Does Indigo have conditioning benefits???


Well-Known Member
I have heard of all the conditioning benefits of Henna but I was wondering if Indigo has those same benefits. Also do any of you ladies us indigo without doing a henna treatment first?
The website says that Indigo should not be used alone. I don't think it has any conditioning benefits and to dye the hair jet black you have to henna first then you have to Indigo.

I did a henna conditioner last night and I love how it thickened up my strands. I have to work on doing it and getting less tangled results. I will be dying my hair with indigo as soon as I get it in the mail:p
Hope this helps :)
It's perfectly safe to use indigo alone. I use indigo exclusively. I haven't done a henna treatment in a long time and my hair is just as conditioned. says it's best to use henna before your first indigo because indigo has a kind of blue-green tint before it oxidizes. Henna will offset that, but it will develop into a blue-black color within 24hours w/o henna. HTH
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Okay so I guess I will just have to see how it works for my hair then. I bought a lot of indigo and I only have a little bit of henna left. That is why I was wondering if I could use the remaining indigo alone. Thanks for your help!
sareca said:
It's perfectly safe to use indigo alone. I use indigo exclusively. I haven't done a henna treatment in a long time and my hair is just as conditioned. says it's best to use henna before your first indigo because indigo has a kind of blue-green tint before it oxidizes. Henna will offset that, but it will develop into a blue-black color within 24hours w/o henna. HTH

Sareca, how long would you sayt he color lasts before you have to do another Indigo treatment.
HoneyDew said:
Sareca, how long would you sayt he color lasts before you have to do another Indigo treatment.

The longest I've gone w/o doing a treatment is 7 weeks and a lot of the color had faded. It starts to lose the blue after about 3 weeks and the black starts turning back to red around 6 weeks.
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I didn't realize the the color of indigo faded. I thought I would be stuck with it. Now I am definitely going to use it. I thought it was permanent.
Guyaneek said:
I didn't realize the the color of indigo faded. I thought I would be stuck with it. Now I am definitely going to use it. I thought it was permanent.

It's technically considered a permanent color but it fades a lot. But if you have light colored hair it will remain predominately black, but not blue-black.
This is good to know. I think I will stick with Henna first then Indigo because I like the way Henna thickens up my fine hair, but if I don't feel like bothering I will just do Indigo alone.

When I went to the Indian Grocery store and asked for Indigo the lady looked at me like I was crazy, she said that Indigo was usually used for laundry in India. She asked me what I wanted to do with it I told her dye my hair and she gave me the "Alrighty little Black Girl":lol: look. She will probably order some from her supplier and I will be able to get it locally.
trimbride said:
This is good to know. I think I will stick with Henna first then Indigo because I like the way Henna thickens up my fine hair, but if I don't feel like bothering I will just do Indigo alone.

When I went to the Indian Grocery store and asked for Indigo the lady looked at me like I was crazy, she said that Indigo was usually used for laundry in India. She asked me what I wanted to do with it I told her dye my hair and she gave me the "Alrighty little Black Girl":lol: look. She will probably order some from her supplier and I will be able to get it locally.

:lol: :grin: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
trimbride said:
This is good to know. I think I will stick with Henna first then Indigo because I like the way Henna thickens up my fine hair, but if I don't feel like bothering I will just do Indigo alone.

When I went to the Indian Grocery store and asked for Indigo the lady looked at me like I was crazy, she said that Indigo was usually used for laundry in India. She asked me what I wanted to do with it I told her dye my hair and she gave me the "Alrighty little Black Girl":lol: look. She will probably order some from her supplier and I will be able to get it locally.

:lachen: That's hilarious!!
trimbride said:
This is good to know. I think I will stick with Henna first then Indigo because I like the way Henna thickens up my fine hair, but if I don't feel like bothering I will just do Indigo alone.

When I went to the Indian Grocery store and asked for Indigo the lady looked at me like I was crazy, she said that Indigo was usually used for laundry in India. She asked me what I wanted to do with it I told her dye my hair and she gave me the "Alrighty little Black Girl":lol: look. She will probably order some from her supplier and I will be able to get it locally.

When I was growing up we used it for laundry also. So when the ladies start talking about indigo, I thought it was the indigo used for laundry. I was shocked when they sent me something green. I was expecting that blue indigo powder. I had to come here and ask the ladies if it was suppose to be green...
When I was growing up we used it for laundry also. So when the ladies start talking about indigo, I thought it was the indigo used for laundry. I was shocked when they sent me something green. I was expecting that blue indigo powder. I had to come here and ask the ladies if it was suppose to be green...

Yeah I was a bit :ohwell: but then when I dyed my hair it was irrefutably black.
Indigo has very little conditioning benefits. It is nothing like henna which will deep condition the hair. Indigo can be used on the hair alone if you want bluish/purple hair color. If you have dark hair with some grays, the indigo used alone will give you purple highlights. I cant wait until my grays get longer so that I can do just indigo in my hair. It looks really pretty with dark to black hair. It is, however, more beneficial when used with henna. carries really high quality indigo and body art quality henna which means it is very finely ground and rich in lawsone. They also have many other great herbal powders for the hair like amla, cassia (neutral henna), shikakai, etc. I like to mix amla into my henna and indigo mix because it nourishes the hair and gives me a browner color rather than the reds.
Indigo has very little conditioning benefits. It is nothing like henna which will deep condition the hair. Indigo can be used on the hair alone if you want bluish/purple hair color. If you have dark hair with some grays, the indigo used alone will give you purple highlights. I cant wait until my grays get longer so that I can do just indigo in my hair. It looks really pretty with dark to black hair. It is, however, more beneficial when used with henna. carries really high quality indigo and body art quality henna which means it is very finely ground and rich in lawsone. They also have many other great herbal powders for the hair like amla, cassia (neutral henna), shikakai, etc. I like to mix amla into my henna and indigo mix because it nourishes the hair and gives me a browner color rather than the reds.

OK - this is like the third time you posted this. Stop spamming.