Does it look better??...


New Member
Ladies I hated the wig at first....really it was a 27 I wanted a 33/27 dark auburn mixed with strawberry blonde...instead they sent me a strawberry blonde wig...with a 33/27 tag...


What i did was...I dyed the back half a light brown...than added a dark blonde into the strawberry blonde...I think it gives the wig more dimmension....and its not as BAM!!!! in your face...

I also thinned it out at the top...i might have to do a little more around the hairline...

I also BLEACHED my boy it makes a difference...I love how it looks even without the wig on...because my hair still has that auburn shade in it....

here are some pics of the close the final results...
ooooooh! pretty! i like it much better now!

you are REALLY making me want a lacefront *sniffle* if only i had the money
Good job. :)

Hey, can you take a closer pic of the front of your head? I'm curious about how the lace front blends into the hairline.
I liked how it was before you thinned it out, but it does look more like your real hair when it isn't as curly! :yep:
You are work that (lace front):) !!!! I love pic #4 & 5:yep:. I want one pls let me know where to purchase it the cost (everything). I am going to Miami in July & I want that wig !!!:D :D
when i wore mine outside for the 1st time i decided to go someplace where i didnt really care too much about what the people thought... that way i wouldnt be too self conscious... so i went to walmart :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

i noticed a couple sistas in there tryna figure out what was up but thats normal....
looks really good especially since you thinned it out and tamed the color
did you use thinning shears or did you just remove some of the rows of hair
lol you did better than me...I was just gonna go to the post office and 711.....loool...

ms portugal....are low lights the same as highlights just a darker color...?

I was going to do that but I ran out of brown dye!!!!.llloooollll
DangerouslyShy said:
ms portugal....are low lights the same as highlights just a darker color...?

I was going to do that but I ran out of brown dye!!!!.llloooollll

yep you got it its darker or slightly darker streaks You did a really good job it makes me wonder what kind of people stars have working with them that they are walking around paying all of that money and still looking a mess and in one day you have managed to work the lace wig!

Go ahead with your bad self!!!!!! Its done i'm getting one i may spiral perm mine though
OMG!!!!!!! I have to stop looking at the pics! You are making me want one. Is it glued down in the front? Could you take some close of photos? You are definitely working that!
Yep! That looks much much better. Your right about the BAM in your face! LOL I can definitely see a difference now.

The colors you chose work very well...including the eyebrows.
haha, it looks great..I liked it at first too.. I worked those curls out; now its just wavy but I have gotten soo many compliments on it and yours looks much better. Only one nosy white girl has told me she could see the "netting" and thats cos she knows my hair is really short so we was all up in it. Im really wanting another one cos I like bangs and I dont want to cut this one..I like it better than other wigs cos I like the hair, and its pretty lightweight--I've worn it to a club before.
Thank you ladies...I was really self concious about wearing that orangish yellow glad i didnt wear it anywhere....

Now im more comfortable.....but this is totally out of my element i usually stick with dark colors....

Carrie no its not glued down....I still havent done that....