Does JBCO make your scalp itch/tingle?


New Member
Hello ladies, just started using JBCO, my scalp is a bit itchy,lol. Has anyone else experienced this. And how often do you use it? everynight? weekly?
Thanks for your input.
It does the opposite for me, it made my scalp stop itching. I use it about 3x a week. 2x directly on my scalp and 1x to seal my hair. I also add it to my deep conditioners.
Are you using the Tropic Isle regular or lavender kind? There's also Olde Jamaica brand that has various EOs including rosemary. I'm asking this because plain black castor oil shouldn't cause any irritation unless you're allergic to castor oil.

I don't use it on my scalp neat as it's too thick. This stuff seems to work better when mixed w/ other things. Every so often I'll use some on my edges and nape unmixed, but never on the scalp. When I use it there, it doesn't cause me to itch.
ooohhh girl, yes!!!

my scalp be itchin like i got poison ivy or

and i wear a bun too so i use pens, boby pins, combs anything i can to get up in there...hahaha... i find my self slapin my head at work trying to relieve it and it just makes it work. but my hair is soft and my scalp it healthy...lololol...
Are you using the Tropic Isle regular or lavender kind? There's also Olde Jamaica brand that has various EOs including rosemary. I'm asking this because plain black castor oil shouldn't cause any irritation unless you're allergic to castor oil.

I don't use it on my scalp neat as it's too thick. This stuff seems to work better when mixed w/ other things. Every so often I'll use some on my edges and nape unmixed, but never on the scalp. When I use it there, it doesn't cause me to itch.

This is the brand that i use..i don't have any problems. As a matter of fact, it stopped my itchy scalp.
I itch like crazy which makes me believe that I am slightly allergic to it....then again I am allergic to almost everything topical!
I hate JBCO because it seems to just sit there on my scalp and make it itch. I have an itchy scalp anyway and JBCO does not help at all.

The only oil i use now is coconut oil, and i never apply it directly to my scalp excpt during hot oil prepoo treatments
Its the tropical isle kind. I was at work yesterday and had my clip on extensions, Honey!...I almost had to get rid of them, lol. I just received mine in the mail so I've only used for about 2-3 days. I'll probably continue using it, just not on my scalp.
yes my scalp is itchy from the JBCO. I had stopped using it for this reason but then decided to use it up. maybe I'll use it up in DC.
Hello ladies, just started using JBCO, my scalp is a bit itchy,lol. Has anyone else experienced this. And how often do you use it? everynight? weekly?
Thanks for your input.

It does seem to make my scalp itch when I use it alone. I was using every other day but now twice a week and I use on my hair only while its wet. I do mix it into my henna/indigo mixes.
It makes me itch like crazy! This is the 1st time I've used the Black. I got it from sams24/7. I ordered the plain, but they sent me the lavender and I think that's the culprit. On the otherhand, for the ladies that do itch, are you using the plain or the lavender? I'm trying to see if the EO could be the cause or the oil period. I'm gonna call and see if I can get the plain instead, but I'll wait for responses first. THX!