Does long hair run in ur family?


Well-Known Member
I know genetics has some responsibility for hair length and speed of hair growth so I was just wondering if those with long hair have long hair in their family.
I have NEVER really been past shoulder length and neither has my mother or sister.
But hopefully my new regimen for actually caring for my hair will change all that.
On my mom's side.. long hair runs in my family with all the females. (potential for APL and beyond)

but on my dad's side.. NOPE!
Yes. My maternal grandmother was waistlength. My mom is currently shoulder length although for many years she was bsl. My aunt (mom's sister) is mid-back to waistlength and has been for over 10 years. Q
ON my mom's side sort of. All I know is BOOBS run in the family. :wallbash:
No, unfortunately it does not on either side, but my mom nurtured my hair as a child so I was always known as the long haired one.
no not really. My great aunt has APL. that's the longest I know about. But i'm not lettig that discourage me because my mom and grandma didn't know how to take care of their hair anyway.
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Yes... every female on my mother's side has/had long hair. The one paternal aunt that I know has long hair.
Long Hair does run in my immediate family....My Mother ( still growing back from Chemotherapy) My brother, My Sister and Me......All of my Aunts on my Mothers side hair was MBL or WL until they all passed...I lost all my Aunts within a 5 year span...
There are a lot of WL and BSL women in my family my mom's side. I just was in a state of depression after losing my grandparents and my hair suffered in the process. Thanks Jesus for the ladies of LHCF. My grandmother had always handled my hair so I didn't know what to do with it. I'm a 3c and always wore a protective style, I was BSL and now, um, chin length bob because my lack of care it just FELL OUT and I mean, full strands in clumps in the sink EACH AND EVERY DAY, now because of you all I may have 3 little strands at the most.
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Long hair doesn't run in my family but I think it's just because nobody in my family knows how to take care of their hair. Using the techniques I learned from this forum I was able to make armpit length last year.
On my father's side hip length, mbl natural is common. On my mother's side not so much. Everyone who really takes care of their hair tends to keep it short.My mother did have full BSL though until her medication wrecked it. On both sides there is potential for longer lengths but their practices/choices keep it from happening.
On my maternal side. I'm not too sure about my father's side of the family since my paternal grandmother has always kept her hair short and only had sons.
I only remember my mom with APL hair. But she didn't like long hair so she always cut it. MAYBE my father's mother but it was always pinned up and I was way to young to pay attention, all I wanted was my hot dogs. But on my mother's side they have a lot of hair and I think there's a lot of potential to grow long hair. Unfortunately the only people that could help me figure it out are my grandmother who always has her natural hair pinned up and I love to stretch it (about APL but she shrunk so it's a little confusing :lachen:). Her sister prefers her twa but recently got a perm and I'd say it's between SL and APL? If she cuts it in a TWA in a year it's long again....mind you, they're both in their 90s.

bottom line, good potential....
Hmmm. But for a lot of people it'll be hard to know if long hair doesn't "run" in their family or if their family just has bad haircare techniques.

Though I'm the only female in my family who currently has hair past her shoulders, I think long hair does run in my family. My family members just tend to abuse their hair. We tend to have very fine hair that can't handle relaxers but they still relax.
On my father's side, APL is roughly the longest. I used to think 2 of his sisters had bsl hair until I saw them weaveless I felt kinda dissapointed.

On my mother's side I'll say bsl. My mother always had the longest hair (used to be bsl) and she still does eventhough she's only been natural for two years now (apl). My sister's hair is just past apl now.

I'm gonna have to say that my family on both sides have the potential to grow long hair but I think their stylist trim with every touch-up.

I didn't include myself above. I have the longest hair on both sides thanks to the knowledge i've gotten on these hair forums. I'm the only one who never had a relaxer too:rolleyes:.
Yea on my dad side. Eventhough I hbve white people on both sides on my family, my dad side has the most people with long hair. My dad has nice hair too I think is 3a/3b. So I get my "good hair" from him
My texture runs hard on my mothers side and slightly on my daddys side. Length runs more so on my moms side. The weird colors are on both sides (2 redheads 1 blond on my daddys side, 3 redheads 2 blond on my mothers side). But the thickness... Nobody has thick hair like me and my sisters. My aunts always say "I dont know where yall got all that thick hair from :ohwell:."
Yeah, even with my brothers...but we can't seem to stop reaching for the scissors :wallbash: I guess it's just in us to keep cutting. I have never been past shoulder length, but that is because my hair grows faster on the left side and I end up cutting it so that it looks uniform. Also because I used to damage it with heat and chemicals.

My mom has always been SL, but when she stopped going to get her hair done, stretching her relaxers, and taking care of it herself, it started getting longer!

Now that I am natural, my hair is growing equally on both sides. Yay!! As I child my hair was constantly being pressed and thick, heavy dollops of grease were laden onto my scalp. I remember when my mom used to wash my hair, she did this sad little lathering and moved my hair around on my head. I remember begging her to cleanse my scalp. She never did and it used to always make me so mad! So, I would always have this film on my scalp and dandruff galore.

Anyhoo, my sister has always been MBL, but she hates when it gets too long and reaches for the scissors. One of my brothers has his hair in braids, the other has twists, and my other brothers shaves his head. My bro in law shaves his head, my 5 and 6 year old nieces are both naturals with WL hair. Our hair grows fast, we just hate for it to get too long :yep:
Nah, just average at my house. My mom and Grandma are both a little below shoulder length. No biggie. I'm JUST starting to get a lil loner than them. When I was a little girl though, I was easily APL with all the protective styles my ma used to do with my natural hair.
i don't know my dad's side but on my mom's side YES!! When I was young all i remember is seeing WL down to TBL. As I got older they started cutting it so now most of my aunties and mom are rocking TWAs
No, it doesn't. My Mom(though she keeps her short now) a cousin, and I are the only ones that have ever had any hair to speak of.

Probably just bad haircare practices on their parts but I don't think I have ever seen anyone in my family with hair longer than SL. Maybe APL if I think really hard. :lol:
My maternal grandmother once had waistlength hair until much to the dismay of my great grandfather she cut it off. My mom' side of the family's hair grows like weeds and it is thick and heavy...:yep:

Now those folks that claim to be related to my dad have the slowest growing hair ever!!! I get my hair coloring from that side more than my mom' side. My mom's side tends to have natural black hair for the most part. My dad' side tends to be more brown and lighten in the summer but grow rather slow. Guess which side of the gene pool I got pushed into?:nono:

But with patience, vitamins, MN and time I shall perservere!!!:yawn:
Long hair doesn't run in my family but I think it's just because nobody in my family knows how to take care of their hair. Using the techniques I learned from this forum I was able to make armpit length last year.

I agree with this statement.

I think long hair potentially runs in my family if we took the time to learn how to take care of it.
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