy green leaf feels off of a plant?....that cool feeling?...thats how my hair feels when its you can feel how hydrated it is:yep:
:spinning: The more similar to hay my hair feels, the more dry it is. The less like hay it feels the more moisturized it feels. :drunk:

The temperature of my hair varies on how i wear my hair and the weather. THe closer it is to my head ( strait or in a bun etc ) the warmer it is. The farther the hair is to my body the cooler it is, esp on a cold day.... i think its just a description, not really a great identifier of hair health.....

i cant really fathom any scientific reason dry hair would be warmer than moist hair
:spinning: The more similar to hay my hair feels, the more dry it is. The less like hay it feels the more moisturized it feels. :drunk:

The temperature of my hair varies on how i wear my hair and the weather. THe closer it is to my head ( strait or in a bun etc ) the warmer it is. The farther the hair is to my body the cooler it is, esp on a cold day.... i think its just a description, not really a great identifier of hair health.....

i cant really fathom any scientific reason dry hair would be warmer than moist hair

Exactly the same for me.
Moisturized = soft, cool hair. If you need to moisturize and seal twice a day your hair is too dry to begin with. Up your DC game and incorporate your EVOO in that process. Make sure your cuticles are sealed afterward.
IMHO EVOO is too heavy for daily use. That's why you have greasy hair. Use a lighter oil (almond perhaps). No need to be heavy handed with it either, just a light application will do the job.
Ive noticed my hair stays moisturized and cool to touch depending on the deep conditioner I use. I used to oil my scalp, use a moisturizer on my hair and seal with oil daily but i noticed my hair would become too oily and weighed down and it was worse when I worked out. Now I use a good moisturizing deep condish once a week and on a daily basis between washes I use NTM split end mender and argan oil, its light and doesnt weigh my hair down, occasionally I might use Mizani coconut souffle as a light moisturizer, maybe once a week. I dont oil my scalp like i used to, maybe once a week with a light oil if I need it. Thats been working for me so far.